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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. those kids aren't flying in space, well they are, but it's cyber space. They got pulled into cyber space and that part where they are flying is towards the end of the episode where they are leaving. That's when unicron appears and seems like he's chasing them. That's unicron's first appearence in the show. Can't wait till he fully comes out.
  2. Man, I feel that Marvel has stooped to the lowest level now by doing this. That is so weak. Marvel used to be all original stuff, and people copy their stuff. But now they end up copying other people's stuff. That's just so weak sauce. I guess that's another reason why I got out of collecting comics. <_
  3. you can try and find some bootleg copies. they are just as good as the originals. The whole set I believe is like 50 bucks.
  4. wow, that looked really good! I love the way the ad was copied straight from the cartoon. That was cool. Makes me want to buy the toy even more!
  5. it's funny to see all these valks and fastpacks with no stickers on them!! Come on people, put some stickers on!! It'll look better!!
  6. anybody got any pix of these?
  7. Holy cow Chan!! 8 freakin 1/48 valks and 8 fastpacks?? dang, you got enough 1/48's there? If my memory serves me right, you were the one who posted your very impressive and expensive collection on the old forums collection page? You also showed us your M3. Was that you? I'm pretty sure it was. Dang, it must be nice to be rich.......
  8. oh yeah, that looks sweet! I would definitly buy that version of unicron if it came out. I wonder now, since unicron is coming out in japan, is there going to be a difference between the american release with the japanes release? Only thing I see different is that the japanese version comes with a video. I wonder if it might be a little different as in paint schemes. Here's a link for an ad: unicron ad
  9. The G1 prime had diecast metal in his chest and feet. I don't think it was all die cast or else it would have some major ware to the paint from transforming it and it would be hella expensive.
  10. aww man, if you were here in L.A. then I would have suggested to go to Frank & Sons. They get all the good macross stuff in for good prices. If they sell it for cheap then you gotta know their supplier hooks them up! Maybe I can ask around there next time I'm there. It won't be soon though. Sorry!
  11. From which Final Fantasy series creatures are you looking for? I know a place that has alot of final fantasy 8 Guardian forces. And if you buy them all you can build the ragnarok. The prices are pretty cheap considering you can't find these anymore. It's located in the toy district in downtown L.A. Other than that I don't know anywhere else that might have the Creatures your looking for except Frank & Sons.
  12. What!?!?!? I can't believe this!! I didn't even know about this. I just barely found out about Johnny Cash and now this? What happened to the news stations? I was watching the news and nothing about anybody at all. I guess the whole 9/11 anniversary was more important. But that is really sad to hear. All I can remember John Ritter from is 3's company and a movie called Skin Deep. He will be deeply missed.
  13. there's actually bootleg copies of these. I found a bunch of these in LA for 20 bucks. I know for sure those are bootlegs. I don't know if they still have any, but if they don't they usually get more in. I think it's still on ebay as well, and selling for 20 to 30 bucks. Here's one now: design works on ebay
  14. yeah, I asked about that a while back on the old forums. Nobody knew anything about it. If it does come out, I'ma get it for sure! I'm planning on checking the japanese bookstore to find out if there's any new macross books coming out. I'll let you all know.
  15. I just saw that movie. It was pretty cool. Weird concept though. After the movie, it left me with a weird feeling that I couldn't explain. But the whole gun kata concept is awesome. Makes you wanna start up a dojo for that.
  16. Bummer, dude. I'm in Southern Cali. SD. The marketplace is called Mitsuwa Market. I dunno the name of the store that has the EVA-Renewal box, but is inside of Mitsuwa Market. Is the mitsuwa market place your talking about in LA, or is it in SD? I'ma have to check the LA mitsuwa anyway. I just wanna look at it in person. No way am I shelling out 425 for dvd's like that. It's gotta be made of platinum for me to even think about buying it.
  17. oh, I forgot to ask, are you planning on painting the ring around the planet orange? It's orange in the movie, right? Just wonderin......
  18. so where are the robot mode pictures? I'd like to see the robot mode pix. Good job on the custom.
  19. only thing that looks funny to me is that prime is using only two fingers to hold the matrix. If I remember correctly, he uses both hands in the movie. It just looks funny.
  20. I don't think it is going to be released as it is just a custom from what I believe. Kidkorrupt said it was done by some guy in korea. But hopefully I'm wrong and this is being made soon!
  21. haha, I remember that fugly @$$ skyfire. He wanted like 200 or something like that before. No way is that thing worth that much. If it was the one kidkorrupt did, well that's another story!
  22. DOOD!! dat's freakin beautiful!! So beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye! I would love to have this figure if it is being made. But it's gotta look like that!
  23. I head similar but he reduced price comes at a cost. No Diecast. people over at the 2005boards keep saying that it's going to have the same amount of die-cast metal. Only differences is maybe the paint scheme and packaging for sure. The toy that's not going to have die-cast metal in it is the american release of smokescreen, while the takara one will be all metal. 20 bucks for the american one and 75 for the japanese version. Weird......
  24. BoBe-Patt

    Macross Figures

    hey singtao, if you get the minmey chase figure, can you sell me that one? Let me know. thanx!
  25. the american release is only going to be 75 bucks I heard. Is this true? And it's coming out in january/february. Can anybody confirm this?
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