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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. Intresting article regarding the PS3 and Xbox360 backwards compatibility. very intresting............... PS3/Xbox360 article
  2. I love it!!!!! You all just love bringing me up. I know I am mighty MGREXX and you all envy me but it really is getting out of hand people, so enough with the conspiracy theories.
  3. ATI has some nerve, as if their comments mattered. Microsoft says windows is better than the Apple OS McDonalds says that their burger meat is better than Burger Kings. Ford says that their cars are better than GM's. The fact is that Nvidia is the leader in Graphics card. The score: PS3 - 4 XBOX360 -0
  4. Hey, You guys are attacking me. I just posted what I knew about the upcoming line-up.
  5. I LOVE grammar, dont you MGIdiot? I love it when people revert to name calling. True intellect comes out. And this is why people should finish High school. Exo- I am your daddy, so no staying over at Michael's anymore. You hear? ....and no more Target clothing for you. You will go to Walmart instead and get that family employee discount. Enough. I get headaches when I go down to Exo's level. It's veeeeeeery low. As for the rest of you, believe what you want. I just posted what I was told.........at 4:00p.m. yesterday.
  6. Tell me....was this before or after you attended that preview screening of Revenge of the Sith? it was before the preview screening of ROTS, but right after he sucked off george lucas in the mens room. Haterist- Please keep your social activities to yourself. Exo- You try and try with weak attempts at trying to be on my level. Btw, If mine is icing, then you got dunked on it. All you other bashers can keep displaying your ignorance and immaturity. I understand. As for the rest of you, you need to read and understand what I say. I said that I called E A R L I E R. Hello!!!!!! I called them at 4:00 and that is what she said. Now to clarify things for you challenged individuals: Scott's Cyclone will be blue (lighht blue, as in lighter than regular blue. Others see it as light green.) YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Beta will be a green version and a grey ( dark grey as in shadow) version. As for the price. I would not be surprised since Toynami is charging $79.00 for a veritech that is clearly worth no mre than $49.99. The beta will be almost 3x bigger than the Alpha, so that price point is not beyond the realm of relity. Next time I will try to simplify my intellectually superior posts, it's just that it's hard to go this low.
  7. HEHEHE!!!! I spoke to the RT.COM "store" customer service rep and got her to accidentally spill the beans on what the big news was going to be at this years conventions. yes I am sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick baby!!!! She said that her computer showed an upcoming release of two beta fighters. A green one and a shadow version.....for $249.99!!!!!!! The other one was for posable cyclones followed by MPC Cyclones. The cyclones will come in 6 versions. Scott blue, Rand green, Lancer blue, rook red, a sarah grey version and the shadow dancer version from the game. They will sell for $49.99. She also said that there was something about an Invid Overlord toy and a line of Shadow Chronicle toys. No prices listed. Let's hop it's true.
  8. As if we should believe anything you said, oh wait you think you're some kind of all knowing God, lol. It's called common sense. As for the rest of you, I knew you were jealous of mighty MGREXX but this just makes me blush!!!!!
  9. Screw the Hovertanks. Don't even get me started on that series man!!!!!
  10. It's the Beta fighter and Cyclones.
  11. I am not trolling...........but if I were, you would all know it.....and whine.
  12. Who is trolling. I am just giving my opinion. After all, there was a Robotech the movie based on Megazone 23 in the 80's.
  13. No good anime comes out of the US.......except for Robotech.
  14. Good. Now HG can make it better and release it as Robotech: The movie 2.
  15. WOW. Such pesimism, I have developed now. Now, I have to check all of my stuff......
  16. That pic..... ummmm.......Never mind.
  17. Don't be jealous or resentful. I handed it to you, so just accept it and take it like a man. Here is more. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
  18. I PM'ed you as well. Now take it like a man.
  19. bsu legato Banned for what? I just gave my opinion.
  20. Hey Skull Leader, First serve your country for 4 years in an Airborne Infantry unit and then you can talk poo about watching people die. You thrive on the very freedom that I and others like myself have fought to preserve, you ungrateful turd. All my video showed was people running and medivac units rushing away because the crash was miles away, so you could barely see smoke, duh!!!!!
  21. Simple answer. PUT THEM AWAY IN THEIR BOXES, INSIDE OF A STORAGE BOX AND IN A DARK CLOSET. HELLO!!!!!!!!!! My MACROSS/ROBOTECH collection is minty fresh!!!!
  22. The whole Battlefield franchise is highly overrated. SOCOM is where the real men go to fight.
  23. I am going to watch it, just to stare at hot lips for 2 hours.
  24. I have bad luck with air shows. The only one I ever wen to was in point Magu in 2002 or 2003 and a freaking F-4 phantom crashed when the air-show was just getting started, killing both pilots. Very sad. Then when we left, the guards were confescating everybodys video tapes. I hid mine.....hehehe!!!!! Does anybody know when the next show will be in the west coast?
  25. It looks like MS and Nintendo are running scared making up excuses. I sense much fear and regret in their words. Much disturbance, in the force, there is: Interview
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