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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. I'm only watching this with the two friends that saw part one with me. I agree that it was a horrible movie, but we made the most out of it. We kept on shouting in the theatre saying stuff like, " don't go in there!!!!" or "don't just stand there, run!!!!" Even the people around us was getting in on the fun. We are most likely going to do that again, no doubt, but other than that, I wouldn't watch this movie if it was free.
  2. So I take it that the elint's tailfin section stays folded on the back even without the armor? It would be nice if it can fold back down so we can have a normal elint valk with no armor.
  3. well, my prized possesion would be my macross collection and transformers collection. I can't just choose one individual piece only because everyone of them was bought with tears and sweat money. It took me a whole long time and money to aquire my collection. I can safely say I would probably be able to get double the money for collection if I were to sell it now or even later. But I don't want to sell any of them! I'm keeping them and when I have a chance, I'm going dedicate on room for all of them! And when that happens, I'm pretty sure my collection will have doubled or even tripled!
  4. yeah, welcome to the club!! It took me a long @$$ time to save up money for this sucka. I finally bought the vf-1s and was totally satisfied. I couldn't ask for anything more, except for the fastpacks to come out already!! Now I'ma save up for the Max and for the VF-1s Hikaru and possibly for the hikaru vf-1j. Oh man that's whole lotta money!
  5. Too late for that. Hasbro already done that to Optimus Prime and his decendant, Optimus Primal. Optimus Prime: http://www.tfu.info/1995/Autobot/OptimusPr...ptimusprime.htm http://www.tfu.info/1997/Autobot/OptimusPr...ptimusprime.htm Optimus Primal: http://www.tfu.info/1996/Maximal/OptimusPr...timusprimal.htm http://www.tfu.info/1998/Maximal/OptimusPr...timusprimal.htm http://www.tfu.info/1998/Maximal/OptimalOp...imaloptimus.htm http://www.tfu.info/2000/Maximal/OptimusPr...timusprimal.htm http://www.tfu.info/2001/Maximal/BlastPunc...timusprimal.htm http://www.tfu.info/2002/Maximal/SupremeOp...timusprimal.htm ok, well the optimus primal toy actually had no mouth. That weird. I thought it did. Well, what I meant is that all the optimus primes that came out that had the G1 head, or something similar never came with a mouth. The optimal optimus cam with a mouth I believe, but this energon prime has the G1 head and colors but it has a mouth, and it looks hideous. Prime is not meant to have a mouth!!
  6. I don't think prime is meant to have a mouth. YUK!! Looks like he put on some pounds since armada!
  7. I'd be getting me loot at frank and sons. I only order online if I can't get it anywhere else. I've gotten some loot at valkyrie-exchange and I'm thinking about getting some at twin moons.
  8. BoBe-Patt

    max 1s 1/48

    that's what I want!!! If they are making a vf-1s hikaru, then they better be making a max too!!!
  9. so how much is one sealed box?
  10. maybe monkey-nugget or noel can help you out. Ask them!
  11. are these set's going to be sold as vanilla colored or are they going to be grey?
  12. I never asked this, but does unicron come with a sticker sheet? I've noticed that some of the transformer toys these days don't come with sticker sheets. Does anyone know?
  13. my wish list would be all the combiners!!!! especially predaking!!! oh man oh man!!! that would be sweet!!!! if they can pull that off, I'll be buying everything that comes out from takara. I wonder if they plan on making ironhide and ratchet?? oh man, that would be ugly!!! especially if they end up being the chase figures, or at least one of them!
  14. OMG!! I could not stop laughing. It's funnier if you watch the original and then watch the ones with all the effects. Sucks that this had to happen to the kid, but he shouldn't have left the tape in the camera!
  15. I guess we'll all have to wait and see when the DYRL anniversary comes around. I hope they reissue everything.
  16. 1/48 - 1 1/72 - 3 1/60 - 2 I might be getting in some extra 1/60's just to put on display or play with them, but that's about it. I guess I'm glad I decided not to go overboard with buying everything that yamato came out with.
  17. Man, I'm probably going to be the last one to get one of these!! I still can't find one!!!! I guess it would help if I went out and try really hard to look for one instead of just going in and out of target without even looking carefully.
  18. yeeesshh!!! and eeewwww!!!!! No thanx! I'll just stick with the smokescreen design.
  19. man, what would be a really good project for takara to do is redesign ratchet and ironhide!!! If they can do this I would definitly be in line to get both. And if some how they can redesign Megatron to go with the new Prime, then it will be just too much for me to handle!!!
  20. I ams what I ams!
  21. man, I'ma have look this weekend at frank and sons to get a box in. Man I hope they have these in. I just want a set, I don't care about the clear hair thing. I wouldn't mind getting the minmay doll either. So we'll see.
  22. I would most definitly buy one of these!!! And then add on the fast packs!!! oooooooo.
  23. ok, that sounds good. I'll try and find somebody that has a set.
  24. still no word on making any cyclone sticker sheets? That would be cool if you get those.
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