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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. yup, no matter how you put it, the VF-1S is always on top of my list. It's the valk that I grew up wanting and has the coolest looking head! He also kicks major @$$!!
  2. Man, I wish for everything else in the macross world except for the VF-1 line!!!!
  3. and on the same note, I can't believe they are planning on reissuing target master hot rod! Man, what the hell? They like totally skipped everything before the target masters. I don't need to see another hot rod. Here's the link for it: target master hot rod
  4. Aight peoples, I don't know if you guys saw these yet but I was searching around and ran into these suckers. Anybody else have more info on these? And did anybody post this yet? Kaiyodo figures
  5. hmmm... wasn't it ultra magnuts or ultra magnums?
  6. ok, my prized "holy grail" toy or toys is my transformers collection, especially fortress maximus. I'd never thought I'd have him only because he cost way too much. Next would be my macross collection. I cherish all of the valks I have. Then I'd say my japanese boxed cyclone. After that, my star wars 12" figure collection, especially my vintage 13" minty boba-fett complete with box! I guess that's it.
  7. yeah, I agree that the theme song doesn't fit the show much. But after a while it just grows on you. I sometimes find myself humming the theme song at work. Man that's not good!
  8. hahah, true dat!
  9. BoBe-Patt


    yeah, only because they seem to be stuck in the VF-1 syndrome!
  10. I think everybody should have a VF-1S in every scale that they ever made! Something like this: Bandai/Takatoku 1/55 Yamato 1/60 Yamato 1/48 Takatoku 1/100 Banprestos scale? Bandai Joke Machines Toynami scale? Toynami Super posebles (regular version and super version and toyfair exclusive) If there's anymore, then it should be added to this list. So basically anthing that is a VF-1S Roy should be on this list.
  11. Drop a hint to Monster Garage. They may take up that challenge. http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/monsterg...de/episode.html hey now that's an idea! I might just do that too! Thanx!
  12. like somebody else said in the other thread about this, 3500 for just the upper half?!?! With that much you can buy a full stormtrooper suit. I can even buy the full jin-roh armor and still have enough money left to get the extra accessories. But other than the price, it's a very nice piece. Wouldn't mind having it.
  13. sigh..... people have waaaaay too much time on their hands! Next thing you see will probably be a house turned into a rebel base or even part of the deathstar. And that's just for the star war fans. I don't want to imagine what us macross fans will do.... a garage turned into one of the arms of the sdf-1, prometheus and something else.
  14. hey, I remember that. I also distinctly remembering that it was only on ben's plane. Man I thought it was just me that saw that.
  15. strike all the way!!!
  16. whoa, now that's a flamin elintseeker! as well as the others as well! Never thought I'd see the whole color wheel on a valk!
  17. yeah, the gbp-1 giftset was only made with the vf-1s. They also made the gbp-1 armor by itself, but you probably already know that. They did, however, make a giftset with the vf-1j but it was a non transformable valkyrie and it was smaller in size too.
  18. bumping this page up just to get some more answers I guess. And maybe to compete with gobotfool's post? hehe
  19. hey now, wasn't this a thread I started a while back? hehe, it's good to see that people still remember it and they even put up the original link as well! Nice! well, my first valkyrie type of toy was of course jetfire, not the regular one, but the matsushiro version! Why don't we continue these comments on my old post, hmm?? What say you guys?
  20. wow, that is hell of a deal. The price on the book itself is actually 50 bucks I believe. You got it for half that price. Good job! When did you buy this book? I'm guess you got this book like way back in the day, huh? Either way, you got it for half it's initial price. That's good! Considering that I paid 150 for mine!
  21. That sure sounds like the book. I wish I had it in front of me, but it's at my mother's house (in a different town). I do remember a VF-1A charcoal textured fold-out poster at the back of it. yes, the poster is actually the super or strike vf-1s and it shows the interior of the valk. The poster is black and it's fairly pretty big. Are you planning on selling it? or you plan on keeping it? Just wondering cause there are some people here who are still looking for that book.
  22. ok, to answer your second question, could it be the macross gold book? Is the box that it comes in gold? and is the book cover silver? If so, then this book ranges from 100 to 200 depending if it comes with the filmstrip, poster and the leaflet on the cover. If it comes with all those extras, then it'll be worth more. If you can, try and post up some pix so we can tell you exactly what it is.
  23. Now that the topic has been totally derailed by BoBe's avatar... I feel okay by saying that watching the avatar is even more fun if you sing A Flock of Seagulls' "I ran" while staring. Try it. It's fun. And another excuse to stare. And I ran I ran so far away I just ran I couldn't get away - repeat You can do this for about 10 minutes or so without getting too bored. haha!! that's funny meng!
  24. Boba-Fett, Who the heck is that babe on your avatar? dang it! it's BoBe-Patt!!! Anyway, I don't know who it is but I wish it was my girlfriend. I'd be seeing those puppies in action right in front of me!! And I wouldn't be on this board anymore..............well, maybe just once or twice depending on what's keeping my mind off of macross!
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