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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. I don't think the crabs are consdered arachnids... HAHAHA funny man. Anyway, I guess nobody knows if these camel spiders can be found in CA or anywhere in the states? There's gotta be an explanation of what I caught.
  2. So what I caught was the real deal or what? I had mine for about 3 to 4 weeks it grew pretty big too. I maybe should've kept it and see how big it grew.
  3. uhhh... that's kinda freaky. Where can you find these spiders? The reason why I'm asking is because I caught like three of these in my house last year. I was like what kinda spider is this? I stuck a piece of napkin in front of it and it snapped at it and wouldn't let go. So caught it and kept it in a jar for like 3 weeks feeding it with flys and bugs n stuff like that. I was thinking it would just suck the blood out, but this sucker just straight ate the bugs I fed em. I found the second one and caught it and put it in with the first one. Shouldn't have done that. Sucker ate the second on quickly, but the second one put up a good fight. Anyway that first one grew to about an inch in length. I felt bad so I let it go in my back yard. So from then on I never saw any of these spiders again. These suckers I caught looks exactly like the one this picture (the one that says camel spider): Camel spider Can somebody provide me with some info on this? Is that what I actually caught?
  4. hey are you going to f and s today? i think i am going to go around 2 (as for the devastor, i have to look for it and i will PM you when i find it) nah, I want to go but gots no money And I don't get paid till the 18th! So I gotta hold off till then. I'll probably go next saturday. I'll let you know. And let me know about the devastator. Thanx
  5. dood!!! I just realized that the devastator is the paper version!! you gots ta send me the files for that! I wonder if they ever made a predaking one?
  6. doesn't this need to be in the macross toy section? there was a lot of regulating on non macross stuff in the toys section, so how about in the anime section?
  7. she said those are kind of old and they came out in feb, she has to call around to find out if anyone still has them... ok, just let me know if you can get me a good price on them. Thanx!
  8. nice. Can she get the SOC evangelion figures? I need the blue, yellow, black and silver ones. That'd be cool if I can get my hands on one of each.
  9. i just picked up the Elint last night, you didn't see me walking around that time did ya? hehehe Treasure Island doesn't have a Elint for sale anymore, hehehehe I live about 15 min away from f and s, hehehe burbank is hella far, that drive must suck~!!! Yup, driving up there on wednesday suck major @$$!!! Traffic is a biatch. I hate it and don't plan on going on a wednesday again unless something special comes out that day. Yeah, I was planning on going this saturday, but then again, I changed my mind because the bookstore where I got my Perfect Rei for only 14 bucks!!! is having a sale this weekend and I want to pick up some artbooks. Maybe they might have some more Perfect Rei's. But that's just wishful thinking.
  10. oh yeah, that's right. So where do you live? Anyway, if you wanna do some business like trading n stuff, give me a holla. I'm in the burbank area. Maybe we can meet up at frank and sons sometime like I always do with exo and eternal D. Dem foos are rich, I just go with them to watch them spend major $$$.
  11. haha, that's your closet? Man, so where does all your clothes go? Unless you be wearing transformers to work and going out? And dood, why 2 or more of everything? I only buy 2 or more of one thing if I really like or if it's just too rare to pass up.
  12. Oh man I want that guyver 3 figure!! I see there's no love for guyver 2. hehe. Anyway, where can I get this figure? Is it new? And how big is it again?
  13. Man, that top shelf is awesome. It just scares me to see it on the top of everything else with a pretty thin looking shelf considering how heavy each one of those SOC's are! Good thing you don't have Dancougar figure on there, or else it would totaly bring that top shelf down on the bandai's and yammy's. Oh, can you take pix of your transformers collection? I'd like to see that.
  14. Monkey Nugget hands down!!! No doubt!!! Got everything I needed in japan from him and shipped here nicely. With a few exceptions of some messed up posters, but that's just posters. Everything else gets shipped here nicely! Highly recommended!
  15. I think he's trying to tell us that the person who is selling that elintseeker is a fraud. If that's not it then I don't know really.
  16. ok, here's my location: from maporama decimal deg-min-sec latitude 34.2302 34° 13' 48" longitude -118.3543 -118° 21' 15" from travelgis decimal deg-min-sec latitude 34.2138587225087 34° 12' 49.8914010313" longitude -118.372628807279 -118° 22' 21.4637062044" Location: Sun Valley, California
  17. Didn't have much money, so I'ma wait till everything is offically on sale this saturday. Everything will be 50% off! I'ma get some artbooks that I've been eyeing, like the gungrave artbook, the third metal gear artbook: twin snakes, and whatever else they may have that's worth buying.
  18. whoa, I come in here yesterday to put one post and everybody want's to stab me now? what's up with dat? How about exo? he bought one too for the same price. He was standing right next to me when we both bought one. Why don't y'all stab him? Then I'll take his rei and his 20 1/48's. Anyway, we didn't buy the Rei at yaohan (mitsuwa now) as the bookstore in there is now offically closed. Sad cause I bought most of my artbooks there and wasn't there for their 50% off sale. And yes it was in the LA's little tokyo area. I can't reveal the place yet as I need to see if they will get some more in. If they get more in, and I buy more, I'll let you guys know where it is. And quit trying to stab me! Aim for Exo!
  19. OH YEAH!!! SCORE!!!! Me and exo got one each for 15 bucks!!! Sucks that these were the last two they had. The place we went to is going out of buisness and was selling everything for 40 to 50 percent off!!! So I'ma go back there this weekend and probably get some artbooks for half off!! Oh yeah!! I did find some more of the rei figures at a different artbook store, but they were charging 30 bucks. Oh well, I was happy to have bought it for half price!
  20. BoBe-Patt

    How lucky were you?

    well, here in california, all the Targets were Gemco. There was also another "target" type place in hollywood called zody's. That place was awesome. I remember picking up spiderman, dr. octopus and wolverine from the secret wars line. Ahhh the memories.
  21. BoBe-Patt

    How lucky were you?

    Before target, it used to be Gemco. Man I remember going to Gemco and holding up all these nice MISB transformers, tron, gi joes, he-man, star wars, m.a.s.k. and robotech of course. But never was able to get my parents to buy all the juicy stuff.
  22. Hey waitaminute, didn't he pass away like a year or two ago? I remember being sad for that about that news.
  23. Yo, put me down on that fan list!! I love sledgehammer!
  24. wow 63 bucks?? That's a pretty hefty price tag. Hopefully I can pick up mine today for 23 bucks at the Yaohan center in L.A. I'll let you guys know what happens!
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