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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. That looks like classics cyclonus.
  2. Finalfrigginly! I was looking at the only saint saiya figure I have and was wondering why can't the ronin warriors be made like that? With metal armor and removable and the figure is super poseable too! Oh man I can't wait for this line! I hope they make them all including Lady Kayura, white and black blaze! what would kick @$$!! Please keep us updated on this! I am so buying them all!
  3. dang, I just want the VF-2SS! These would be cool if they were metal too!
  4. are arrowana's still on the illegal to have list? I know it is here in CA. My aunt had four of them all in separate aquariums. I use to love feeding them the gold fish. But of course they all died over time, but they did last pretty long.
  5. haha, I looked at all those links in your research and all but one I commented in it. Dang that was sooo long ago!
  6. They should be exactly the same. One has OUT8 and the other has OUT10. Just different release dates. I believe one came with the huge SDF-1 poster, and the later release didn't come with one. Now there is a bootleg of this book too. So watch out for it!
  7. I've been seeing so many different releases of the TF G1 cartoon series. I know the other ones are released overseas, but is this one an official American release like Rhino did like 8 years ago?
  8. Thanx!
  9. nice! you have pix of the covers of these mags?
  10. oh wow, I didn't know about this transfer cable and cd. Is there a picture of it? where can I get one? when I took my xbox in to get it replaced, I just kept my old HD and put it on the new xbox I got. I didn't think there was a way to transfer the data anywhere. And how does this work? Do you need two xbox console's to make the transfer?
  11. Only tron stuff I have is the reissue light cycles that neca did back in 01 I believe and the medicom ones that were the best light cycles and figures made so far. here's what I'm talking about: http://www.toywiz.com/disneytronorg.html
  12. So I take it Jetfire is an old bot? Looks like his landing gear ends up being his cane.
  13. I still have it sealed! But I plan on cracking it open this weekend. PSN: BoBe-Patt
  14. ok, I ended up exchanging my PS3 CE version for the xbox CE. I did this cause apparently the PS3 version is only 720p and upconverts to 1080p, while the xbox can play on 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. So I started asking around about this and apparently what's stated on the box is wrong on the xbox. So both systems upconverts to 1080p and they both are actually 720p. Either way I got the xbox version. Game on!
  15. not enough people i know are buying RE5, so I bought it for PS3 instead. oh well.
  16. how much is that chanmery set? that's pretty dope!
  17. Anybody have Left for dead? Me and a friend are planning jumping on tonight at around 8 or 9 PT. If you want to jump on with us, let me know! If you don't have my screen name already, it's bobe patt. Let me know!
  18. sigh, I don't get it. The one toyline and cartoon series that's actually good and they scrap it. Why didn't they scrap armada or energon? those series sucked IMO. I like animated more because it pays more homage to G1 than any other crap they put out there. They better release arcee at least before they bite the dust.
  19. so is this gonna be for the 160gb version or the 80gb version? According to these guys: http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/ps3-wi...redicts/1279759 they are predicting that it might only be the 80gb that get's the lower price tag. Oh well doesn't matter now since I bought my 160gb one already.
  20. you must love the old school Macross models cause your posing these valks like them!
  21. yeah, I do! but you'll need the Game Geanie...
  22. finalfrigginly!! Friggin awesome. I'm so getting this!
  23. yeah, they're just too damn impatient and the type that has to have everything now! Latest news on the madcatz joystick: Madcatz Joystick
  24. sweet, I just walked into best buy and they had a bunch of the collector's edtion of the xbox version. The ps3 CE is almost gone. I might pick that one up as well later, but for now I got mine! woohoo!
  25. damn it, I should've preordered. Now I have to search around the best buys to find a collectors edition.
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