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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. ok, here's the pictures I was talking about. Hopfully you guys can see it.
  2. that's the 1a. There's a difference in prices between the JM 1a and the JM 1s. 1a's are more rare than the 1s's because they weren't issued here in the states as the 1s and 1j's were. Stampeed Valkyrie, to answer your question, the prices of these guys fluctuate depending on the demand. Highest I've seen one go for in a japanese box was 180 and 140 for the matchbox version. But that was like a year and a half ago. Now, prices are down to half that amount. Lately though I've noticed that prices have been going up a little. So depending on the condition and how complete it is, it can fetch between 30 to 90, maybe even a 100.
  3. I take it that this game is only for Xbox? I only saw commercials for Xbox. I'll get it once it comes out for PS2.
  4. dooood!!! Good job man! Congrats Kevin!!
  5. I'm pretty sure they'll add some more art work in it as the last one had a little. And maybe more pictures of boxes, exclusives and rare items? That would be cool.
  6. I know it's too late, but I just found this one image in the Haruhiko Mikimoto Innocence book that would be perfect as it would be able to wrap around the whole box!! This book chock full of images that would be perfect for this exclusive dvd box set. I'll post up a picture of what I mean later.
  7. awww man, why does it have to be on a monday?? I gotta to this though.
  8. What else can they revise in that book? The newer crap? I hope not, it better be a revision of the older stuff. I am gonna get either way!
  9. yup I have them. They are about 2" high. Cool thing about them is that they transform exactly like there counterparts. Starscream I say is the most detailed and then comes soundwave. I can't wait till the next series comes out. I definitly want to get megatron.
  10. Like freddy vs. jason, I've been waiting for this movie for like the longest time! I can't wait till it comes out.
  11. Thanx for letting us know graham! Wow, I can't wait to see what Yamato can do with the faces of this figure, or even if they decide to do a whole line!
  12. it's one of those stands for 12" figures. It's suppose to hold those "action" poses that's why the stem looks that way. The stem part can bend anyway you want it to. It's a pretty cool stand in my opinion.
  13. Ok now, something new has been brought to my attention. I'm finding out that some of these 20th anniversary primes came with posters and some didn't come with posters. I thought all of them came with one. The one I bought came with one. The way you can tell is that in the front of the box there was a silver sticker that says poster included. So how many of you got this version? Can you post up a picture of the poster? hehe sorry, I still haven't open mine yet, and I don't plan to now that I find out it has the poster.
  14. I'm hoping that the final botcon exclusive would be a 20th prime all black version!! That would be awesome!!
  15. wow, I'm surprised that they would even release an elintseeker in robot mode even though it never transformed once in the movie. That's pretty crazy!
  16. Well, if your a perfectionist, then I'd say don't buy it. I personally wouldn't buy it at that price if it had a slight hint of yellowing. It would have to be minty minty white and fresh. So I guess if your really that much of a perfectionist, then don't buy it. But if that little bit of yellowing doesn't bother you, I suggest you should get it then.
  17. yeah, that's about right. I've seen a mint in sealed box one go for like 1000+ bucks for that. But what you found is pretty right. Did you just buy one?
  18. ok, try the walmart in porter ranch / northridge. A friend of mine bought his there just recently and right after that, he went next door to toys r us and bought the grey gun version as well. If you don't mind the drive, go out to the wal mart in monrovia. I've always been able to find what I needed at that one for some reason. It's like nobody goes there. Also on your way there, you can stop buy the two targets on colorado street in pasadena. Another friend of mine said he saw both stores have it there. Good luck in the search. I'm still looking for another one for my friend. I'll let you know if I find another one. I'll hide it for you. hehe
  19. In what area exactly are you looking in? I've been hearing people finding one left and right everywhere in the valley. I know for sure that places in LA are like wiped out but it seems like everywhere else seems to have them in stock.
  20. hey now, where did you get those beautiful pictures?
  21. well, if you don't mind the color of the gun, I'd say go to a walmart and look for one. I found two this past sunday at the walmart in monrovia on my first try. I bought one of course and the other just sat on the upper shelf. It seems the black gun versions are only at walmart and the grey ones are target and toys r us. My optimus also came with an exclusive poster as well. I don't know if the grey gun version comes with the poster or not. At least I haven't heard anybody say anything about it. Good luck in the search.
  22. wow, your hoping for the impossible, well nearly impossible. In that case I want them to release a final bot con exclusive, a movie accurate arcee!
  23. hey Nick, is that yours? Or a picture you got off of the internet? If it is yours, how much did you it for and where did you get it? What little figures does it come with as game pieces? Looks pretty cool!
  24. Out of all the collections that I've seen on this board, people only use the strike for the vf-1s's like roy's and hikaru's valk. The rest I've seen them only use the super fast packs for the 1A's. I would PM those guys and see if they are willing to part with a strike cannon. It might work and it's worth a try.
  25. hey Graham, can you at least tell us why these were canceled, when they were supposed to be released? and are they planning on releasing these later?
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