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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. damn jung, you never cease to amaze me. Is there anything you can't do?
  2. Yup. Seen the black gun version. In fact, I've seen four of them at my local Walmart. I bought one , so now there are three left. did you open that one yet? I'd like to see a picture of the grey and black gun versions side by side to what differences they made on them. Let me know. Thanx
  3. Wow, that bike looks nice. I've always liked the design of that bike. If this turns out to be all metal, then I'm buying it. But if it's just plastic, I'll pass on it. So when can we finally see a voltes V or Daimos to the SOC line? Man I hate waiting!
  4. Hey, for those of you who finally bought these in stores, did you guys see the black gun version? Man, I guess I'ma have to look more carefully now. If there is a black one out there, I want that version instead of the grey version. I'll probably give the black gun to my takara version.
  5. MMMM...... that's nice. I could use that.....
  6. So yamato plans on releasing the armor with and without a valkyrie? It's better if they can sell the armor alone.
  7. eh, I think I'll pass on these. I never liked the matching colored fastpacks. If I do buy these, I'd stick on the regular colored fastpacks. But right now I'm just saving up to barely get the 1/48 VF-1S hikaru, VF-1A Max, and the VF-1J hikaru.
  8. Talking about trying to find another way of lowering your car......
  9. OOOHH YEAH!!!!! I finally got my hands on one!! Thanx Tamim!!! I just went to go pick it up and damn didn't realize this thing is hella heavy and big!!! Can't wait to open it I guess, or I might not and just buy the hasbro one and open up that thing.
  10. ok, what's the story behind this? I'd like to know about it.
  11. damn that looks bad @$$!! boy people just have all the time in the world! I wish I had that kinda time to be doing stuff like that! I'd love to see how that transformation works. I wonder if it can transform without removing parts? I guess that would be the only logical way of transforming into a car with a person inside.
  12. LOL Mine is gay - Logical Cricket. yours is gay? Man mine is even worse! -Axe Poodle- What the hell is that? Sheesh that's gay......
  13. after that, you should check the volume on your itunes, or whatever music player you use, and check the system's volume. Hope this works out.
  14. Hehehe, that would be cool. The boxset would be the upper half of the plane and the dvd's will be in the cockpit!!
  15. Nice, I might consider buy a set now. Are they still for sale or is it still sold out?
  16. Well, I go to VEX, Twin Moons, or 2005boards. If not those boards, then I just work on little projects here and there on my computer. Then I just finish up any old games that need to be finished like kingdom hearts.
  17. I suggest you PM Jung. I'm pretty sure he'll do it, but it's gonna cost you. But you do get what you pay for! I asked him at the MWcon 2 how much it would be to customize a 1/55 valk for me. I don't remember what price he gave me but I do remember telling myself that I didn't want to pay that much for just customizing a valk and that I could buy more toys for that kind of money. But if I had more money, I'd definitly hit em up to do a custom for me.
  18. yeah, from what everybody has been talking about, it's suppose to have the same about of die-cast metal as the takara version. I guess the only difference now is the smokestacks and the battle damage look. I hope 1 VF-1 2NV can open one up and confirm this with us. It looks like he's planning on leaving them in the box as I would.
  19. awesome..... double awesome.....
  20. hey now, I want one! Awesome job Jason! You da man!!
  21. What part of the country do you live in? Now I got to decide whether I should go out and do some shopping this weekend. I believe he lives in hawaii. I gotta go check out the stores myself now. I still don't have the takara version yet! I'm just waiting on tamim to let me know when he'll be able to sell me one. Either way, I'ma buy the hasbro one to play with and keep the takara one in the box.
  22. Man, now I see why my friend hates everything and anything that is disney. I still like disney, but it's slowly fading away because of what they are doing. Disney will do anything just to make money. I guess we'll have to wait and see what the verdict will be.
  23. sigh....I'm kinda sick of seeing the trailer for this movie. I must've seen it like 50 times already. Even as I post this message, I'm making another copy for Universal right now to distribute. Ugh!!! But I'm still going to go watch it when it comes out. Funny thing that happen to me last friday. I went to the northridge mall and some guy asked my friend and I if we wanted to get paid to do a survey. The guy told us he'll pay us 8 bucks to do a shampoo survey and a movie survey. So we both decided to do it just to kill time. So I finish up the shampoo survey which took like 30 minutes to do, ugh, and the guy pops in the video tape for the movie survey. And what trailer comes on you ask? Van Helsing!! So I was like man, you have got to be kidding me!!! So I told the guy to just skip the trailer and let me do the survey already because I've seen the trailer so many times already at work. After that was said and done, he took out the tape and I saw the labels. I was like man, I had a feeling it was one of the tapes that I made for distribution!!
  24. OMG!! that's so freakin funny!!!!
  25. O man! I've never seen these before! How much and where can I get some?
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