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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. awww dayum!!! Grimlock baby! I'm soooo buying this! They said that the bot mode pix is mistransformed and is not suppose to look like that. So I'm waiting till they post the pix of how he's really suppose to be transformed!
  2. I think these fast packs look soooo much better than the MPC versions. The boosters actually look normal where the MPC's booster's look all skinny.
  3. so I decided to step into Kay bee toy store for the first time in like ages, and I ended up walking out with a destro and beach head. Cool thing was the rest of the joes left were all cobra troopers and officers. So this is good for those who want to army build. Yeah, the price is a dollar more than target, but oh well, at least they have joes on the pegs!
  4. cool fast packs, but dang, I'm not feelin the green... maybe if it was olive green or even darker green...
  5. ooooo! that looks pretty sweet! I want it! How much?
  6. BoBe-Patt

    My Shrine

    no need to paint. They have one:
  7. BoBe-Patt

    Valkyrie Girl

    good job on that rei valk. But there's not enough skin showing on that...
  8. Your forgetting about Thrasher and Road Pig too.
  9. yeah, that small mospeada might fetch you like 80 bucks or even more. Depending on who wants it. It's only missing the small black scope from what it looks like to me. And wow, the box looks like it got faded by the sun. Was this left out in the sun? The exo squad stuff would fetch at least 30 or more if they were 100% complete, but it looks like the battle pod is pretty much missing some parts and is a little yellow.
  10. here are the pix:
  11. friggin sweet! What's next? A full series maybe in anime style with guest stars galore? That'd be sweet too.
  12. wow, new joker just passed away... that totally sucks...
  13. I own three and I still don't know what your talking about.
  14. you know, my original Jetfire I got as a kid has smooth antennaes with painted macross kite on wing. I don't know if that's been listed before....
  15. I think that's two collections in one pix. But even though, you hoarding bastids!
  16. ok, the pix you posted up is the 1990 reissue Super Valk that bandai released which goes from 100 to 200 depending on who wants it badly enough to pay that much for it. Then there's the takatoku super valk that was released in the 80's, this one: Then in 2002, bandai went ahead and reissued the takatoku version of the super valk, this one: so those are the other two you have to worry about. There is a bootleg of the 1990 reissue but you can easily tell by the valk inside. The valk they used for the bootleg is actually the strike valk, the vf-1s with red highlights. and blue super armor. I can't find a pix of it, but it's been posted a few times here on the boards. But anyway, you won't be able to find that bootleg easily anyway, it's old and pretty hard to find. Anyway, good luck in your search
  17. very nice!!! mmmm....
  18. july 20th on sunday sounds good to me.
  19. nice, I like the second and third sets. I'm not feelin the snake eyes and storm shadow two pack. Hasbro killed it for me by doing these other variants of these characters. Sigh....
  20. dang, I've been on COD4 so I haven't been really playing Halo. I'ma jump back on to see how I do now.
  21. sweet pix dood! I might want to pick up jango too, but still iffy about it...
  22. eeewww!!! these are terrible! only ones I would buy are the vintage takatoku ones and leave those in the boxes just because they look better in the package. These don't look good in any mode at all. skinny legs, big torso. Even the Honke SD model kits look better and have more play value than these. But to each their own I guess...
  23. But it's still made by CMS. So we know it'll be same quality as the others.
  24. oh dang, I didn't hear about this. Well I couldn't have made it anyway. Too many BDays happened that day. Anyway, next year fo sho. And early notice would be nice too!
  25. lol, best line ever. Yeah, this series seriously needs to be on CN. Those other shows on there are terrible and should've never been aired. I can't believe those shows are still on. Who honestly watches those crappy shows?
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