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About Mousey

  • Birthday 12/17/1986

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. That's absolutely positively amazing! ^__^ You're so lucky, I would love to meet either of them. Just wow. ^^
  2. It's almost hard for me to compare Macross TV and DYRL, because even if it's the same characters and basic elements, the execution is vastly different. The animation in DYRL dwarfed the TV series, since the style was sloppy at times, and hardly consistent. DYRL moved too fast for my taste, but sometimes the TV series was at a deathly standstill, or even a regression. I liked a lot of the Hikaru and Minmay interaction in the TV series though, even if their date in DYRL was adorably cute. The overall Macross TV storyline and development was more appealing to me, and the main reason it was my choice.
  3. Quite a while ago, I stumbled upon a website that had a large collection of Macross MIDIs, and I saved them for various uses. That site went down a while back, but I've uploaded them to a page on my domain where you can download them. Enjoy ^__^<3 http://www.fairy-fountain.net/macross-midi.html
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