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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. Well if you do only arcade games, then of course you gotta play the classics! like double dragon, shinobi, street, mercs, teenage mutant ninja turtles, ninja gaiden, and other classics. Damn I love playing those games!
  2. Ahh.. good ol mame. I started using mame back in 98 on my old PC, then downloaded it for my mac and been playing old arcade games on my mac for like the longest time just using the keyboard! lol.
  3. both are a definite buy for me! All I'm missing would be the first Metal Gear Snake figure to come out for MG3. That sucker is waaaay too much now!
  4. saweet! I just secured one! Can't wait to get it in!
  5. Well for those who care, Anna Nicole Smith passed away. Here's what CNN reported: (CNN) -- Anna Nicole Smith died Thursday at a South Florida hospital after being discovered unconscious in her hotel room. The reality TV star and former model was 39. "I can confirm that she is deceased. It's as shocking to me as to you guys," Smith's attorney, Ronald Rale, told Reuters. "I don't know anything further. [Her lawyer and husband] Howard [K. Stern], obviously, is speechless and grieving." Smith's private nurse called Seminole Hard Rock Hotel workers at 1:38 p.m. and security went to the room, Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger told reporters. Before rescue worked arrived a few minutes later, Smith's bodyguard performed CPR on her. She was taken to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood at 2:10 p.m. where she died, Tiger said. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday, according to the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office. R.I.P.
  6. wow, so out of all that, you have only one vintage macross toy? How much did you pay for that elintseeker? You planning on displaying it?
  7. hey nick, where's the pictures of your old civic? you should post it up. At least nick had the skull and crossbones on. This needs more. If your gonna go that far might as well go all the way! Make a black carbon fiber hood and put a skull and crossbones on it!
  8. yup, there's a thread up already on this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21200
  9. BoBe-Patt

    1:500 SDF-1

    eeewww!!! please don't answer that. I don't wanna read it! lol
  10. BoBe-Patt

    1:500 SDF-1

    lol, pretty sweet but yeah, that guy hugging the sdf-1.... just sooo wrong...
  11. there are two different type of VF-17's. There's the VF-17D and VF-17S. The one in the picture you have up there is the VF-17S. That sucker has been reissued, and is easier to find than the VF-17D, which wasn't reissued. The difference between the D and the S is the head sculpt and the highlights. The 17D has the blue highlights and the S has the yellow.
  12. wow, not bad for something that's not that yellowed! I believe solscud007 bought a fully yellowed one in box for 350.... haha. Nice catch! The box it came in will be mine! lol
  13. Dayum, that was a damn good two hours! Now every time Kumar pointed the gun at the kid and told him to get the pain killers, I was sooo wanting him to say,"and while your at it, pick me up some White Castle burgers" Anyway, so does this mean Curtis dies? or is he just wounded? He looked like he would be able to survive that shot. But seems like every season has somebody from the previous season dying. Just as long as they keep Chloe alive till till the series is over. Seems like both Chloe O'Brian and Wayne Palmer are the only ones still alive since season 3. I guess we'll see what happens now hmm?
  14. that'd be cool, but you need the yf21 to complete that scene.
  15. friggin nice! I really wanna buy one, but I gotta save money for the macross stuff.
  16. actually the only spiderman figure I liked was the one medicom did based off the mcfarlane drawing. They also did venom and black spidey. The carnage was based off mark bagley's drawing. So those were the best spidey series of figures ever made by medicom.
  17. spiderman figures are terrible. I love medicom in all but those figures don't look good at all!
  18. well the way I saw it, everything was all in her head. She just made everything up to "escape" from her not so happy life. All the fairytale books that she read fed her imagination so everything thing she saw was so vivid. So that root that she got from El Fauno could've been something she found in the forest. Another reason that led me to believe that it was all in her head is that when she finally "crossed" over the portal to see her father and mother as the king and queen, the queen happen to be her mother in the "mortal world." So basically she died and went to heaven and was reunited with her parents. I thought she would physically be in that fantasy world, not spiritually.
  19. as ready as ever! bring it on!
  20. yeah, this YF-19 looks sooo impressive. Makes me want to crack mine open when I get it, but alas, it will go straight to storage.
  21. just saw this movie last night. gosh, it's pretty depressing. But I did enjoy it. I kinda went in thinking it was gonna be like some sort of fantasy type movie where the girl really is a princess or something. Ah well.
  22. you know I never liked it in plane mode. Looks like a big meatball with wings.
  23. BoBe-Patt

    VF-0S MAX

    wow, that's friggin sweet!
  24. ah damn, that's right. lol. I have the MGS3 ones already. I'm thinking about MGS4 lol. Ok whew! I really want to get that one and I thought I just missed it or something. Sweet. I sooo want to buy these new Jin Roh type figures as I have the ones that were released by dragon and the cy girls one. These are pricey and cost as much as a 1/48. Sigh... soo many things to buy and so little money..
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