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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. JM's are waaay better. So whatever valkyrie312 and jenius said is true. The Morphers shouldn't even be compared to a JM. The morphers are no where near the quality of a JM. Hands down!
  2. How is that book? I've seen it for sale for about $80!! Too much I thought, was I wrong? 406256[/snapback] dood, I see that book every where in LA. The kinokuniya in J-town still has them for about 50 bucks. Well if you live in SoCal, then your in luck, if not, then it might cost a little more.
  3. They will be this good just like the original. Color matching is going to be hard but i will try it. The kits will come all in white but the head and the booster for now till i get the color down. The cost of the kit will be $75 but still pending. SD 405938[/snapback] so wait, your gonna charge 75 bucks for the whole kit and it'll be color matched as well? I might be interested if that's the case. Are you gonna do one for the Elintseeker too? 405964[/snapback] I will try to do the color matching for this kit. If the kit is made i will offer it in white for $65 without shipping. I will keep people informed on the kit. SD 405968[/snapback] ok, cool. Let me know how the color matching comes out. Thanx
  4. They will be this good just like the original. Color matching is going to be hard but i will try it. The kits will come all in white but the head and the booster for now till i get the color down. The cost of the kit will be $75 but still pending. SD 405938[/snapback] so wait, your gonna charge 75 bucks for the whole kit and it'll be color matched as well? I might be interested if that's the case. Are you gonna do one for the Elintseeker too?
  5. wait a minute now, in those pix, those are the original parts, right? Because it would cost too much and it would be too hard to color match the whole thing. But if those parts are the result of what you made, then damn that's good!!!
  6. yeah, it's gonna start after AX. A bunch of us are gonna be at AX anyway, so we can't play till it's over.
  7. I don't think any of us have paid for both anime expo and comic con in like ages. Last time I paid was back in 98 through 2000. Wow, has it been that long already?!?!? sheesh. I need to stop going.... not!!!
  8. don't get your expectations up too much. There's no mari this year, so who knows how it's gonna go. HAHAHAHAHA. j/k! 402855[/snapback] its about the people and not the content. 404568[/snapback] about the people? Bobepatt included? 404654[/snapback] that's right foo. My brother from another mother is coming in. I'm picking him up. He'll be attending the Anime Expo as well!
  9. trust me, that's how I get through the days when there's no work to be done! 405028[/snapback] Boba, your work should never be done. The floors will always need sweeping and the bathrooms cleaning. There is also a lot of aluminum cans on the sidewalk that need collecting. 405088[/snapback] of course! that's why it's my job to call on a P.A. to do it.
  10. I'll just answer that. They are called joke machines because that's what it states on the Japanese packaging. So the name stuck. The american versions didn't have that name. Knowing how we are about macross, we like to keep the original names ie. Macross - robotech. The japenese versions came out with five different JM's. VF-1S roy, VF-1a Max, VF-1a hikaru, VF-1j Max, and VF-1J Miriya. The matchbox versions came out with only three. VF-1S roy, VF-1J Max, and VF-1J Miriya. There's a picture guide to these JM's on the main page in the toy section. I'd post up pix of mine, but they are all in boxes.
  11. yes, it did NOT come with a black heatshield. Why? I don't know. Only bandai was the one who started incorporating the clip on heatshield.
  12. Cornell... is that you? those JM's and Alpha's look familiar.....
  13. trust me, that's how I get through the days when there's no work to be done!
  14. Yeah, i know it's messed up, so now security is more tight around my area. I work at a entertainment and design agency. So it's a pretty laxed environment. Anyway, like I said, the stuff I put at my work, I don't care much about. Well meaning if someone wanted to transform something, play with it and get their greezy little hands on it, then I don't care. But stealing is different. Oh well, it's a lot better now.
  15. only thing I have right now at my work is a beat up VF-1S JM in Valk mode, and the superposeable VF-1S Roy's last stand. I did have a 1/60 VF-1A hikaru valk, but sold it off. Oh yeah, I have some CMS figures too. One thing that was messed up is before I had up CMS series 1 Hikaru, Minmay, and chase figure out on display on my work shelf. Someone decided they liked the minmay figure and took the figure and left me with the stand. I was a little ticked off, but I got over realy quick as it was just the bootleg set I put up. So what ever else I plan on putting up at work, I'll already have doubles of or it's something I really don't care for much. It's just for decorations.
  16. I like that grimlock color sheet. I hope they do make it like that.
  17. whoa, I haven't seen this thread in a long @$$ time! So that's how you foos look like. haha...
  18. wow, pretty cool. But I never thought a police car would be a decepticon....
  19. eh.... I'll pass...
  20. nope, that one is the limited diaclone version. I ordered that one and the regular one. So I'm waiting on the regular one.
  21. Woohoo!! look what just arrived!! finally!!! and it's a number 2 too!! So now I'm waiting for the regular version to come to me. I wonder what number I'ma get with that one... Â :-D
  22. dood!! good to see you back ben! Yeah, we'll definitely see you there!
  23. Time to update my list! 1/60 Series 2 VF-1S Roy 1 VF-1A Max 1 VF-1A Hikaru 1 Elintseeker 1 Super Ostrich 1 VF-0S 1 Q-Rau Max 1 Q-Rau Miriya 1/72 Series 1 YF-19 boxed 1st edition 1 VF-19a boxed 1 YF-21 boxed 1 VF-11b boxed 1 VF-11b w/fastpacks boxed 1/48 Series 1 VF-1S Roy 1st release 1 VF-1J Hikaru 1 VF-1A CF 2 VF-1S Hikaru 1 VF-1J Super/Strike Stealth Valk 4 Super/Strike Armor set 2 GBP Armor set 1/100 Series 1 VB-6 KÖENIG MONSTER
  24. So how does it work? You go on the trip. You win money in poker. But you don't pay up at all? It's supposed to be a free trip? 402414[/snapback] I didn't say it was a free trip, I said it doesn't work that way pertaining to trying to guilt me into paying you back. And besides, I already told you I'd pay you when you get back next month.
  25. Time to update my list! 1/60 Series 2 VF-1S Roy 1 VF-1A Max 1 VF-1A Hikaru 1 Elintseeker 1 Super Ostrich 1 VF-0S 1 Q-Rau Max 1 Q-Rau Miriya 1/72 Series 1 YF-19 boxed 1st edition 1 VF-19a boxed 1 YF-21 boxed 1 VF-11b boxed 1 VF-11b w/fastpacks boxed 1/48 Series 1 VF-1S Roy 1st release 1 VF-1J Hikaru 1 VF-1A CF 2 VF-1S Hikaru 1 VF-1J Super/Strike Stealth Valk 4 Super/Strike Armor set 2 GBP Armor set 1/100 Series 1 VB-6 KÖENIG MONSTER
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