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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. Do ya have a link? I'm curious. sorry no link. I saw it at my work. I wonder if I can actually get a copy of it. I've been also watching the Van Helsing trailer. That movie looks promising.
  2. Hehehe, I must've seen the trailer like 10 times already. I'm getting sick of it, but it looks pretty cool. They use all the vehicles and of course it's all CG.
  3. I'd only buy it if he turned into a gun. I'd say shockwave would be ok to transform into a gun because he looks nothing like a real gun. He's more of a space gun than anything. We see alot of space guns out there for kids to play with, ie star wars blaster rifle, or han solo's blaster. So there shouldn't be a problem with soundwave. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  4. oh yeah, I totally forgot about the whole tax refund thing. It's like putting money away for a whole year and then getting it back in the beginning of the new year. Man oh man I can't wait to update my collection already.
  5. yeah, cool. I signed the petition too. I guess all we can do is wait and see.
  6. Yeah, i've been trying to find this series myself and all I found was either one episode or the movie on ebay. Sometimes I find the action figures which I never knew existed. Of course they were made in japan only though. My search continues.....
  7. Whoa!! that looks bad @$$!! Good job on improvising! So your saying that you can't find that model bandai made? I could've sworn I saw a bunch of those in downtown LA. If your still looking for one, I'll see if they have anymore. Again, good job on the humvee!
  8. That's good to know. Thanx guys.
  9. really? I didn't know. Can you briefly tell me why not? Thanx
  10. sigh... I was hoping yamato would stay away from the removeable legs in their future releases, but it seems like the only way they'll be able to make a smaller valk transform. I guess it's ok, it's better than nothing, right?
  11. yeah I totally agree. I would then recreate the beginning scene in DYRL!
  12. Ok, I've been seeing alot of people complaining about a lot of OT threads in the science fiction and other anime section. The only reason why I feel that this is happening is because there's nowhere else to put them! I want to ask if it would be ok to add a Off topic section where we can just talk about whatever. Kevin has a section like this on his valkyrie-exchange forums and it seems to work out fine. I see a bunch of us like to talk about stuff that's waaay OT and it all ends up being in the science fiction section. I find myself posting OT stuff in there like wishing everybody a happy chinese new year. I feel that that could be in the OT section if there was one. What can I do to get this approved? Do I need to post up a poll or get people to sign some sort of petition? Please let me know. It would really help if there was a OT section. Thanx
  13. hell yeah! I'd so wear that if I had a motorcycle. hehe, maybe if that day were to come where we can where these helmets we can start up a motorcycle MW crew.
  14. hopefully this time around these figures will be sold in more quantities than the first run. So when are they planning on re-releasing the first series again? I heard that they were but forgot when they were going to do so.
  15. Hey Graham, congrats on the new addition to your family! I was wondering was the countdown only for the VF-0S preview? Or is there going to be more for you to reveal later? I hope there'll be more for us to drool over. Thanx for VF-0S preview though!
  16. I'd like to start collecting these but it'll get waaaay too expensive for me. I know for sure that Solscud is into air soft and possibly kidkorrupt too. One of these days I'll get into it, but not now.
  17. Yeah, the mods took it down only because other members were trying to outdo my avatar. Oh well. I didn't put it up to start any competition, I just wanted to put it up for the eyecandy for something to look at while reading. Anyway, you can read on this topic in the feedback section. Hey UN spacy, I think your like the only person I've seen who opens these red envelopes as if they were mail. heheh, that's funny.
  18. Wow, not bad. If I were to buy tow-line, I'd repaint it to look like ratchet or ironhide. But the van mode looks too much like the TMNT turtle van. But so far it's looking ok.
  19. Happy Chinese New Year to y'all!!! I know it was yesterday but it's ok, right? So anyway, for those of use who celebrate this new year, how much did you guys get?!?! I got enough to buy two MPC primes and now I'm on the prowl for one! Anyway it's a new year for you monkey's!! I know monkey nugget's gonna enjoy this year the most! For this new year I wish you all a happy and prosperous year! And may new macross toys come out that doesn't involve the VF-1 line!
  20. Can you post up the picture of the box and the post cards? I'd like to see it. And how much did you buy it for?
  21. how much did you get this for? I remember a member here posting it for sale but in the auctions forum. I forgot what he wanted for it.
  22. well, I'm pretty sure that the size will be the same size as the trigun mini busts for the prime, but for the figures, it looks like they'll be 4" or maybe even a little more. And as what they are made of, I'm pretty sure it'll be the same pvc or whatever they used for their macross line. Unless these will be hard sculptures, then that would be awesome!
  23. Hmmm.... I would really like to see some detailed action figures of the macross characters. That would be nice. I'd buy them all!
  24. I don't know about you guys, but I don't remember frenzy having rumble's arm attachments. Did he have that? Refresh my memory please!
  25. oh snap!! That's some funny shtuff!!
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