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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. hmmm... that's such a generalized question. There's a lot of small transforming VF-1's. If your looking for something very accurate and small, then the 1/100 line would be your best bet. But if you don't care and just want something small that transforms then the K&M valks would be ok even though you have to swap parts out to transform it. There's also the takatoku version of the toy that sh002 posted. The transformation on that toy is rudimentary and it's all plastic. Now if you want the super deformed look, then the smallest you got are the takatoku and toynami morphers. Those transform, but are pretty crappy. Joke Machines are the most accurate transforming SD type toy you'll ever find out there. It transforms close, if not exactly to it's bigger brother, the 1/55 scale valks. In fact, I'd say it's transformation is more close to the 1/100 scale valks.
  2. a little late there buddy. They have pix of that already a page back!
  3. ok! finally uploaded the pix! took a while but better late than never!
  4. he probably translated it from the japanese text.
  5. I can't believe the gold version is going for like 60+ dollars on ebay!! I should've bought a bunch of these!
  6. very nice! 3K!?!? sheesh, I wouldn't even pay that much for toys! Well over time yes, but not all at once!
  7. comic book huh? Nah, I'm just referring to the cartoon. I never read the comic book. I didn't think the art was all too great. For some reason I liked watching GI Joe and transformers instead of reading about them. So I would always associate the characters with their cartoon counterpart. At least Lady J looks like a woman. The ones they've released before were horrible. Like this one: http://www.yojoe.com/action/03/images/ladyjaye3_large.shtml http://www.yojoe.com/action/06/ladyjaye4-large.shtml
  8. dang serpentor is missing the big cobra thing on his back. I wonder why they didn't add that in.... As for lady J, she doesn't look that bad, but I wonder why they made her with a hat like the original when the cartoon she never really wore a hat....
  9. wait till you see the third leia! I gotta get my pictures up!
  10. anybody pick up the limited boxset version? I picked up the Comic con exclusive version that came with an immortal mask. The one they released today was limited and came with a spartan helmet, and it was cheaper.
  11. Macross above all! Get your priorities straight and you'll be fine. You gotta ask yourself if your more of a macross fan or a gunbuster fan. I'd buy that Hikaru VF-1J.
  12. Hey Los, you coming up to comic con this year? Let me know when and what days if you wanted to meet up with us.
  13. the only other color variants that you can't buy seperate are the TV 1/48 1J Super valks. The hikaru, green fast packs, max, blue and grey fast packs, and miriya, red and grey fast packs. If your lucky enough, someone on ebay or even here might sell those fast packs alone.
  14. you didn't get the 1/60, you got that 1/40.
  15. yes, thanx Bee! damn good job man! Like I told everybody else, next year we'll have to have the next MWcon at the long beach convention center or even anaheim convention center! Lol. It was good to see some familiar faces and some new ones as well. Hope you all had a good time.
  16. If you look carefully at the first pix of that collection, you'll see it in the middle with a clear plastic cylinder over it.
  17. yeah, I don't like the "battle damage" look either. And how can you call that battle damage when all it looks like is a dirty car? How lame is that? If it's battle damaged, I wanna see broken parts, dented doors, scratches, raw metal showing from the cuts, etc...
  18. for those who are looking for the deluxe bumblebee, just wait for this two pack!
  19. awww... damn you eriku!!! bastid! haha. just hatin. Anyway, before you send those toys away, can you take pix of them? I wanna see what I could've had! haha. Well I since you still have those smaller ones, I might interested in those. But I need pix first! let me know! thanx!
  20. ooo!!! sweet! but wait, why you selling these?
  21. I paid 60 for mine shipped and it was pretty mint.
  22. hmm.. is that why the black controller is half gray?
  23. Yamato would also have to modify the wings slightly. They would just have to add two small pieces at the tips of the wings. I really don't see a big problem with yamato making both the elint and super O.
  24. E3? don't you mean E 4 everybody? I thought E3 is no more?
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