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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. yes, good luck to you. Valkyrie312 is in the same situation as you are. I hope you guys will pull through fine.
  2. ouch, that sucks!! I gotta check mine now!!!
  3. BoBe-Patt

    1/48 CF

    yeah, that's what I was thinking of too!! TV fastpacks for CF indeed! Looks good. All I need now is TV fast packs....
  4. well maybe in like a few weeks. Maybe even this week. I'd check and ask around for them.
  5. nice!!! I finally got mine! Thanx Soze! I want another if there's any left!
  6. dayum that looks sweet!! I still haven't played MGS3 yet either!! dang it! I gotta get on top of that.
  7. really? Hmm... I'd say hold it up to a light source and take a picture.
  8. awww, come on now, you can do better than just telling us!! post a pix!!!
  9. BoBe-Patt

    all jm's found!

    Dude, I'll pimp you out for toys!! You can dress up as Meltrani slurm. ...at the end of a hard whoring day... B*TCH!!! Where's my Valkyrie!!!! (SLAP) 328276[/snapback] haha, dat's the way he likes it too! 328370[/snapback] There's a reason why Bobepatt knows how I like it... oh gawd...let's NOT go there!!!! 328922[/snapback] hahahaha!!!
  10. oooooo!! they're out!!! I gots to get them!!!
  11. Well, 40 centimeters comes to about 15 inches high. 328803[/snapback] yeah, but it's still a statue. I meant 12" figure as in action figure. Where you can pose it. Maybe like that superposeable one that came with the manga.
  12. I remember seeing it before it came out at AX00. I must've saw it like 5 times when I was there. I haven't seen it since. So I totally forgot what happened. I would like to watch it again.
  13. oh snap!! that looks toit!! Now why can't they ever just make both rei and asuka at the same time? I know if they made an asuka, it would bad @$$!!! I would definitly want one if it was built and painted for me already. Better yet if it was a 12" figure!
  14. nice sketches! I got the same sketch in my Mikimoto illustrations book of minmay when he came to the AX 2000 I believe. Anyway, let's keep this collection of filmstrips alive!!
  15. I'd buy a set if I had an extra 1/48 to custom. Damn hoarders keep hoarding the extra 1/48's!!!
  16. BoBe-Patt

    all jm's found!

    Dude, I'll pimp you out for toys!! You can dress up as Meltrani slurm. ...at the end of a hard whoring day... B*TCH!!! Where's my Valkyrie!!!! (SLAP) 328276[/snapback] haha, dat's the way he likes it too!
  17. um.. that don't sound right....
  18. BoBe-Patt

    all jm's found!

    I take it that you were the one that won the VF-1A hikaru auction that was just up?
  19. BoBe-Patt

    Heads up!

    they better make a giftset!! I needs me one of those vf-1J's!
  20. wow, that looks pretty cool, but I'm not feelin those big balls on his shoulders....
  21. BoBe-Patt

    all jm's found!

    exactly!! I would post that I finally got all the japanese JM's but I don't have a camera. I'll borrow solscud007's.
  22. BoBe-Patt

    Heads up!

    I think I'll pass on the preorder as I'ma get in on a group buy!!!
  23. wow, a kim figure....
  24. I'm a big fan of this show, but that 12" figure ain't doin it for me. I'm sure it'll be like over a 100 bucks or so for it.
  25. so is there a giftset coming out for this? I'm guessing if there is, then it'll probably cost like 200+ for it huh?
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