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Everything posted by MGREXX
Valkyrie, I already posted that link, Einstein.
HEHEHE!!!!!! Just when we thought that RockStar and Take-two had gotten away with this whole controversy..............BAM!!!!!! LINK!!!!!
Now the land of the rising sun spills the "hot coffee". Link
HMMM............could The sims be next???? Link
Hot coffe boils over The final chapter Btw, the console version does have the sex mini games in it, ehich can be accessed thru cheat devices (see above). Now, who can provide a link to see these "X-rated acts" (que porn music)
UPDATE#2: It is now pretty much a fact that Rockstar.......(drumroll please)......is guilty of this whole ordeal. Link #1 Does it surprise anybody? I dodn't think so. It's even thought that they leaked the rumor in the FIRST PLACE to generate some free publicity for the PC version of GTA!!! Like GTA needed anymore publicity. (go figure). Link #2 (rumor 2) Now, will they fry or get away with it and have their stunt work. Only time will tell.
Update: Hot coffee Link
By now everybody knows about the infamous "Hot Coffee" mod that allows sex mini games in the PC version of GTA: San Andreas. The question now is, who is lying and who is telling the truth? Did Rockstar programmers secretly put that source code in or did hackers re-build the source code (and create a mod) to look like it was already there? We will soon know....but boy is the band wagon jumping all over this one....even Hillary "shewoman" Clinton is getting involved!!!!!!!! News link #1 News link #2 News link #3 News link #4
Are you satidfied with your Yamato accesories that have come with your valks and that have been released by Yamato (or others) or would you like to see more accesories released?
I saw it and it was better than I expected, considering the last two mvoies which should be stripped from our memories.
Hey genius, there's a pinned topic up top... Spamboy. That is a general threead. This is a specific review of the Shadow fighter. Now go outside and play i traffic or something. shooo!!!!!
I just got mine in and I am sad to say that it is still as crapy as the others. Loose parts, bad paint, etc......same old crap. I caoulnd not even get the gun pod to mount on the top, as shown. Toynami has serious issues. Oh well. At least my cells are complete. Very nice. Let's hope that the Beta comes out better.
WOW!!!!! You find ONE tiny remark where I make an expressive statement and all of a sudden, I write like a 15 year old, huh? You are a smart one. As for the rest of you, I only say the truth.
Here are some of the biggest Japanese big shot developers speaking of the next gen consoles. Guess who they are betting on?????? PS3!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahihori Hino is my hero because he said it like it is: "Hino criticized Microsoft's Xbox 360, saying he didn't see anything "fresh" about it when he saw it at E3" Japanese developers article
Well let's see. I served 4 years in the US Army as an Airborne Infantry soldier. I was part of Operation Just cause in Panama in 1989 and Desert Storm in 1991. I also served at the DMZ in Korea for a year. I take it that this background gives me the right to talk about the Infantry MOS in general. What have you done? As for the Marine Corpse Infantryman, there is little difference. They are just more gung-ho because they are a smaller and therefore slighty better trained than a normal US Army Infantry soldier. Trust me, in the middle of war, we were both brothers doing the same $hit. It's only in peactime that service rivalry gets in the way. As for all MArines being ground pouders....... I think not. A marine pilor gets shot down in hostile territory and he will not turn inot Rambo. He will try to flee to safety. A cook gets caught in an ambush and he will defend himself and try to get to safety, instead of joining the fight and turning in the Terminator. Marines have their special skills and do them well but don't try and make it seem like all marines are killing machines because only the Marine grunts can fit that roll just like the US Army grunts do and the NAVY SEAL's. Derailing the thread????? I am just stating the facts. He came after me bro, like I was some clueless civilian who knew nothing about the military. AIRBORNE!!!!!!!!
Exactly Graham. As far as space marines are concerned, the jarheads from Aliens, are a great example. The Marine pilots bring the ground troops into the fight and THEY get the work done....wait, they didn't really get it done in that movie but you see my point.
ummmmm.....no. I know all about how a marine is a ground pounder first and that he goes to basic Infantry school first, regardless of his MOS or rank. That, however is only in theory. You can't do it all.....not even a Marine (shocker!!!) Most combat MOS in the military are very demanding and take a long time to master. A jack of many trades, like the marines in SA&B, is just not realistic. Then again, we are just talking about a sci-fi show.
In most sci-fi, space is sorta considered to be like our oceans. So, there are space "navies" and such in a lot of popular sci-fi franchises. Our marines fight on land, sea, and air. So expanding that to space doesn't seem so odd to me. H Not the same Marines. They are broken down into MOS. That is my point. Other than that, the series was believable.
hmmmmm...........I just might.
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The same Marines fight in space and on land.....o.k. Bootcamp must be a biotch. I liked the show but I just could not get over the whimpy battle armor that they wore. Sure it's meant to be flexible for fighting (in space and on land ) but they could have invested more money on them. I was at a convention where they the entire cast and director were there. They were trying to get the fans to rise up and save the show before it got cancelled. What a shame it was not meant to be. Damn you FOX!!!!!!!!!!! I always wondered why no other network picked it up. I mean there are a lot of REALLY TERRIBLE shows that get picked up by other networks all of the time. This was a great show, so the irony hurts even more.
Hey!!!!! There can never be too many Yukikaze threads.
Once again mighty MGREXX has to simplify his statements: L I S T E N..........C A R E F U L L Y: I meant to say that THIS thread shows what I have said on these boards before about some members being immature, childish, egotistical, rude, idiotic, intellectual inferiors, trouble makers, morons, neanderthals and just plainly, need to get a life. I am above and beyond this, so I will never lower myself to their level of obscurity, anger, ignorance and any other issues they have. I totally agree with memo's post or who ever he really was. If you want to think it was me who posted that message, you go right ahead. The mod's know it was not me. Exo- I hope that you feel proud of yourself for having insulting my family in this thread and others in the past. I would at this point unleash a massive smacking on you but I instead feel sorry for you, so I will not.
It's not me who needs to get banned. Just look at this thread and my points are proven 3-fold.