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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. who? It just says rotobox.
  2. I don't know where to put this but it's macross and it's a toy and it's transformable! But too bad it's not going to be mass produced.... =( http://rotobox.multiply.com/photos/album/2..._Series_Customs
  3. ok, if this is what you believe, then explain why roy didn't instantly die in DYRL when his VF-1S head got smashed in? Didn't you notice that the zentraedi soldier was punching at the valk's chest area to try to get to roy? I think you need to watch the tv series and movie again like 5 times.
  4. that's funny that you mention the Miss Macross 7 Roman Album book, I just got mine in! I usually don't buy small books but I just had to get it since there's very few mac7 books out there that are worth getting. Thanx for the info about the TIA Mac 7 book. I'ma have to fin d myself a new copy just to have it mint.
  5. I think you mean VF-22 (no stand) and YF-22 (with stand)
  6. Sweet. Thanx for the info veffidas. Damn, I didn't know that was the case. Looks like I may have to find me another one. And yours has the obi? That obi of yours looks so flushed with the book that it looks like it's part of the book.
  7. hey guys, quick question, can all of you who have the Macross 7 animation materials book scan the binder of the outer cover for me? I want to see if it's orange or yellow. I bought mine a while ago and saw that it was yellow instead of orange. I'm wondering if mine was yellowed before I bought it or if it actually comes yellow. This is the book I'm talking about: let me know if you can help! Thanx!
  8. there's your third celebrity. But dang, double whammy today. Sad day. RIP
  9. vf-21B where? they made one? Is there even a vf-21B?!?!?
  10. I don't have any triad 12" figures, but I've been waiting for their samurai champloo 12" figures for like ever now. I don't even know if they released it yet or not. If not they don't even have a release date. Damn them!
  11. Hmm... that's how much I paid for my bootleg version of that book. Bootleg or not, it's still a good reference book.
  12. great idea indeed. If I had the money, I would totally build a display like this guy: http://animepunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php...26&start=25
  13. Looks like the Figure Oh book number 134. I need to get me one of those!
  14. sad day. I grew up watching kung fu. I enjoyed it. Kill bill was good too! R.I.P. =(
  15. sweet, that's good news then. I may have to sit in at the hasbro panel then at SDCC!
  16. he kinda reminds me of Peter Dante with a tan from Grandma's boy.
  17. So are we getting new TF animated toys for sure? I saw the new pix from botcon, but I didn't hear anything about them eventually releasing them. Anybody know if they are releasing Arcee and the rest?
  18. hmmm... maybe I should've bought the second Cyclone MPC for 125 at botcon on saturday. I forgot that these things are 200 bucks retail! Dang, at least I know who the guy that was selling it is.
  19. how much was it? and how much do these books run?
  20. wow, you leave those toys at your office? And they are not even hidden either. They are way out there in the open! Nice!
  21. Where does it say VF-19 Kai? All I see is YF-19. And I believe it's a model kit and it's old news, but correct me if I'm wrong: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29700
  22. aaarrrggghhh!! I'm sooo mad at myself right now! I scratched up the top part of my PS3 where it says playstation 3! I know it's got not a big deal but to me it is and it bugs the hell out of me for doing it! Now that I think about it, why the hell did PS3 use a shiney case rather than the ps2 dull black case that's more scratch resistant? Sigh. Anyway, anybody know where I can buy a new replacement case? Well I really just need the cover where it says Playstation 3 replaced. any help will be appreciated. Thanx
  23. so when is this coming out? Anybody know?
  24. actually he did have all nine armors at one point. It was the second time ryo fought talpa and talpa was like huge. But yeah Ryo took in all the armors and was able to defeat talpa.
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