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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. hehe, I never noticed that! Wow, nice. Can somebody tell us what that says?
  2. WOW!!! I'm not a fan of this version of the vf-1a, but damn that looks good!
  3. are you planning on selling these? If so, let me know! Thanx!
  4. man, these lego builders have waaay to much time on their hands and they have some mad skillz! How would you even begin to build one? And how do you know how many pieces to buy? Sheesh!
  5. hahha, as usual, you had to bring up tera again. Wow, tera as minmay. That would work, if this topic was for hentai anime turned into live action! But still, I would like to see tera as minmay. mmmmm....tera.......
  6. I would probably make trigun, cowboy bebop, and possibly escaflowne. These I wouldn't mind seeing as the technology to make these movies look like the anime is getting closer and closer.
  7. Hey, does anybody know if the extended version uber cool boxset is going to be 12 discs? I'm just saying because the first movie came with four discs, so I'm guessing the second one has four for the extended one and of course the last one has to follow and have four as well. anybody know?
  8. What?!?! You were 14 when you built that black ship?!?! you must have some mad skillz!!! Much props man, much props!!
  9. Yes, it is about time, but I might wait till they make the fourth movie and then buy the four dvd boxset. I can wait. I've waited this long, might as well wait another year or so.
  10. Good thing I waited on these. Now I can buy them at a cheaper price, or should I still wait? hmm.....
  11. are there pictures of the weathered one? I didn't see it in any of the links.
  12. The 1/48 I got was shrink wrapped. I got it from Alex of Little Anime Shop. He shrink wraps all of the macross stuff. So I guess that's a good thing.
  13. BoBe-Patt


    me three!! So where are the pix?
  14. BoBe-Patt

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    hehe, first time I've seen a vending machine for pvc figures/toys. I wonder how much you gotta put in. And only in japan will you find such an idea.
  15. yup, that's the real deal alright. A korean company bought the rights to reissue the RID line in korean language boxes. That's the only other version that I know of. No bootlegs were made of these. Unless you want to refer the korean version as a bootleg.
  16. yeah, of course they made one in black, or else I wouldn't want one. When the VF1X site was still up, he had one and had all the old bandai and takatoku valks sitting in there, and the looked great! Plus my friend bought one and he's using it for his statue collection. I just don't know if they plan on making more the of the black one or not.
  17. well, I was particularly looking for the black wood finish version, which goes well with my room. Anyway, I was there like a couple of weeks ago and saw the one you have but it was out of stock. But no black finish. I'll just wait till after christmas to get one.
  18. They do. They have a square light wood top and bottom piece, but the rest is all glass and two thin metal "ladders" that hold the shelves up and supports the structure. But it's glass all around. I know because I have mine about six feet away, and I only got it just over a month ago, and it was new, too, i'd never seen it there before. Really? I guess the burbank one is sold out then. I didn't see any there at all. And the one I prefer is the one with the black wood on the top and bottom, but if those are all sold out, then I guess I'll have to settle with just the regular wood one. I prefer this style only because you can see everything in any angle without anything blocking the view. I might have to go searching for the black one at a different Ikea. Thanx for the heads up on that.
  19. hey sithlord, care to show us a picture of all that? I would love to see 9 HCM's in one area and 8 JM's as well. You can show us the whole lot in one picture. That would be great. Thanx!
  20. man, I wish Ikea still stocked those stand up display cases that was glass all around. Those were better as the corners didn't have a solid piece as the ones in the links have. But they were 99 bucks. Maybe they'll have those again someday.
  21. yup, that's an OG one alright, and wow, that's a hella cheap price for that piece. I remember when that jumped up to 300 with like 4 days left to go. Guess it kinda sucks to be those guys who paid that much for it now.
  22. It due out on PS2 and Xbox sometime in the next few months. EDIT: Both versions are due out in december end. Yeah, cool! thanx! I'll be waiting for that and FFX2!
  23. Wow, those customs look awesome! So all you did was take off all the paint, and then paint some of the parts grey? or did you have to paint the whole valk white as well? Nice. That would be a nice exclusive for like ehobby or something. hehe
  24. well, that's it, I'm getting the takara version for sure now. The US version I will get later. That battle damage stuff is not going too well for me. I want a clean prime with no damage. If there's going to be damage on it, it's going to be because I put it there!
  25. Any chance MP2 coming out for PS2?
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