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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. yeah, if they weren't backordered! and if they weren't 30 bucks!
  2. wow, that's pretty sweet!
  3. well looks like I was able to get one today. It seems they are putting a certain number a day so it gives everybody an opportunity to pick one up. I wonder how many they are making of these? Anyway, they are planning on making more available tomorrow. Buy it!
  4. saweet! I tried and tried last night and I finally got in on one! Even though it was for someone else, that gives me hope for one! lol. I'ma try again today since they're taking more preorders today. So we'll see!
  5. So I tried to preorder the gunmetal one off the konami site, and couldn't even get in! There were so many people that it I was stuck at the pre order page for like ever. Then a few hours later it just says the site is temporarily unavailable. Great....
  6. yeah, I know you want the snake eyes and timber one! they're just too cute and cool!
  7. looks like we're getting another SDCC exclusive along with the Cobra Commander: SDCC Exclusive!
  8. well you should come on by AP to check out my collection. Here's the link, so just go through the pages. There's not much because everything is all in boxes and bags. Pix of my put away collection
  9. well I started out with baseball cards back in 88, then it jumped to comic books in 90. At this point i was cleaning out my old toy bins and started putting all my transformers back together and decided to look up some TF on ebay. At the same time I looked up macross toys, but they were waaaay too expensive back then. Like the strike which goes for about 200 minty fresh nowadays, went for about 800+ back then. So I just stuck with buying G1 TF. This is a picture of my TF collection in 96: Now I have all the original G1 TF. Along the way I picked up some macross stuff here and there. I actually pieced together a Strike Valkyrie within a whole year! Started off with the valk with leg armor, then went to the rest of the armor, then the little minmay figure, then the heatshield, then I won an auction for just the box, styrofoam and sticker sheet, then someone just happened to have the file card and instructions. Man it was a long process but I did it! then I ended up buying 4 other strike valks in box all at once from a member here. So now I have a bunch of vintage macross toys and the new stuff.
  10. BoBe-Patt

    Thunder Hammer

    maybe we should use different colored tape so it'll match the valks we use to put it on. like red tape on hikaru, and yellow tape for roy and blue tape for max.
  11. sawweet! I'm sooo buying a set of these!
  12. I might end up focusing on cels this year at the AX and SDCC. I haven't bought a cel in a while. Good job on all the cels here guys. That'd be cool if all of us were able to get all the cels from DYRL and we can combine all the cels to make the movie again!
  13. this is the same thing they did with the black spidey. I was able to get one from sideshow for 130. I wonder why they have the SS goku for so much more now. but yeah, SS goku looks pretty bad ass. That I might consider buying....
  14. yeah, that's why I never open my bookstyle toynami toys. They look good in their books all lined up.
  15. OMG!!! I want everything on that page!!!
  16. OMG!!! finally something new! Well sorta but still! I'm buying these fo sho!
  17. I have a pretty good sized collection of RAH figures, but I am prioritizing my money in other areas right now. So this is not the case of being cheap, but just prioritizing my collection.
  18. Good pix n all, but I hate to nitpick but you need to turn that super hikaru into a strike hikaru! You took a pix of the 1S doing the infamous last battle pose and yet there's no cannon on it! sad....
  19. ugh... I'm soooo sick of eva at this point. So meh is right!
  20. yeah, pretty bad ass but too pricey. I mean I buy the other medicom figures all the time, but a dragon ball one? I'm not feelin it as much.
  21. oh dayum! that's tight! it comes with fast packs too! I'm sooo buying 5 of these!
  22. in what pix do you see the two taka sdf-1's? All I see are regular sdf-1's. I don't see yellow tabs on the shoulder cannons to indicate that any of these are takatoku sdf-1's. Am I not seeing the taka's? Are they hiding somewhere in there? And so far I count about 8 sdf-1's in the pix, excluding the smaller ones.
  23. There anybody out there who doesn't want that extra dvd that came with the preorder? I preordered mine and never received one because they sold out of them. Bastids! Anyway, let me know if you guys don't want it. I'd like to get that dvd. Thanx!
  24. bah! pictures speak louder than words! post some pix!
  25. I'm down with GOW, and Halo3. Let me know when!
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