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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. ok, I'm too lazy to do all the calculations but how much total does it come out to if you buy it through HLJ? with shipping and everything of course. Let me know. thanx
  2. Straight from their webpage: Please note that these are trading figures and are individually sealed and randomly packed before shipment to HobbyLink Japan. As a result we are unable to honour requests for specific figures, nor can we promise you which figure(s) you will receive in your order. They don't open the box, or else they'd know what was what. Yeah, I know the individual boxes are still sealed, but is the box of ten still sealed? If I order 10 to complete one full box, I don't want them mixing up the box. I want the box to be untampered with so I know for sure I'll be getting one clear hair set and and one painted hair set at least.
  3. so you talked to him today? And is he getting any? oh man, I needs to jump on these right away!! help me out alex!!!
  4. cybercon? what cybercon? and where? And can you show us some pix of the victory saber? thanx!
  5. nice, but I wonder if they open the outer box to mix up the inner boxes itself or not? If they keep it factory sealed, then I'd consider buying one. I'll email them and find out. Thanx for the heads up.
  6. whoa, I this thread actually reached a second page?!? wow. I thought this thread was going to be on a lock down, but I guess not. Yeah, that picture of the guy acting as a missle is the funniest thing I've seen so far! HAHAHAHA!!!!
  7. gonna go to some party. I don't dress up for halloween. I just don't like to. Don't know why. Anyway, you can say I'm going as a broke ass college student.
  8. yeah, I liked the old box better, and what's that I see? the 1/60 gbp-1 armor? Nice! Was that picture posted in the thread about the armor yet? That looks offical already. I can't wait. Can anybody translate what it says? Is it coming out by itself or with the vf-1j it looks like?
  9. that is bad ass!!! you da man!!!
  10. BoBe-Patt

    Macross VFX-2

    I remember seeing an ending, but I forgot what it was. I guess I'll go play it and finish it over the weekend and let you guys know. I only had a problem with the game freezing during the briefing. That was it. I'll let you guys know.
  11. WTF is right. Horrid, just plain horrid.
  12. I think that's pretty neat. Only thing I don't like is that fin in front of his face. Makes no sense for it being there. It's just a distraction if you ask me. Anyway, anybody know when this thing is coming out? I wouldn't mind picking this up.
  13. how did you mod those to fit on and stay on the valks? Did you glue them on? or are they removable? Nice work though.
  14. eh, I'ma end up waiting till one of my resources at frank and sons gets em in. He always saves me two just in case. I don't like pre-ordering because then I find out later that it's cheaper somewhere else, but then again I do run that risk of not getting one of these. Oh wellz!
  15. yes, they are reissuing most if not all the SOC's. There's a thread in here about it and has a link to the news about it as well. To lazy to go search for it. Sorry!
  16. quarter century old. That's 25 Sigh......
  17. yeah, agent one is right, alot people here are too damn lazy to mail things out. I'm one of those people! Anyway, so 20 bucks? does this have to only be macross stuff? If it does, the only thing that we can buy each other would be only those kaiyodo trading figures or even the macross figures that were hot and now hard to find. It would only make sense if we buy each other macross stuff.
  18. oh great, here we go again. No matter what sega does, it's going to flop somehow. Unless they can pull off some sort of miracle gaming system, I don't see this being very successful. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  19. I actually like this show. When it first aired, the first thing that came to my mind was another sailor moon type of deal. As I watched more episodes, it started to grow on me. So now I enjoy watching this series. I like Shishomaru's mellow type of mood that he's always in. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. I just hate that I have to wait till the newer episodes are out. Oh well, FLCL took it's place and that anime is hella funny to me!
  20. wow, that's some pretty good looking recasts! How much work do you actually have to do with this to make it look good? I might pick a set up myself! Thanx for the review!
  21. BoBe-Patt


    The VE-1 is a unique valk that has a unique armor on a vf-1 valk. It's different from the other fighter planes and it's not ment to be a fighter plane either. So it's an awesome looking valk with or without the armor.
  22. I collect macross because ever since I watched robotech as a kid, I just fell in love with those valks. I've always wanted to buy a valkyrie, but I just didn't know where to buy it. But now that there's plenty of valks around, I can take advantage of it and buy up all my favorites. And as for the question about why we buy the same valks over and over, I only buy the ones that I like. For example, I skipped a lot of the yamato releases, but I bought every bandai valk that was reissued. Don't get me wrong, I love the yamato valks. It's just that I grew up with a jetfire so I just had to have all the chunky monkey's!
  23. No thanx, I've never been a fan of halloween, and the last time I dressed up for this event was back in jr. high. All the stuff that I want to dress up as always costs like 200 bucks and up. I would love to dress up in a jin-roh armor like those guys at 2002 anime expo. Those guys rocked!
  24. can somebody post pix on how it's suppose to look like installed? That would be great, thanx. I may have to go to frank and sons to see if they have it there.
  25. how much was the whole box? I gotta get me one of these boxes!
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