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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. I would say definitely yes just so they can milk the mold since this is a new one for them to do so. Look at the tomahawk, it already has two versions, the OD one, and the weathered one. I'm sure they'll make a different colored defender as well. It's just a matter of time.
  2. Come on now, this was inevitable! As soon as they came out with the tomahawk weathered, the defender would definitely be next! It wouldn't make sense to just have the tomahawk weathered while the other destroids are all clean....
  3. You guys forgot to mention Janeane Garofalo from Mystery Men. Looks like the writers are trying to pass her off as Chloe, but for the FBI.... Lame!!! Nobody can replace Chloe! But then again we see Chloe in the previews!!! And on a side note, I felt like I missed something from the 2 hour 24 redemption episode. The new president's son is dead? We went from seeing him attend the presidential inauguration to last night's 2 hour season premiere where he's already dead. I guess that story they will develop later in the season, but still. They normally show what happens. This is something new to me I guess.
  4. http://www.anime-expo.org/ according to this site AX09 is gonna be at the LA convention center july 2-5.
  5. Yeah, and to think their regular price is $296!!!!
  6. whoops I meant TRU. I always think target because they always get better exclusives.
  7. I don't know if anybody posted about it yet, but I ran across the 18" Star Wars Quarter Scale series Darth Maul on saturday at target. 79.99 was what it was priced at! That thing it pretty friggin huge! I didn't think they would make star war figures that big! Anybody gonna buy one?
  8. sigh.... I'm stuck in a dilemma now. I want to get the Xbox version because all my friends are on xbox and I want to play against them, but the d-pad on the xbox controller sucks mad balls. PS3 on the other hand has a better d-pad for this type of game, but I only have two other friends who have PS3. So now I'm stuck. I haven't really seen any good joysticks out there for the xbox unless I missed something. Anybody seen any good joysticks for xbox? So what do you guys think I should do? So far the only suggestion I got was getting this: http://store.videogamecentral.com/ps2-to-x...er-adapter.html or Version 3 of this product: http://www.renchi.com/renchi/Xbox_360_Acce...360_Pro_XCM.htm
  9. Hey Jenius, is the antenna on the weathered one metal or same as the clean version? I read somewhere here that the OD version has a metal antenna.
  10. nice! I don't know if Solscud007 posted this yet, but here's a little mod that he did to the hound to look more G1 accurate! it's pretty cool! http://animepunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11409
  11. a bunch of us are meeting up, so we'll see you there around 12.
  12. well bottom line is, I bought the extended warranty on my elite when it first came out last year in april, had it for about over a year till last month when the disc tray wouldn't open anymore, took it to best buy, and got a brand new one and got my extended warranty renewed for free! I knew the 360 would come with problems so getting the warranty is worth it. I don't have to wait for weeks to get my xbox back if they were to repair it at microsoft. My new system is running fine. If it ends up scratching any of my discs, then back it goes for a new one!
  13. I'm sooo passing on that Matt Trakker figure. Remind me how he was in G.I. Joe again? If they were gonna make M.A.S.K figures, they might as well make the vehicles too with them. What's next? Miles Mayhem for cobra? He's a Venom!
  14. hmmm... they're usually good on emails. Well how about calling them? here's their number: Ph: 718-777-2212 They're based in NY. Good luck!
  15. What I don't get is why would you change your xbox's position from horizontal to vertical or vice versa while it's on with a disc running? even if it didn't scratch the disc, I would never do that. That's pretty lame.
  16. I have something to do early in the morning, so maybe around 12pm or 1pm will be good for me.
  17. BoBe-Patt

    I'm back...

    ouch! that is some bad luck. Well at least your here now and can look back at all that as an experience that's changed you and that has made you stronger. Most people wouldn't even think of coming back to buying these expensive toys after all that you went through, but you stuck through it and came out stronger. Good job man. But yeah, like I said, good to have you back and that's true what you said, can't keep a good collector down!
  18. Dood, GOW2 on insane alone is friggin hard!!! I'm barely on the last act and I can't seem to pass it. Insane is made to be played with someone else too. So I'm down to play insane with somebody or play horde. I'm done with horde so I don't mind playing it again. Let me know. oh, I just bought left 4 dead, so if anybody wants to do a four player game on that, let me know too!
  19. I'm totally gonna be skipping out on the movie toys, darkwing is pretty bad ass, but he needs to come with his powermaster, and the samurai prowl i definitely want!
  20. BoBe-Patt

    I'm back...

    welcome back dood! As always, your collection is impressive! I'm surprised you didn't try to sell it since you had some obstacles to overcome. I'm guessing those would be job or money related too since we're all in this recession. Anyway, good to have you back.
  21. It's in the city of industry. here's the link to the site: http://www.fs-collectibles.com/
  22. where did you guys see this at? I know the dvd comes out on the 27th.
  23. hmm... arcadia is about 20 to 30 minutes away from F&S. you should really stop by if you can. That's where we always meet up at.
  24. you should try www.toytokyo.com. I usually pick up a 12" figure here and there from them when they come out to SDCC. This is where I got my MGS Snake with croc head and Snake with skull face paint for like 130 each. They sell other kinds of toys as well if your into the whole urban designer toy craze. Enjoy!
  25. for those who are thinking about picking up left 4 dead, it's on sale now at circuit city for 45 bucks! I'ma pick up my copy tonight!
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