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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. that would be Kin. Don't know if he's finished it yet or not.
  2. I still like AX. But this past year it's been a little boring for me. I don't know how the PMX will do later. It was sooo slow on sunday. It just was soo boring.
  3. just stick some popuri in the box.
  4. wow!! I like that! That would be one I'd totally buy!
  5. ugh.... you don't wanna know.... The exhibit hall was like a swap meet. There was like only 20 vendors there. Wow. I've never been to a expo that was that small before. I'm soooo glad that I didn't pay for it.
  6. I haven't gone yet. I'll be going today with solscud007, only he wakes his @$$ up already!!!
  7. nice!! I might just take up that offer!
  8. I collect some 12" figures, but something like this I'll pass on. Looks cool though. I still want that female jin-roh figure...
  9. well I grew up with robotech and loved it back then. Then I discovered Macross and was in love with that more. I still like how they combined three different animes and made it into one series. I'll always like both, but macross more of course.
  10. hehe, I forgot. But it's located on sepulveda, where banzai anime use to be.
  11. ooo nice. I need to get me that TIA portfolio thingy. So when is your girlfriend gonna be done with the color pix?
  12. well I'm going this year. Last year was the first year it started and it's where gunbuster found the minty fresh blue gakken 1/35 alpha mint in box for only 50 bucks or something like that. Same vendor had the cyclone mint in japanese box for 80 bucks!!!! I'm kicking myself for not being able to go last year. Oh well. I went back to the store they have in santa monica and found a green alpha mint in box in the back and was selling for 60! Of course I picked it up without any hesitation!
  13. wow!! those fire valk cells are sweet!
  14. yeah, saw it already. Eh, I might get it when it goes on sale like unicron did. Then next thing you know they're gonna make a black version....watch...
  15. ok guys, how about some pictures?
  16. dood! I like them beast war ones! I wanted to look for transformer ones, like G1 n stuff, but they're pretty hard to find.
  17. ooo graham!! you gotsta show those!
  18. haha, bastid!!!
  19. this looks soooo good that I might end up buying two of these!!
  20. I'm actually one of the few (it seems) to enjoy Mac7...then again it's been a few years since I've seen it and I've only really seen the first half...but I've been downloading the full series for a couple of days now (only about a day left) and I'll be able to watch it again. I also like the music...very popish rock sure...but it's catchy! But I don't want to turn this thread into another tired Mac7 Rocks/Mac7 sucks thread. I just really wanted info on the cel. Thanks everyone -RF 323213[/snapback] I actually enjoyed macross 7, that's why I have mostly macross 7 cells. Well that and because macross 7 cells are cheaper then the older ones.
  21. ahh!! so your that bastid that outbidded me too!! haha, it's cool, I already have two of those. I was hoping to win this one so I can actually have all the cells to go to that one sequence! Add your collections of cells here!: Cell Collections 323181[/snapback] DOH! That would have been cool to have them all in sequence. I have 4 of my cels posted in the other thread now...once I move, I'll take pics of all my other cels...damn addicting lil bastards they are. -RF 323208[/snapback] yup, they are addicting!! I just started this year too!! Actually my first one cell I bought like two years ago on ebay. It was this one: First Macross Cell then I just started buy up like crazy this year! I might end up paying like 200 bucks for one, if I like it enough.
  22. nice!! I like that gaogaigar one! how much was both?
  23. wow! Those look toit!! I want them all!! is it some sort of gashapon set for the small ones?
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