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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. wow, I'd actually buy this along with superman if they had one. Even a whole justice league set would be nice!
  2. I know I haven't seen this yet, but my friend just had to spoil it for me. I knew kenshin was going to die, but just didn't know from what. My friend told me that he died of cancer. That's what I'm guessing that disease is what you are referring to.
  3. You don't mean that, do you? And talk about reviving an old thread!
  4. is this the second season to the series? And how many dvd's are there to complete this second set if it is a series? I still gotta watch the first one.
  5. so when's are these coming over here? Anybody spot any of these here yet?
  6. Oh yeah, I got a really good copy of it. Looks pretty good to me at least. The one I downloaded is 89.1 MB. Not too bad. If anybody wants it, I can send it through AIM. Hit me up if you want a straight transfer from me.
  7. hehe, I'm downloading it right on limewire at the same time as I type this message. I'll let you know if the quality is good or not.
  8. OMG this book kicks @$$!! I love this book. Man, I bought this book online from some guy who just wanted to sell it. I got it for only 30 bucks shipped. It was worth 30 bucks only because it was kinda wrinkled here and there. Since I found it at a local Book store in LA, I might pick up a minty mint copy just so I can keep one in mint condition so that one day when mikimoto ever comes back to the anime expo, I can get it autographed and possibly a quick sketch of minmay like I did with my illustrations book!
  9. I'm pretty sure those are models. I don't see the use of translating old news, and I mean old! But I guess that's what you want. I wish I knew how to read japanese. My friend tried to show me once, but I just could not get it. Anyway, someone here on the boards will help you out on the translation in no time.
  10. Dang, the last time I heard about him was when his new artbook, Innocense came out. You gotta pick up this book. It's beautiful!!! So so cool that I might end up buying another copy!
  11. now don't bursting a blood vessel over a toy! Anyway, anybody have a scan of the poster? I'd like to see what it looks like. Thanx
  12. Ok, am I missing something here? the sale price is 109? Uh I think that is still hella expensive. Like Hurricane29 said, 80 is the max a 1/60 yamato valk goes for these days. That price looks like it's fit for a 1/48 instead. Thanx anyway.
  13. Yeah, I remember this cartoon. I actually liked it back then. My favorite of the bunch is cy-kill and turbo. The rest were whatever.
  14. oh man, when you see optimus putting on the pounds like that, that's when you know he's getting too old for this!!
  15. Hmmm.... Man it's been so long. I've looked on main page of Macrossworld for about a year, just using it as reference and finding out what macross stuff is out there. That was back in 2000. I decided to check out this whole message forum thingy and decided to join on my birthday, April 14 2001! Of course that was on the old boards. And I guess the rest it history!
  16. hehe, that was the first thing I thought of when I first saw that toy, GI Joe's Snow Cat. I had that toy but I sold it a while back. Hey Nick, can you fit any GI Joes in there?
  17. that's true that they released those, but still it wasn't G1 stuff. And yeah, I hope they release the sixbuilder in the chase devastator colors.
  18. Whoa, this is weird to see. A japanese only transformer being released here in the states. Check it out! Combiner Set Good thing I skipped the reissues that were selling for 30 bucks and up for the box.
  19. man, I still need to buy the yellow and blue units. And now these. I hope they release the white one from the movies. That'd be awesome!!
  20. BoBe-Patt

    K&M pics (?)

    I did remember, but I was too lazy at the time to say anything.
  21. BoBe-Patt

    K&M pics (?)

    wow, now that's a really cheap way to complete your movie and tv squadron!
  22. Hey, is it too late to decide on what picture to put on the box? I'm just wondering because I just found a pic in my book that would be perfect as it is pretty big and would cover the three sides. Here's the pict of what I'm talking about. I posted it on the original thread: PIX Let me know what you guys think
  23. BoBe-Patt

    K&M pics (?)

    awww, I can't see anything. It says forbidden.
  24. These pictures would've been nice and ready to just paste on the box. Just need the top and the bottom pics of course. Sorry I couldn't scan in the full picture as i don't want to ruin the spine. What do you guys think?
  25. and the other side of it:
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