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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. Yeah, I think I'll pick these up when they get cheaper. Maybe when nobody buys them at frank and sons, they'll lower the prices and then I'll buy them there!
  2. Starscream dies?!?!? Oh man. So the episode with unicron finally came out? I haven't been watching it on cartoon network. So how many more episodes till it's done? I think I need to watch it this saturday to catch up.
  3. I don't know about this, but I like it in robot mode, but not in figher mode. The tailwings look too small while the body is all big. I'm guessing they'll be making a skywarp and thundercracker out of this one too?
  4. aww hell no! Man when I first saw that, I was like man, they did not just do that! First of all I didn't like the way it looked and second, all plastic from what I saw and what I felt. Nasty is all I gotta say to that piece.
  5. Wow, seems like most people here had jetfire as their first valks. I'm guessing if jetfire were ever to be reissued, everybody would get one? I know I would. I'd probably just buy two.
  6. OMG!!! I can't wait till this comes out!!!
  7. BoBe-Patt

    MAX TV VF-1A

    Damn that's a fine job you did there! what valk did you use to do the custom with? and did you use a recast head? Anyway, I just wanted to also point out that the "danger intake" part is backwards. The two ends should be facing the other way. Also the shoulder stickers should not be located at the top, but more towards where the arm attaches to the body. Sorry to have to point that out. I just get like that when it comes to detail. But damn good custom job though!
  8. I don't know if anybody has started this topic yet but I just want to see what your first valks were. Well, my first valk was actually jetfire back in the day. I remember watching robotech and playing with my jetfire at the same time and was wondering why they looked so much a like! And the funny thing was I had the matsushiro version of jetfire so I was wondering why there was the robotech symbol on the wing of a transformer? Anyway, that was my first original valk. Well, my first reissue or new released valks, was the yf-21 and vf-11b. I bought those two together at anime expo. As for the vf-1 line, it would be the 1/60 hikaru vf-1a by yamato. I was stoked when this thing first came out! Man I must have paid like 80 bucks for one, but I was happy! My next valk was the bandai reissue vf-1s roy. I skipped the vf-1j cause I didn't like it much, but I eventually bought one and the rest is history! Now I'm deciding what valk to buy next, either a 1/48 vf-1s hikaru (when it comes out of course), or the elint/super O. Man it's hard to decide now that I've bought so much and have no more money! So what was your first valk?
  9. man, a 1/48 yf-21, that would be awesome. I hope they can fix the whole weight problem that they had in the 1/72 series. I have trouble leaving mine in gerwalk mode without it falling back. Same with the fastpacks version. And now if they make a 1/48 version, that thing is going to be hella heavy!
  10. I guess this means I'll be staying away from the US release (if that's the case with the short smokestacks.....jeez you think they could dumb down our favorite Autobot any more?), HLJ.com here I come! B) BTW....what's the difference between the prototype and testtype in that auction? I actually would buy the american release, but only if it's cheap. I'm not paying 90 bucks for a lower quality prime when I can buy a higher quality one for the same price! I'll wait and see how much the american one will really be.
  11. The prototypes are on ebay right now and it's standing right next to the first prototypes. And god those smokestacks are small!!! damn you hasbro for making prime less than what he should be!! Prime auction
  12. haha, I feel yah. I gotta say Mac then (I gotta represent for the Mac people out there!), even though there's not much games on it, but I do love warcraft for the Mac, it just rocks! I hope they end up making half-life 2 for the mac so that I can play that game and download the counter-strike mod for it!
  13. so we have the option of either having it as stickers or water decals? And will these fit the 1/55 scale valks with fastpacks? I want to change my regular super valk to a super skull valk!
  14. I say that the sony playstation and PS2 are the best only because they have shelled out alot of games and both are still going strong. I can't believe they are still making games for PSone. Another system that surprisingly survived was the game boy line. From game boy to game boy color, to game boy advance and now game boy advance SP. I give nintendo props for these systems because they are still running strong after so many years! If only their home console could be as successful.....
  15. The systems I never liked were virtual boy, 3DO, and jaguar. Horrid systems. Just plain horrid. I only say this now because I'm used too all the newer stuff. Back then when these systems first came out, everybody was talking about them and making a bid deal out of them saying that these systems were going to be the best systems yet. Man, these systems get overhyped for nothing. Ugh, I'm glad I collect macross and transformers stuff, it gives me a reason to not be the first person to have the newest system on the block. I always wait till a better version of something comes out. Like with PS2, I'm glad I waited till last year to buy it cause the first run of these can't even play the newer games. That sucks! Same thing is going to happen when PS3 comes out, I'm going to patiently wait!
  16. Wow, I see all of these "I have it!" and "I just got it!" and all these reviews, but no pictures! Come on people, share the wealth! Show me some pictures!
  17. yeah, I agree. It felt like the movie was too quick. Everything was all fast paced. It was like they tried to cram everything in less than an hour. Is there a chance we'll be seeing a series for this?
  18. This movie was pretty cool in my opinion. I liked snake eyes alot in this one. He actually looked original with a little modifications. Storm shadow on the other hand I didn't like the way he looked much. Another thing about this movie is that looked to much like toy story and small soldiers put together. I can't believe that they turned beachead into a surfer dood. Anyway, I was watching this movie at a friend's party so I couldn't hear it much so did snake eyes talk in this movie? The reason I'm asking is at the end during the credits, they had somebody's name next to snake eyes. So I was like what?!?!? Either snake eyes spoke in the movie or he just made noises. Can anyone explain this?
  19. I know I'm definitly going to get the japanese versions, but what is this #7 and #8 thing your talking about? Can you please fill me on this? I didn't read the thread about smokescreen so I don't know much about this.
  20. yeah, I'd say about the same price as everybody has quoted. If you plan on buying one, I'd say take gobotfool's advice and wait till the new one comes out with the fastpacks. That one is going to be beautiful!!
  21. dang, I don't know if I can get used to that name! I'm so use to seeing pioneer. Oh wellz, guess I better start getting use to it.
  22. hey kanata, I was wondering if you might have a spare left arm hindge for any JM. I need one to fix one of my JM's. Also if you have any vf-1s JM ears too. Let me know. thanx
  23. aww man that looks toit! That be cool if they release just the armor for the SOC eva line, but I highly doubt it. I wish I knew more about this game though.....
  24. That is freakin beautiful!!!! And finally somebody put on some stickers!!! How'd do the panel lines like that? Can ya let me knows? Or is it a big secret?
  25. Somebody please give me a detailed instructions to modify my hovertank!!! With pix as well!! Let me know guys. thanx
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