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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. OMG!!! I gots to get me one of those!!! I'm definitly getting the japanese version. so when does he come out again?
  2. well, one would expect to get the bootleg version especially at 15 bucks nowadays. These have been out for more than a year now. If you wanted to buy the original with the poster, that would have cost you about 50+ dollars. I bought the original one for about 90 bucks and you can tell if it's original or not. The bootleg's bookcover part is made of cheaper paper and it's flimsy, while the original's bookcover is thicker and more durable. I bought the bootleg a while back and was impressed with the quality of it. I use that book now to look at and I put my original away. Now, if they would only do a bootleg of the gold book........
  3. OMG!!! For the price of that bootleg, I can get 32 of those! This guy is crazy!!!
  4. (sigh).....Like all other long running shows, it's gotta end. Like X-files, and soon to be Simpsons, and Friends. I say it's about time star trek ended. I was never a fan of the series. I only liked the movies, it was quick and easy. You can only have so much of a series before you get sick of it.
  5. well, for one thing, you can check out the book and how rare it is in the main page of Macrossworld. I say you can probably fetch a good 25 to 30 bucks for each of those, depending on who wants it. Macross books have been going up and down, so you really can't tell how much it's really worth. I guess the question is, how much is it worth to you?
  6. I actually woundn't want to see macross stuff in a supermarket. If that were the case, I'd always come home with some milk, bread, microwave food, and a valk!! And instead of my total being 20 for food, it would be like 112 with the valks!!! ARRGGHH!! that would be the end of my bank account! I'd be left homeless! But it would be a nice idea. Actually, a few years back when Yaohan in J-town was still around, it was a supermarket that had everything. It even had some gundam models, anime books, and some other toys. ahhh.....those were the days......
  7. man, just be happy that you got those for that price! I was looking at those auctions too, but decided not to go ahead with bidding on it as I don't have money right now. I think that's another factor why the JM's prices have dropped. I guess people are either wasting their money on the new stuff or just wasting mony on other stuff right now. But good catch though. Hopefully the next miriya JM will be mine!
  8. anybody seen the episode with silver sable? I missed that one and was wondering if it was a good episode. Anyway, I also wanted to point out one thing that bothers me at the end of the intro to the show. It's where spidey takes off his mask and peter parker just has this constipated look on his face and it just cracks me up everytime I see it! Does anybody else notice this?
  9. ugh!!! I met that dood in person! My friend got drunk one night at the expo and started hitting on all the girls. When the man-faye walked by, man friend started hitting on him too!! Oh man it was funny! But indeed an ugly sight!
  10. well, the only time I overpaid was when the first vf-1s bandai reissue came out. I paid 80 bucks for it and now it's only 40. I know it's not much, but that extra 40 could've bought me another bandai reissue! I guess the only reason why I was able to not overpay much is because I can wait till the prices go down. These toys will always be availble whether it's on these boards, toys stores, internet sites, or ebay. Having major patience is what I have learned these past years especially with the track record of these toys going down in price. On one occasion, I had to buy the max and miriya bandai reissues because everybody said that those were being made in low numbers. So I picked up a set for 150 at it's initial release. So as the days and months pass, I saw the prices of the M&M shoot up to like 250 a set. But just recently the prices have started to cool down to like 170 to 190 a set. That's still high. The funny thing is, I just went to frank and sons recently (9/3/03 wednesday to be exact) and to my surprise one of the vendors was carrying a set for 140!! I was like man, I could've bought those again and even for a cheaper price than what I paid! I know it was only a 10 dollar difference, but that 10 could have been put towards something else!!
  11. oh man, I love this series!! the only thing is I didn't know electro was going to be like that. It would be nice to have him in the original costume but up to date with today's trends. I also like how spidey can open and close his eyes just like some of the comics! The only thing that I find weird is that in every episode, they wear the same damn clothes!! I find that pretty funny!!
  12. BoBe-Patt

    Macross Figures

    how much you want for the minmey doll?
  13. eh, I saw these and it didn't really make me want to jump at it. I think I'll pass on these and just wait for the alpha MPC's.
  14. I never did like that bioroid, it's ugly. I only bought the hovertank and that was it.
  15. hahaha, I would recommend it. It is a hella funny series. I only saw the first two dvd's and I still need to to finish it. But yeah, if you like bizzare humor, this is a series for you!
  16. man, there's no way yamato is making less fastpacks sets then however many 1/48's they've produced so far, that would be stupid. They have to make more fastpacks than the 1/48 valks, that would make more sense. I wouldn't worry about these fastpacks selling out for good.
  17. it'd be nice if the cape was cloth instead of being hard plastic. And I hope this guy comes out in november as it is suppose to. Other than that I'm ok if they delay it. I'm so freakin swamped on buying all these new toys that came out. Stuff like the elint, super O, eva-00, unicron, 1/48 fastpacks, macross figure set, etc...
  18. it'd be nice if the cape was cloth instead of being hard plastic. And I hope this guy comes out in november as it is suppose to. Other than that I'm ok if they delay it. I'm so freakin swamped on buying all these new toys that came out. Stuff like the elint, super O, eva-00, unicron, 1/48 fastpacks, macross figure set, etc... Guess we'll have to wait and see.....
  19. awww man!!! I just barely picked up eva-02 and now the third one's already out?!?! Man, I'm hurtin here......
  20. Well, I finally found one. Actually 5 at the wal mart in porter ranch. I guess that's the good news. The bad news.... I had no money!!!! AAARRRGGHHH!!! So now I have to wait until I am able to get some money to buy this sucka. I can't believe he is a dollar cheaper at wal mart too! 48.89. That's the cheapest I've seen it for. I guess......
  21. whoa!! Awesome work tony!! Bad @$$ custom. I likes!!! I'm guessing that kidkorrupt is talking about the tread in the background as being the holy grail. Am I right? And are we going to see a recast of this anytime soon?
  22. takara all the way!!!! Man, I hate what hasbro did with their reissues. It's exactly what Captain of the SDF-1 Macross said. It shouldn't be called a reissue then if they are going to modify it the way they did. No chrome weapons? No short missles? Man that sucks!!! the only accurate toy that is considered a reissue would be red alert. His is exactly the same as the original. But that's what I think only judging by looking at it in the box. I would buy the takara ones and keep them in their nice boxes and buy the hasbro ones to open up and play with them or display them.
  23. it's sequel people sequel!!!
  24. hmmm.... ok I the most I spent on anything was for my complete predaking for 190. The next high perchase would be the original japanese mospeada cyclone in box for 150. And for macross, I would have to say I paid 150 for the vf-1a joke machine. That one hurt me the most. I felt like it wasn't worth that much after I got it. So I can say that I kinda regret paying that much for it. I still love that JM, but not at 150. Anyway since I collected star wars at one point, I paid 112 for an original 12" boba-fett figure mint in box. Now that was worth every penny!
  25. ok, nevermind then about the elint not being able to be in normal valk mode. It can but it just has that post sticking out in the back. That's ok I guess. Now, my other gripe is the super O doesn't come with any arm armor? LePoseur's pix show the super O with no arm armor. Wonder why it doesn't come with any? Man, as more pix come in, more flaws are pointed out. I guess nothing can be perfect. I guess I'ma have to wait for a miracle like bandai reissuing their elint and super O!
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