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Everything posted by cyde01

  1. krespy, glad to here that you're okay. my heart goes out to all the earthquake victims who suffered thru so much. now back to the ep: holy shart!!!!!! SMS molested the vajra like little altar boys!!!!! and protoculture = newtype? maybe ranka swallowed one of those purple stones when she was little? her bulge appears to shine just like the earrings? dunno if this has been discussed yet but vajra appear to have superior technology according to luca's reconnaissance. their ships have the ability to fold thru fold barriers like they're not even there, and they have something called a "fold reactor."
  2. you should include bridge bunnies. i wud have voted for kim, one of the original bridge bunnies. or emilia from the mac 7 movie. komilia from the 2036 video game is pretty foine as well. edit: added o to foine.
  3. well i hope you enjoy it. to be honest the reaction to it seems to be pretty mixed. it got critical reviews by critics and is looked upon favorably by some fans mostly due to character development and real world setting. it is criticized by others for it's uninspiring mecha action choreography and certain strange plot twists. i personally enjoyed it a lot and while the mecha choreography is no where near itano circus levels, it still has action packed moments and does a good job of creating suspense. be warned, tho, it starts off really slow. i think most of the people critical of this series were turned off by the slow start and didn't stick around long enough to see the better episodes.
  4. someone steals sheryl's panties!!!!!
  5. apparently, neither does sheryl's top.
  6. i wish i could help you but i'm not the hardcore type of fan who keeps lots of reference material. i can't really confirm or deny anything.
  7. i actually don't recall that class of ship ever being called guantanamo class except in english documents. i remember it always being maizuru class in japanese. but i could be remembering wrong.
  8. woah, you guys remember the nes macross game!!? that thing was bomb!!! i kept losing tho cuz i stuck to fighter mode until i got inside the ship. shoulda tried gerwalk..
  9. i'm a religious fundamentalist, but i'm not too keen on the name either.
  10. woah!!! vf-9 cutlass!!!
  11. loved it!!!!!
  12. i dunno, but macross galaxy certainly sounds like a weird place. no zentradi, no domed city ship with earth like landscapes, electronic implants that are illegal on frontier are extremely commonplace. sheryl made it sound like quite a dreary and artificial place.
  13. according to the dialogue in the show, they were in fact dissecting the vajra to obtain info about it. it uses the same energy conversion armor that the valks use, and can continually produce missile like projectiles internally. however, it has little or no brain, meaning it is either a low form of life that doesn't need a brain or it's being controlled remotely, which points to it being a biological weapon. on an unrelated note, in the zentran mall, if alto had paper to make a paper airplane, why did sheryl need to start writing lyrics on giant panties?
  14. don't know if these have been posted yet, but here are some story points for those who can't wait for the subtitles: i wish kk would just stay macronized.
  15. woah, that's pretty bad!! AiA nailed that one. gattai's doesn't make sense at all! we've managed 50 for the business? right up your alley?
  16. "teisatsu gari" makes no grammatical sense whatsoever. "teisatsu gari" is not "target hunting," it is "surveillance hunting." how do u hunt for surveillance?
  17. except she's not funny. she's lame.
  18. He doesn't call it precious, he calls it an "antique." in other words, it's old/antiquated. he was mocking it, which is why klan got patriotic and defended the zentran weapon.
  19. according to michel she's "genetically challenged!!!" lol
  20. omgggg klan klein is gaaaaaay. what is this, sailor moon? did we really need a character like that in this show? besides that the epsiode was awesome.
  21. i thought that after wing blew up a lot of the gundam series after that were getting released in the US? i don't really pay attention to gundam so i was just assuming. didn't seed get a US release?
  22. eh? why is that a surprise?
  23. hmmmm.. NT: [puffs on joint]Duuude, her hair moves on it's own a lot!! SK: Tentacle hair. No wait, Gubaba space age hair gel!!!![Laughs] We'll make a commercial for it with a bunch of gubabas doing the nyan nyan!!!!! [room full of middle age otakus rofling] EL: Into the compendium it goes! sry i was bored.
  24. necron: actually i think they're about the same age. altho ranka looks a lot younger..
  25. i would've preferred "space age hair care product."
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