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Everything posted by BoBe-Patt

  1. Friggin sweet. Even the gunpod has been modded! Can't get enough of looking at this in person!
  2. Yup, I saw it walk right out the door as soon as we opened the convention. I don't know who was selling it or how much either, but for sure it sold.
  3. Finally took some pictures of the autograph and sketch I got from mikimoto and kawamori!
  4. Well here's a picture of me and Mikimoto at 2001 Anime Expo. He signed and sketched minmay in that book I'm holding. I just gotta take a pix of it when I get home! Oh and I was able to barely get Kawamori's autograph at the 2002 Anime Expo. He was doing sketches for some people but I got there too late. Oh well.
  5. That's actually a Medicom Kubrick figure. I have one. =)
  6. I have too many favorite artists to only list five, so ill just list them all. Jim Lee Alex Ross Todd Mcfarlane's work on spidey Steven Platt Brett Booth Art Thibert Ian Churchill before he totally changed his style Eric Larson's work on spidey J Scott Campbell Michael Turner David Finch Ed Benes Joe Mad Whilce Portacio Sam Kieth Jae Lee
  7. So according to BBTS, they have a third one coming out soon. Here is what they have so far: Snake (Sneaking Suit Version) Snake (Jungle Version) Snake (Battle Dress Version)
  8. There are two different versions out now. There was supposedly a sdcc exclusive version last year, but im not sure if it was just an early release or what.
  9. Normal Play art figures cost between 40 to 55 depending on the retailer selling it. The red n blue halo figures I'm guessing are paying homage to the whole Red Vs. Blue series. Since they are exclusives, I'm guessing maybe they are 100 to 110? But I don't see anybody selling them since SDCC is over already. Are they next year's exclusives?
  10. Anybody pick up TFCC exclusive Sideburn on their website this morning?
  11. so I take it there is no parachute like the original?
  12. Junkion news is awesome. I'd be a little pissed if they just recolored scrapheap. I want a new junkion head! Damn that soundwave is pretty sweet....
  13. Bape and Takara Collaboration! Bapeformers stuff
  14. Looks like Encore is gonna continue their line starting off with G1 Devastator Giftset reissue! Devastator Giftset
  15. haha, yes I'm asking because I'm selling. Only sets I have left are Autotrooper x3, and SG galvatron and thundercracker. PM me if your interested.
  16. First of all, anybody here looking for botcon 2011 exclusives? And has anybody seen this? God Bomber!!! now I'd love to get that, but it may be super hard to get.... =(
  17. The iGear Ironhide and Ratchet look nice n all, but if the quality is like the Faith Leader (MP Prime) then I'm passing. Have any of you handled their version of prime? The plastic really feels like a bootleg type plastic and just feels like it would break easily. I was hoping it was like Fansproject quality.
  18. But you guys are missing the point! He has a "MP" targetmaster! You know people are gonna be buying this toy mainly for the targetmaster! And its exclusive to tru in the us only!
  19. Holy crap! That looks bad ass! I might have to buy that now.
  20. Believe it or not I own all the vf-21/22's out there that can transform and I still haven't transformed any of them yet. Maybe I will finally with these newer 22's.
  21. oh damn, that sucks. I opened mine last night to check that and I don't have any cracks. I don't plan on transforming this guy anytime soon. I'm more worried about the 22's I got in. I know some people have been complaining that theirs came with no knee clips and I can't just look under the bottom to check.
  22. Which VF-11 did you get? C or B? I just bought the C and I haven't opened it yet and I'm worried my stuff will come with the bad QC problems. I'ma check when I get home tonight. But what was broken on yours?
  23. I just my box in today! I ordered on the 28th, basically the first day of the sale. I have yet to open it though. Need to do it soon in case I get one of the bad QC vf22.
  24. Just wondering for those who ordered a Fansproject Blesser, did you all get it already? I still haven't gotten mine yet. =/
  25. One advice I would give is keep it! You are definitely not going to get prices you would've about 10 or so years ago. Prices have gone down a lot.
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