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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. If I remember correctly, the max figure came with instructions on how to put the figure in the Q-Rau. I think you have to take the feet off and then put them in. I gotta double check that, but yeah, it should technically fit in the Q-Rau.
  2. I think the reason they have those listed is because toynami was suppose to import those over like what they did with the megahouse cyclones. What happened? Toynami happened....
  3. so they are just reissuing it? Is there any improvements?
  4. ugh. I'm not feelin this season at all. I liked it when peter had his powers. Now he has that one at a time touch power. That's lame. And since when did Sylar turn into a shrink? That was pretty lame too! damn it heroes! what's going on!?!?
  5. hey, does anybody have an older headset that came with the elite that they are not using? I'd like to buy it. I don't like the new headset that came with my new elite. The volume/mute controller is on the wire now instead of where it connects to the controller. Let me know. Thanx!
  6. well here's a ebay auction with a nice clear pix of ranka: Ranka Auction
  7. ok, what I don't get is how Sylar got away from the building that burned down. If he was stabbed in the back of the head and was incapacitated so how was he able to get out of that? When Peter and Claire were both stabbed in the back of the head, they were out until someone pulled out the object. So they gotta explain how he got out. And another thing, I read this news article: Heroe's Article and it says both Loeb and Alexander were fired. So are they still on the show or what?
  8. From what i remember the only girl she umasked was Tracy Strauss. Unless I missed something else.
  9. local two player mode is just split screen. It's not exactly full screen split, it's a staggered split screen. That's what I got playing off of a 46" LCD. Not sure how it looks playing on a standard 32" tv.
  10. ahhh dang it, i should've waited then for orange box to go down in price even more. I bought mine with bioshock for 20 each on black friday and I still haven't opened it up to either to play yet. Gotta find some time!
  11. oh nice! I remember seeing that poster when Solscud007 bought one at AX06 I believe. Next time I'ma search through all the posters I see at AX!
  12. so those could be fan made? I've never seen those before. Where did you get them from?
  13. or if you can wait till april, they plan on lowering the price to 299!
  14. so your volunteering to use your SDF-1 model?
  15. eh, I never was a fan of hot shot. Glad I don't like him so I don't have to buy him.
  16. Don't know if this was posted yet but Price drop! http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/ps3-wi...redicts/1279759
  17. Can you confirm that both the Hot toys appleseed rubber is exactly the same kind that Medicom is using for their piccolo figure? I'd like to know before I decide to buy this figure. You would think Hot toys would use something different than what Medicom uses.
  18. What I'd really like to get is the VF-22 M&M set from M7. That would be bad @$$!!
  19. BoBe-Patt

    Latest custom.

    OMG! that's one of the best ones you've done kurt!!! That camo is soooo good that I can't even see it now! where is it?
  20. haha, the revoltech booth was always on the to where ever I needed to go buy stuff. EXO got more than I did!
  21. love how you used gloves to handle this toy like it was a fragile comic book that you don't want greasy hands to touch.
  22. haha, I only grabbed 5 each day I was there. So I think I have at least two of each color.
  23. wow, that's still pretty pricey considering you can get both for like 160+shipping.
  24. Whoops, gotta look more carefully.
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