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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. This movie kicked some major @$$!! My friends and I went to watch this movie with no expectations at all only because we didn't know much about the storyline and haven't read any of the comics. We all knew about the comics but never bothered to read it. I think the reason people liked this movie is because, like me, all came in without any expectations about this movie like they would with x-men or spiderman. So I think this movie did really well. I'd actually watch this movie again.
  2. well, it's been about 6 months now since I bought a 1/48 yammy valk, but it's only been 24 hours since I received a free 1/60 yammy valk!
  3. so your the one who outbidded me!!! Ack, your lucky that I was away from my computer or else that would've been mine!!! Oh wellz, you win some and you lose some. I guess I'm glad it went to a fellow MW member rather then just some random fanboy!!
  4. Yeah, this movie is pretty awesome considering that it's a amateur made movie. I see copies of these dvd's at frank and sons. I might pick one up one of these days. Awesome review!!
  5. It's funny how every cannon fodder they released back in the day would always be associated with Misa. It's as if she was the pilot of the valk. I guess she's the one that gave them instructions, but still. Couldn't they just put up ben's face instead?
  6. Valley boy for life!! haha. Southern California is where I beez!!
  7. I swear to God I saw an article about JP company made a limited edition Indy doll that was approved by Lucasfilm. You remember correctly. I remember the same thing, and really wanting it, but it was like 200 bucks. SIGH..... again, here it is: 12" Indy jones fig You guys remembered correctly!
  8. wait, so when is the one for PS2 coming out? It's suppose to be the one you can play online as well. I wanna see that one.
  9. Yup, too bad I missed the first 20 minutes of it. but I guess I was filled in as I watched the rest of the episode. Can't wait till next week!
  10. wow, that's toit!!! But there was one made that was pretty limited. Here's a link to the company that made it. They even made a horse!! 12" Indy jones I'd love to have one of these though. Too much for me.
  11. Wait, is this the top ten in my collection or just top ten in general? I'll just go with top ten in my collection: 1. Japanese Gakken Cyclone boxed / Blue and Red Alpha 2. Predaking 3. (Soon to be) yellow submarine 12" Minmay doll 4. 1/40 Orguss 5. Dinobots 6. 1/48 VF-1S w/ strike armor 7. Piece togethered Bandai strike valk in box! (come on guys, still looking for some parts! Look in the wanted section for what I need! ) 8. All my transformers that have boxes (a total of 14!) 9. Fortress Maximus 10. All my Joke Machines especially the Max VF-1A
  12. man I remember back in anime expo 98 some hot white chick was wearing a fully funcational suit. Man she looked bad @$$!!!
  13. So nobody has a picture of that poster that came with the prime, eh? Man, I might be forced to open mine and find out!
  14. oooooo, looks pretty good. I hope this game will be a good one. So far it looks pretty cool. When is it supposed to be released?
  15. Ok, looking at the heads closely, I don't see much of a difference. If your referring to the square thingy that's on his forhead, then it's pretty much the same. It's just the picture was shot in different angles that makes the head look different. That's all I see. Am I wrong?
  16. sigh.... looks kinda nice if it wasn't for all those missles, and accessories. What happened to the good old days when the weapons were actually looked like weapons? now the weapons all look like they can blow up the whole world!
  17. ok I don't know most of the names of the the songs but I like: Many of the Cowboy Bebop songs especially the intro song Tank! Tokyo Ending from tenchi in tokyo Macross Plus Voices Most of the Escaflowne Songs especially the intro and some others that I forgot
  18. oh snap, did you guys see the mospeada toys? wow, they are like fully posable. I wonder when those are coming out?
  19. I guess it's ok. I personally wouldn't pay that much for the small version of the SDF-1. Just as long as you like it then it's worth it.
  20. Ok, looks like the hound and bluestreak is already out in japan. bluestreak Hound Can't wait till they come out here.
  21. Forgive me for being the Orguss fan, but I couldn't help but say something. If this book existed, it would explain where some Orguss line art came from. I believe those lineart pix you got came from the orguss this is animation special series type books. There were two in the series. I might pic both of these up later this week as I know where to buy them. I remember seeing those lineart pix in those books.
  22. somebody was selling one here on MW in the for sale section. I forgot who it was too. I was tempted in buying one but I didn't as it's not on my priority list.
  23. eh, I'll just wait until the full series is done so then they'll release a six dvd set. That'd be cool!
  24. so is there die cast metal in that big dood? And how much did you buy it for? Looks pretty cool. So this was released in american stores?
  25. oh man, the thing people do to get money these days! I don't think she's worth that much anyway. I want one that's minty fresh and MISB!
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