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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. come on now, the point of this thread is to post a pix of what you have, not tell me what it is. 319072[/snapback] Mine, I don't have one.... I got the reissued version. Lucky BoBe! When did you get your 2nd Gold Book? 319994[/snapback] I just got it like a month ago. I'll probably be getting another just to have out to look at and leave on the coffee table. That one will definitely not have the poster or filmstrip. Unless I can get a complete one for under 80 bucks!
  2. oh hey, I just noticed that Mikimoto's not in there! What's up with that?
  3. Are you serious?? 320135[/snapback] hahaha, you gotta be kidding me!
  4. I really have to see these in person before i decide to buy them. So we'll see....
  5. I needs me a large! I missed out on Nick's batch. one because it was all XL, and two I didn't have the money yet.
  6. these are toit! I'm definitely picking these up, but I'm waiting for the american versions as I heard the japanese have problems with them. The american versions will have the fixes to them.
  7. horrid, just plain horrid.
  8. ahh, well that kinda sucks for traditional animators. A friend of mine had some mad skills in drawing and wanted to become an animator. He has his porfolio together n all, but the only problem is, he doesn't know how to use any programs on the computer. So when he went in for a job interview, they told him that his artwork was good n all, but he had to at least know illustrator and photoshop. Oh well, I'm just glad I'm better on the computer than I am with a pencil.
  9. come on now, the point of this thread is to post a pix of what you have, not tell me what it is.
  10. maybe waaay in the future when yamato stops making Macross, the 1/48's will definitely be the money makers. As for the 1/60's.... I don't see them going for that much. But who knows! Only reason prices will go up is the demand for it. If there's no demand then the toy is only worth the price you paid for it.
  11. took awhile for them to release these on dvd.
  12. yeah, it does look like a yf-19 wing. Well it's definitly the perspective as the half of the wings are bent downward, so it makes it look like the yf-19 wings.
  13. the LV isn't coming out yet. He's doing the VF-1J's first. Just check out the For Sale section. He's already got one up for the VF-1J list. But it's practically sold out.
  14. Too much work. Draw a long black rectangle and you have my filmstrip. 318554[/snapback] hahaha
  15. yeah, I saw that the other day and was like WTF?? I didn't get it either, so I just brushed it off.
  16. well just got finishing watching this movie with bigkid24, exo, and solscud007. It's not a bad movie. It's pretty long though. I'll let the other guys who've seen it give their review on it.
  17. aww, so far no pix huh? dang. You don't necessarily have to scan it in to put it up. You can just hold it up to a light source and take a picture of it.
  18. trust me, he's got the whole vf-1 line down. So now is a good time to start thinking about regults.
  19. Ok guys, here's the new and updated gold book filmstrip thread. The old one got lost somewhere and don't know where it is anymore. I know a bunch of you got new gold books in... so share what film strip you gots!!! I even got an extra gold book. Here are my two film strips:
  20. ahahahaha. and yeah, that SD regult is pretty cool! I hope somebody can finally make one, Rohby, what do you think?
  21. so let me get this straight, your dreaming about Rohby wearing armor, and Rohby wearing fastpacks?!?!?!
  22. yo!! that's toit!! Put on the list of wanting one! Good job!! is it bigger than the original or same exact size?
  23. not sure if this is posted yet, but the next reissue looks like galvatron anime colors!
  24. ahh, that was one of the coolest episodes ever! ... 316687[/snapback] :/ Nothing was cool about M7. But I will take your post as a confession. Watch Predator twice and Conan once to purge the lameness from your soul. 317036[/snapback] Done, done, and done. Forgive me father for I have seen M7
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