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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. yeah, Nice set up, but wrong missiles!
  2. I'm surprised nobody put up the man-faye picture yet! but hot damn, didn't think coplay chicks can be so hot! I likes the rinoa!
  3. hey now, that's pretty toit!! Not bad.
  4. ack!!! that doll is horrid!! especially the rick hunter one.
  5. huh? what are you talking about? If your referring to the animego's Macross set, the one that has all 9 dvd's divided into three different black boxes with laser etched type pictures, then no, it's not only available through Animego. Those sets were made for sale to everybody. The one that was for sale only through pre-orders and what ever was left on the site, was the 9 dvd in one boxset with a 3D card in it. That sucker cost around 250 or was it 300? I forgot.
  6. I don't know why they did that, but they should've kept sideswipe as a lambo, just an up to date version. And then they can either repaint that and call it sunstreaker or redesign it which would even be better!
  7. Hey, I was wondering, is there anyway to gather up all this info and put up a list of where people are at according to what state or country they are in? It would help if we here decide to take a trip somewhere far and we'll know that there's a MW member living in that country or state. We'll be able to meet up and maybe that person will act as a tour guide. Just a thought.
  8. uhh.... jesse, you read the posts above yours, right? Well, from the looks of things, we have to go to AX first to confirm if they even have it. So we just gotta wait and see when AX comes around. I'll keep trying to find out which store it could possibly be.
  9. well, I just met up with gunbuster and exo to confirm if this sucker is authentic. And yes it is the real deal! Beautiful specimen! I've never held a clean blue alpha in my life! Man I can't wait to go to AX now. anyway, for those who want to buy all three of the alpha's, gunbuster told us he only saw the blue version. So we'll keep you updated when we go.
  10. sad day indeed. Can't believe he was president for 9 years. I didn't even realize that till now. All I remember when I was young was that Ronald Reagan was a good president and he was president for a long time. He will be missed. Rest in peace.
  11. BoBe-Patt

    1/55 FP

    or you can do what I did and ask around for Strike parts. I ended up with one complete set, second set just missing one arm armor, and third set missing leg armor parts.
  12. So, you want to put your animeigo slipcase inside the Champagne box?. I don't think it has that much tolerance top and bottom, but ultimately, someone will have to try it out. The Champagne boxes are designed to hold the 9 Animego DVD's, DYRL, FB2012, and the 20th Anniversary DVD. oh really? I thought it was only made to fit the 9 dvd's. I see. I wonder if Paul can make them smaller for just the 9 dvd's?
  13. You big @$$ lyer, you ain't getting off that easy!
  14. Well, I guess it depends on what your showing. If it's all macross stuff, then go to the toys section and there should be a thread up already to show off your macross stuff. But if it's all anime stuff or star wars or what ever is it, then it goes here in the other anime or science fiction section.
  15. as I'm typing this, I'm looking into the possible vendors that has them. I'll be making some phone calls today to see if those stores are the ones that have them. I'll let you guys know. But if I can't find it that way, you guys will have to wait till the AX because we are not sure if they'll even have it by then or how many they'll have left if they have any. EXO and I have to get there hella early to be one of the first peeps in line to get in the show room. Show room opens at 12 so we gotta be there by 10:30 or so. Like I said, I'll keep you guys posted. No guarentees though.
  16. ok, one question. I have the animego macross boxset, the one that has all nine dvd's in one box. I was wondering if these cases will fit the whole boxset including the box? Or can I have it specially made to fit the box as well? Please let me know as I don't want to seperate the 9 dvd's from the box. Thanx
  17. now if you had a low viz, elintseeker, super O, and vf-1d, you shouldn't worry about those yellowing. Those shouldn't yellow unless you put them under direct sunlight!
  18. Nope, not that I have seen or heard of. The chase in this series happens to be just one variation. So you did you go to the PMX? Did you see any alpha's there by any chance? There was this whole big thing about it in the anime and others section. Check it out.
  19. takatoku made a strike? You mean Bandai, right? Anyway, from what I've seen in people's collections, I've come to this conclusion: 1. People who bought MPC's either regret it, just hate it, complain about it, and sound like they are ashamed of putting down as part of their collection 2. People have waaay too many 1/60 yammies! More than anything else. and 3. Godzilla you 1/48 FREAK!!!!!
  20. sigh. I don't know about this. I've been getting a bunch of PM's already so I guess hold off on sending the money. Me and EXO have to find out if they even have it and if so, we gotta get ourselves one first. So we'll let you guys know.
  21. sure, why not? But make sure you send it to EXO.
  22. I believe these are considered the bootlegs of the mospeada stuff. I remember these boxes back in the day when these were 15 bucks a pop. I should've picked them up. Oh wellz. So if these are the same stock, the seller either found a box of these hidden at his warehouse, or they are actually being reissued. I hope it's being reissued. That would mean these will be plentiful in the toy district! And like EXO said, don't PM me until we have confirmation, PM EXO when we do.
  23. ok, I know there's been a lot of people PMing me and EXO about us picking up you guys an alpha, but you guys gotta realize that we don't have that kinda money to be buying up like 10 alphas. If you want, you can send us the money first and then we'll go ahead and pick them up. That's even if they have any left or if they have them at all. It seems like I'll be shopping for other people rather than myself this year at the AX.
  24. wait, was that deedlit drawing just for show, or did he really work on that series?
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