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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. haha, nice. Then you can help me pick up some exclusives then huh? haha. There's a crap load that I wanna pick up. Dang, I might be only able to pick one up for myself instead of the intended two!
  2. I know for sure it was released in Spain. And if I'm correct, it came with blue fast packs and Hikaru's 1S instead.
  3. I don't know if you read anything lately, but prime isn't a Mack truck no more. He's going to be a fire truck. And when you go watch this movie, don't go in as a G1 TF fan, go in as a regular movie goer, you will be disappointed. I'm sure this movie will be cool n all, but nothing there for the G1 fans except of course for the car to robot stuff.
  4. A bunch of us will be there for preview night which is on wednesday. So we'll already be there buying up all the exclusives! So yeah, I'll send you PM.
  5. Whoa. National City is like 15 minutes from the Convention Center. 411365[/snapback] The Holiday Inn National City webpage says it close cab ride, but I'll take your word for it. I am still looking. I may stay in Mission Valley. Everyone is telling me that the trolley is right there. 411923[/snapback] OH and when I say 15 minutes from the convention center I meant by freeway. Mission Valley is a better option especially because of the trolley. It'll be an easier ride getting to the convention center but damn crowded when you leave. 415025[/snapback] Just made my plans this morning! Staying at the Holiday Inn Downtown (not the Bay). I arrive early Friday morning and leave Mondayafternoon. See you guys there! 415511[/snapback] funny how we all say we'll see each other there. We need to exchange numbers here if we are to meet up. Otherwise, we won't know who is who. So who's all gonna be there for sure? This is who I know of for sure that's going and meeting up: BoBe-Patt Solscud007 Sneakers Dangard Ace Bigkid24 BigBen Kiririth Anybody else?
  6. yup, that looks like the real deal Takatoku to me. Although he didn't pull out the bridge and the radar dish thingy to the side. Oh well...
  7. now that is pretty bad@$$!!!
  8. as always dood, nice custom!
  9. I took some pix at anime expo of the 1/100 valks. Check em out here: 1/100 pix
  10. that's a good question, because we have an answer to that!! We actually talked to one of the reps there and he told us we'll be seeing about 25 or 26 volumes of this. Each one of these are numbered, so the exclusive is numbered 0 while the first three is 1, 2, and 3. And there's suppose to be 26 of these? so that means they are making them all, including the elintseeker and super O! GBP wasn't confirmed yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be out too. Oh the four fast packs you see there count as part of the 26 numbered boxes. So you can imagine what they can possibly make!
  11. yup, way ahead of you bro.
  12. Fast packs:
  13. ok, here you go. I picked up four of the exclusives, but sold my two extras. Enjoy!
  14. Yeah ya guys had some nice cosplays Im currently working on a Max DYRL havent started yet but I wanna get it done before Haloween. You guys were quiet the couple . Too bad I cant attend that Anime gathering in Sacramento, it aint local. Sure was, it was such a close one. I managed to get a free soda for killing someone in the first 6 seconds of the round. He had skill though, Im really looking foward to next years tournament. I will be in training for that and I hope to battle Skyros again he was a challenge. Â congrats dean. Nah, a bunch of us was helping out at the Anime Punch booth selling stuff. Eternl D was selling his Low Viz there too! wink.gif biggrin.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif Oh I think I saw you guys but I was mostly on the other side I forgot to bring some money . Were ya guys selling the VF-0S Yamato? 414015[/snapback] nope, all we had was the low viz for sale. Low viz as in the first low viz, not the new camo version. AP booth was the only booth that had the first low viz for sale. And it was still sitting there at the end of the day. I'm sure you know why it was still there....
  15. holy crap! I didn't watch the world cup over the 4 day break because of anime expo and I come back to see germany and brazil out of the top spots?!?!? I was hoping it'd be brazil and germany at the end. Wow, what the hell happened? what a total surprise....
  16. congrats dean. Nah, a bunch of us was helping out at the Anime Punch booth selling stuff. Eternl D was selling his Low Viz there too!
  17. haha, it's cool man. You had to call with your pocket Ace's. Bastid!! I had to call with my king queen suited. oh well, there's always next year's con!
  18. go germany!
  19. I don't know about everybody else, but the cells I've bought have been under 100 bucks. So that's something within my budget. Nice collection. I like that DYRL SDF-1 you got there. There's one on ebay right now that looks exactly like yours but it has the shoulder cannon thingy's being blown up.
  20. saw it this morning at 12:55am at the IMAX. Not too bad. The 3D thing was a nice little addition. I wish more of it was in 3D like maybe the whole movie. hehe. I think Routh does a good clark kent but not a good superman. He looks too young to be superman. But it is what it is. I hope that the next superman we'll see a super villain this time around. Like bizzaro or even doomsday! Just somebody other than lex. Or at least have them team up with lex. We'll see I guess.... :-D
  21. Nah, I have a feeling Germany will beat Argentina. I feel ya there dood. I saw that too and was like what the hell? I was going for the Italians but still. That was a hella bad call. And the guy sucked on his thumb after he made the goal. Da hell was that about? Well it doesn't matter because they're not gonna go all the way. The Germans will take em out.
  22. wow, beautifual work as aways. Good job!
  23. ugh... the swiss and ukraine game sucked. Very disappointing game. I don't like the whole penalty kick rule to decide a winner. Well at least I don't have to worry about that with the brazil game tomorrow! go brazil!
  24. Bobepatt? 411548[/snapback] da hell? no, I don't ask for discounts. haha, nice avatar.
  25. ok, why do you have so many anyway? Are you going to sell any of them?
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