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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. yeah, those spychangers looks like the ones that come out for RID collection. I think I'll pass.
  2. Well some of you already know that the next takara bookstyle reissue is going to be astrotrain, but did you know it was going to be the japanese release black and white one instead of the american release one which is purple, black and white? Here's some pictures. astrotrain I could be wrong and these pictures are just to show you how he looks like, but I'm just guessing they'll release the japanese version. I would think that they would release the american version and save the japanese version for the ehobby exclusive thingy that they always do. I'm stil waiting to see if they will release soundblaster as an exclusive when soundwave officially comes out.
  3. Anybody seen this yet? I've heard about it on these boards on an older topic, but I still haven't seen the pix yet. I don't know. I don't think I'll be picking this up as I still haven't picked up the first one yet! Dark unicron
  4. That just looks cool. I don't think I'd ever ride one though. It's just eyecandy for me.
  5. Ok, the alpha's are the 1/72 scaled ones. Here's a link to see all the sizes that the alpha's came out in: Alpha link And as for the first picture, it's called the nikick from the orguss series. I don't know much about that series as I've never watched it before. Maybe someone else can go into detail about orguss, like Drifand.
  6. ugh!! It's shim again!
  7. ugh, the sd's paint job looks nasty. If I were to paint something, that's probably how it would turn out. Yuk!! So far kidkorrupt's skyfire has been the best custom I've seen to date!! Nobody has done a better custom since! I don't have the picture but I'm pretty sure somebody has it here on the boards.
  8. wow, that's pretty cool. Can you actually download the whole song? That would be cool if you can.
  9. yeah!!! I want smaller boxes for these mo fo's!! One box already took up space for three other boxes that I could've put in place. And now that the 1/48 vf-1j is coming out with the fastpacks?? My god that box is going to be a killer!! I can see the shipping costs now...... 30 bucks shipping from LA to SD. Krazy I tell ya! Krazy!!
  10. Don't know if this post should be here or in the games section, but all the posts in the games section seem to be all macross related. This however is related to transformers. Anyway, optimus prime is going to be one of the fighters in this game. Here's a link: Dreammix TV World Fighters What do you guys think?
  11. Man, I never understood the story line of the first and second silent hills. I still haven't played the third one yet and I have a feeling I'm not going to understand it at all either! All I know is I have a great time playing these games. They are fun as hell. I hope the movie will be like the games. Well actually I hope it is explained better.
  12. hahahahaha!!!! yeah, that is pretty sad.......
  13. wow, talk about cutting and pasting on photoshop!!
  14. I really like that diorama you have going on there!! what did you use for that fork lift thingy that holds up the boosters? I wanna do something like that someday....
  15. You must have had a lot and I mean A LOT of time on your hands to sum all that up. Good job! Now we know who has a lot of loot and who needs some! Talk about hoarding! sheesh!
  16. dood!!! I remember those! I had a bunch of them, but I sold them all! Oh well, they were pretty cool toys.
  17. can somebody explain to me what exactly happens in the beginning of alien 3? I know what happens to ripley and surviving cast from aliens, but I'm just wondering what happened? I guess an alien got on board and trashed the place and left one inside ripley? I'm just wondering how that could've happened when they were on a ship that was floating in space. Did the alien queen somehow get back on board? That just puzzles me on how that happened.
  18. yeah, I agree with everybody who said that the blue on this guy is too light. I want the darker colored one that was first introduced. Maybe it's the japanese version that's darker. I hope that is the case. And one thing I wish they would've added is the missle launchers that go on his shoulders. If those were there, that would've been a perfect smokescreen!
  19. well, before I spent so much money on all these new macross toys, I was buying spawn, marvel/DC figures, Star Wars, comic books, and anything that was hard to find like stuff that came packed one per case. At the same time I was doing that I was fixing up my old 92 civic hatchback. It was a kick @$$ car that everybody and even their moms would always try to race me. Unfortunately though, it got stolen at my school campus parking lot. I was just done winning an auction in the computer lab and walked out to see shattered glass on the floor where my car was. It was a tragedy for me. And to think I was going to get an alarm installed with a kill switch, and the alarm I was going to install was still new in the box in the trunk of my car!! ARRGGHHH!!! (sigh) I miss my car...... Anyway, about a couple months later, I bought a 2000 civic SI. I'm not even going to touch this car now. I am so through with wasting a couple thousand on parts to fix up a car. So now I'm focusing on macross and transformers now, but I can't help myself when all these non macross and transformer stuff come out like the new transformable escaflowne figure, SOC evangelion, MPC Alpha's, and stuff like that. Sheesh. I guess that's about the only obsessions that I have and used to have.
  20. Actually, I think the idea was not to rebuild, but to live primitively. Everyone knows that stone age hunter/gatherers all live in perfect harmony with nature and are much happier than modern people (yeah right). The people went mad on the space station because humans just can't handle living away from the Earth and committed mass suicide. but I saw some people escape into the ships. Did they make it? I didn't see that happen. All I saw was the whole ship blowing up.
  21. BoBe-Patt

    Toy ID

    hey noel, thanx. you were right. OUCH!!! Anyway, is there any difference between the japanese one and the american release one? I know the 1/35 scale japanese ones came with missles to fire out of the gun, and the american release one didn't have that option. That's the only difference I found between the two. But the 1/55 might be different. Any idea?
  22. ok, so the earth killed off almost everybody just to keep the balance? And left a few to survive? So now everybody has to rebuild everything. And what about second earth? I didn't get what happened on there.
  23. BoBe-Patt

    Toy ID

    Hey noel, can you at least tell me how much your's is anyway? I know yours is in mint condition with everything included, so whatever the price is, it'll reflect on the condition. The green valk on the auction is missing the gun and has a broken antenna. I don't want that. I would like to know what the price range of these are. Please let me know. thanx
  24. Well, I just finished watching this last night on CN. And I didn't understand what the ending at all. Can somebody explain the ending to me? What I didn't get is what the hell happened on second earth? And what the hell happened to yuji when he went into that shining orb? And why is it safe to live on earth now? So the blue killed themselves after they almost wiped out the entire human race? Why? This anime just puzzles me. Can somebody please explain it to me. thanx!
  25. BoBe-Patt

    Toy ID

    Hey Noel, thanx for the info and clearing things up!! By the way are you selling that alpha? How much do these run anyway? I'd like to possibly pick one up and see how it is.
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