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Everything posted by nyacumo28

  1. Guys, guys, thanks for taking the time to explain all your points!!! Actually, ChristopherB, you are right!!!when there´s will there´s a way, first than anything on one of the first posts i stated that the looks of the VF where not my aiming at this time, after i ruinned the valk trying to take of the paint i started to try to improbe the way it looks in the mechanin aspect of the transformation, that´s way i´m doing all the stuff you´ve seen in the pics. But you said something right i´m scanning the parts wich i like, the new ones i mean, to reproduce and apply them in another valk. And as you said when there is will there is a way, and you are correct when you say that sanding the valk parts for example the chest plate will make them thinner, but i foun a product,( i don´t know if i can mention the brand on the forum), wich is a really thin epoxy paint wich it´s self leveling, so i covers in an awesome way anything you put it on, and when it dries you get a ceramic termination incredibly hard, so the thin parts do get hardened and filled. The line panes should be painted later some how, i din´t figure it out yet. The customs fees issue is, as Jolly Rogers says, except that i never had a friend to buy my valks from, i always bought them in a local store, and the one and only time i made it on e-bay the guy who sold it to me declared the value of the valk as per the transaction price, something like 50 U$D and i paid almost the triple here, so i never figured out that it could be send as a "GIFT" (you are right that´s the menaning of REGALO) therefore the customs shouldn´t charge anything on it. Thanks for the advice. I only have to find some one selling VF´s on the USA willingly to mark it as a gift. No offense taken, when i decided to post on the forums was to get ideas and advices from you guys, you are the experienced ones. I´m only a big Macross fan who tryies to have a nice valk as you do. Regards and thanks to ALL of you. Nicolas
  2. yeah... kind of, i used a solution to remove the paint and i left it a little more than i sould in it and VOILA!!!! Anyway, i´m goin to leave smooth and shiny!!!!
  3. that´s right, as far as i could check the pics the only functions is to allow a non removable heat shield. It would be great i f you could post some scans of the pics. Regards.
  4. yes may be i should post there...
  5. there is a pic i found of an Advanced VF, nut i guess one more time is not a retail one, so i started to figure out the way it transforms starting from the pic here is the pic.
  6. This is the original toy, notice the nosecone wich i modified with epoxy material, the legs will transform as the Yamato 1/48 the one with the swing bar on the underside of the back plate, an the feets are being sculpted on a thin brionze plae as the one on the swing bars already shown. The feets are anime like You know with trapezoidal walls and that little terrace level. Regards
  7. the last one...
  8. and yet another one...
  9. another one...
  10. Yes they are a disgrace, anyway... Here are some pics of the custom primal , pay no attention to the looks of the Valk i´m focused in the system first then i´ll do the make up.
  11. Well, actually they have a web site you can chek www.camelot-comics.com.ar And yes the customs fees are too much, for example y bought a 1/55 bandai valkirya on Ebay, i paid for it included the shipping and handling 60 USD wich are 180 Pesos argentinos, when it finally cross the customs office i had to pay 370 pesos wich are 124 USD. In th stores you will find them for about 650 pesos 216 dolars.
  12. ok, i´ll just have to keep working in my custom then.
  13. notice the yellow sticker in the left upper corner, it says i was modeled by some guy, it means is not a retail model isn´t it?
  14. Omega, is good to know you are about to end your studies and that you are moving with your girlfriend to Arg, it is true in Tucumán is really hot, but winters last only a few days so in case you come during this year just let me know!!! A question: does exist any hasegawa transformable model kit? be cause i found another claimed Hasegawa 1/72 kit really nice an smooth, fully transformable. Here it is...
  15. Rogers, yes i paid that in a store, they are really expensive here!!! That´s why when you don´t have the chance to get a VF from a store the way you would like it, you put your brains to work and start customizing the one you have. I really made a lot of possible designs for the transformation system, before i got convinv¿ced trhat i had to change some critical parts, cuting pieces here and there and replacing them with this tiny handcrafted pieces. The material i´m using are bronze thing plates, to cut and drill the small swing bars, epoxy material, and a reaaaaallly small screws from non working laptos hard drives, so you can imagine it´s a really slow process... Regards.
  16. Well it´s certainly a beautyfull work, i´m doing something similar but with a bootleg VF-1, the tiny swing parts are the most dificult, thanks for explaining me what were those instructions. Omega, i live in Tucuman, but i work in a cooper mine in Catamarca, so how come are you goin to move to argentina???? you must know there are no valks for sale here, and the ones you can find cost about 300 USD, so get them in chile before coming!!! Actually the bootleg VF base of my custom project cost me $100 wich are like 34 dolars one you can get the same one in chile for 5 or 5 !!!! Regards!!!
  17. Yeah is really cool as soon so far i got to place the chest plate to swing fordward and back rising enought to let the heat shield pass throu, i´ll take some pics of it an i´ll post them later. Nicolas
  18. Thanks Nanashi i didn´t realize the links were down.
  19. I´m sorry skull leader, is the first time i post, i din´t consider it rude, also i did not know the forums were conected. Thanks for your fast answer, as per if my question is urgent or not, that´s another thing. Anyway thanks again, for your polite and fast answer. This are the pics of the Kit i was asking previously. Thank you very much and i apologize one more time.
  20. Sorry here goes the pic post.
  21. Than k you very much for your fast answer, i apologies for the triple posting i dind´t know the forum were conected. Well yes, it´s a really facinating model but i have scan of some instruction wich i´m posting now that show it as kit, if i´m getting you right, this is not a retail kit?
  22. Hello to everyone, this is my first post but i´ve been lurking for a long time, the thing is that i´m a huge Macross fan from Argentina, and i already started a massive customization to a bootleg vf-1 J not only the looks but all way the valk transforms, this allows the model to have an integrated heat shield and to get rid of the horrible leg swing bars. My question is as follows: i found this picture of a model that resemble quite alot the system that i designed for my valk : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-19.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-17.jpg Does any of you have this model? more pictures of it, or the brand of the company that made it? Thanks in advance Nicolas
  23. Hello to everyone, this is my first post but i´ve been lurking for a long time, the thing is that i´m a huge Macross fan from Argentina, and i already started a massive customization to a bootleg vf-1 J not only the looks but all way the valk transforms, this allows the model to have an integrated heat shield and to get rid of the horrible leg swing bars. My question is as follows: i found this picture of a model that resemble quite alot the system that i designed for my valk : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-19.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-17.jpg Does any of you have this model? more pictures of it, or the brand of the company that made it? Thanks in advance Nicolas
  24. Hello to everyone, this is my first post but i´ve been lurking for a long time, the thing is that i´m a huge Macross fan from Argentina, and i already started a massive customization to a bootleg vf-1 J not only the looks but all way the valk transforms, this allows the model to have an integrated heat shield and to get rid of the horrible leg swing bars. My question is as follows: i found this picture of a model that resemble quite alot the system that i designed for my valk : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-19.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-17.jpg Does any of you have this model? more pictures of it, or the brand of the company that made it? Thanks in advance Nicolas
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