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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. man, that foo didn't find it! hahaha. It was all golden boy. Anyway, another seller had one there for 350. But I don't know if you wanna pay that much for it.
  2. what's this? little figures now? *sigh*
  3. yeah, prices have gone down for these. I'd say the most one will go for if it's like almost perfect condition, bone white valk, would be 400. Lowest I've seen so far was 150, and that was at the comic con!
  4. yeeeeaaaahhhh!!! that's hella good news. Man, I can't wait to get it!
  5. how about some pictures? Anybody have pictures of this news? I'ma buy it now for sure. I just hope they fix the whole transforming sequence.
  6. Which Targets did you go to? I went to the Simi and Moorpark ones and they had nothing. The Porter Toys R Us had some Grimlocks, Swindles and one Shockwave(the one I took back). 313009[/snapback] the target in burbank. 313029[/snapback] Thanks! 313030[/snapback] no problem. Just as long as you save me one!
  7. Which Targets did you go to? I went to the Simi and Moorpark ones and they had nothing. The Porter Toys R Us had some Grimlocks, Swindles and one Shockwave(the one I took back). 313009[/snapback] the target in burbank.
  8. huh? Yamato is making a VF-1S FP giftset?
  9. BoBe-Patt

    TV-1A head

    man, are you sure your gonna finish this project? You still haven't finished the 1/6 hikaru yet and the helmet, and all the other projects as well. This 1A project might fall in the waiting list sometime next week I bet. Finish your projects bastid!!
  10. man, I must've ran into 20 swerves yesterday at target. no decepticharge though.
  11. man, I'd love to have that animation cell!
  12. where are these hands from? You made them? or are they eternal D's?
  13. I thought it was known for some time that he was designed to fit the Q-Rau. Well, the text here confirms it anyway. 312434[/snapback] yay!! That means I'ma buy an extra one! Wait, is this set gonna be like the last two sets where there was a clear hair version and the solid hair versions? How's that gonna work with max, the cockpit?
  14. did you guys see this yet? Blue BT Prowl? WTF is this? I hate all these repaints that we don't even see in the cartoon. I'm soo not buying anymore BT's and Alts, unless they come out with a better looking one. Red alert I will buy but to only switch out heads with Prowl and make the real BT/ALT Prowl.
  15. what I don't get about the toynami booth is why don't they sell off their stock of MPC's both VF-1 line and the alpha's. They had none of those for sale. Only thing they had was the damn bookends. That's it. Weak.
  16. eh, I was suppose to go, but I totally missed out on it. Oh wellz. Maybe next time.
  17. well this is certainly good news. I'm definitely picking up two sets.
  18. cover up your man boobs? you mean you weren't wearing your bro?
  19. whew! My first comic con and I left with a 100 bucks still in my pocket!! yay!! Well I spent at least 800 bucks on more crap that's just gonna sit there in the bag/box for the next few years. I'm soo bringing more money next year. I know I'ma buy even more stuff there next year! Can't wait!
  20. Toonz! Please tell me you don't want that! That thing is hideous. I'd so rather buy a banpresto valk, which can transform at least. That thing just stands there and you can move up this arms and legs, and strike cannon. Yuk!
  21. dang it, I found this like at three different dealers at the Comic Con, but all were like 140+ And it's hella small too!
  22. yeah, I might pick it up as I still have my original animeigo set sealed
  23. nice. I wonder why they put the VF-1S right next to the GBP Armor?
  24. I can tell you this, it'll be a lot more than his recast JM that he sold a while back!
  25. um.... huh? A cell phone? edit: ok, guess you just fixed it.
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