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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. I gots one and the hasbro one with the black gun and poster in it. I plan on buying another if the prices go waaay down, especially the takara one. Now all I need to buy are those recasted smokestacks for the hasbro version!
  2. I think it needs a bif fat skull and crossbones on either the hood or the top of the roof. And one small one on the gas tank cover or a un spacy sticker on the gas tank. What I would like to see is minmay guard type of scheme for a car. that would be awesome!
  3. Well you can go into the Up-town server and search for someone. My user name there is James_Earl_Cash. ok, I'ma try to go on today. Some stuff just came up and can't go on right now. Of course my screen name will be the same as this one. I'll probably try and go on at around 6 or 7. I'll see you there!
  4. ok people, I just bought this game and the network adapter, so who's still playing this game and how am I suppose to find you all?
  5. pat, if you have some spare money please pick up one for me...and i'll just pay you.. thanks, d yeah, I'll see what I can do.
  6. is it me or is Ali sama's picture is identical to the first picture that jesse posted up? Looks like ali sama took the picture and paiting over the original or just cut out the picture and place it in the space background. ????
  7. I don't know but I feel 40 bucks is too much for the set. Especially if all the other tomy products sell for like 3 to 5 bucks each. I'd say 25 is about the right price for a set or even 30. I'ma have to find out if these are that expensive at Frank & Sons or not. Hopefully they are at the price I stated. That would suck if they are more expensive.
  8. I think if you add in an orguss figure, and an alpha or cyclone, then it'd be complete!
  9. that is so freakin stoopid!!! Man, they are just killing the whole transformers thing now. Transformers on horses? Especially organic ones? Come on now, why can't they make them robotic horses that can transform too? So it could be the four horsemen all in one. Man, maybe that's why I never finished the armada comic book series, and glad I didn't pick up the energon either. sheesh!
  10. wow, starting with predaking? I really doubt that they would start with predaking. For sure they'll probably start with devastator, then work their way down from there to predaking. But it would be nice.
  11. sorry dood, started a thread like this one already here: Hound reissue thread But anyways, I am going to pick this one up even though I still have the original in tip top shape. I just hope they end up releasing the rest. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  12. hahaha, now why did they cancel these? Legal problems? Too many complaints?
  13. I can't believe they finally are reissuing this guy! Who is it you ask??? Hound!!! Here's the link: Hound Reissue Now if we can only have wheeljack and the rest.....
  14. hehe, but then considering how heavy this sucker is, the price will be back at like 65 or something.
  15. are those pictures from some convention or something? Nice though. I wish they would make these guys along side with the Binaltechs.
  16. I am behind in the BT set. I actually just wanna get the hound, bluestreak, and smokescreen. I'm also behind in the Bandai SOC Eva set. I only have the first two, which are hard to find now. The blue and yellow ones are fairly easy, and the black and silver ones just came out. Oh, it took awhile but I finally finished up my macross plus collection by finding the yf-19 for a pretty decent price.
  17. hey Nick, who did you buy the figures from? Yoshi? Only people I know who had them there were yoshi and george (the guy who sells all the maxim/playboy/stuff/FHM magazines and printed out pictures of the models).
  18. What RX-8? Are you referring to the pictures that VF-0S Fan posted? I don't see a RX-8 anywhere. I know it's coming out and supposedly it's going to be in jazz colors.
  19. Minmay was the only figure that came with the UN Spacy symbol. Why I dunno. The others were plain white. I cant wait for the second set. Basara will get sold off of course lol I'm guessing the reason why minmay only comes with that base is because she is seen singing on the un spacy symbol in the movie.
  20. BoBe-Patt

    yamato sdf-1?

    So bandai is reissuing this sucka? Is this a fact or just someone's wet little dream?
  21. I've never used my PS2 to play online before, so it's free, right? If so then I'll go pick it up and the adapter over the weekend. I'll let you guys know. How many people per team though?
  22. really?? I may want it. Hit me up if you do. Anyway, aren't these suppose to be re-released along with the second set during this month? I haven't heard anything yet. Does anybody have an idea when?
  23. BoBe-Patt


    ack. All this time and fuss over a low viz? Man I was thinking it was some old toy like an elintseeker or super O or something else that would really be a "prized possession." You also made it sound like you can make a lot of money out of it, which led me to think it was some old toy again. I know the low viz can fetch up to 300, but still not compared to an elint or super O prices. I'm not a big fan of the low viz, so if I had it, I'd sell it. But if it's one of the best toys you have, then keep it.
  24. Now that's what I want. A black costumed Mcfarlane style spiderman with 67 points of articulation!! that would be phat!!!
  25. Man those look bad @$$!!! Now I gotta go find me a 1/48 max to buy....
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