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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. is that sealed swoop the recently released bootleg?
  2. damn, that's pretty sweet. The finish on it looks like it came from the factory. Good job! One thing that stands out that I would change if it was mine is the dark red on the chest and the forearms. I'd make that a different shade of grey. But that's just me.
  3. sweet godaikin collection! You even have the holy grail of godaikins! Tetsujin! nice!
  4. oh so you bought two sdf-1's together? Why don't you share with us how much hmm?
  5. haha, nice. Good smile version is the one I want too! I wonder if they'll make the other tachi's though... that'd be sweet!
  6. you bought all three at the same time? And the middle one doesn't look like it has the head antenna, or if it does, it looks like it has some parts broken off of it.
  7. or you can watch this guy transform his: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RISrZC6ZGeU&NR
  8. yeah, macross legos is kinda old. They even have a strike valk too. I'm surprised that guy didn't make a strike. But I'd love to make that yf-21!
  9. egan loo always comes through. He also always brings his rare and one of a kind macross pieces like macross kiddy shorts? Anyway, for those of you who have Nintendo DS's, you should bring it so we can all play mario kart or some other multiplayer game.
  10. hmmm... I have to wait till it comes out before I'll say anything. Still skeptical about it.
  11. darkvalk, nice collection dood. I just noticed something. Is there a reason why you have both GBP's top arm armor on backwards? just curious....
  12. BoBe-Patt

    1/48 GBP-1S

    I'd say be patient and wait till someone sells their's in the sale section. Or post up it up in the wanted section. Someone was selling it for only 90 bucks. So keep an eye out.
  13. is this going to be for the PS3 and 2 or just 2?
  14. Yeah, I like everybody else said, these toys sucked @$$. I remember hounding my mom to buy me one when I was young, brought it home and broke the hand peg that held the gun in the hand the next day. I don't know what I did with it but I wanted to get some more. So when I was finally able to drive, I decided to check the toy district in LA to see if anybody still had these. Searched all the toy stores top to bottom. Last shop I go to, had all of them and even the big one! For some reason, I hated the big one and just wanted the small ones. I bought all three for 12 bucks! and the big one was only 15 bucks! Damn, had I known, I would've bought them up. Sigh... what I'd give to go back in time.
  15. well I can get this for 60 bucks each, maybe even 50. But the max might be a little more.
  16. wow, that cheap? I'll buy it if it's that cheap!
  17. sweet! too bad I already bought one, but I only paid the yen price.
  18. wow, that's pretty cool! I want that snake costume!
  19. so any word on the final price for this yet? In the beginning I thought this sucker was gonna be 150, now I'm hearing it's around 100 bucks?
  20. blackaces already explained this. But this is the original sculpt that toynami took and made the superposeables from. Those were shown back at the WF 2001.
  21. at this point I don't care who brings one out first or last. Just as long as they make one to release damn it!
  22. thanx guys. Thought that kit might be like a gundam kit. oh well.
  23. So is this kit all in one color or is it molded in the corresponding colors? So basically no paint required?
  24. hmmm.. which mospeada book is that from?
  25. lol ya it sure is. I would've taking me like 10 bucks worth of quarters to finish that last part! but good ol mame, all you gotta do is hit the 5 button like 100 times to get all those credits. lol. Here's some of the games I have: Aliens Aliens vs Predator Bubble Bobble Contra Captain America and the Avengers Double Dragon 1, 2 and 3 Dig Dug Donkey Kong 1 and 3 Donkey Kong Jr. Elevator Action Final Fight Eswat Gunsmoke Karate Champ Ikari Warriors Indiana Jones Kung Fu Legendary Wings Mr. Do Mrs. Pac Man Narc Ninja Spirit Punisher Puzzle Bobble POW Popeye Rampage Raiden Robocop Rolling Thunder 1 and 2 Shinobi Shadow Dancer Space Gun Splatterhouse Street Fighter Simpsons Spiderman Super Punch out Spy Hunter Street Smart Strider Star Wars Superman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tron Trojan Twin Cobra Vigilante Xmen Zaxxon Zombie Raid I have more but the others aren't worth mentioning. hehe. Old skool games rock!
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