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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. It got poured down the drain, so I brew a new pot
  2. Looks like the Hot Coffee mod has been decaffeinated: GameSpot link
  3. no, I learned it from your wife last night.
  4. That would be the longest and most idiotic headline ever written. 318692[/snapback] STFU
  5. I can already see the headlines this fall: "Jack Thompson was found beat up last night in an alley. A group of disgruntled gamers broke into his house GTA:SA style, and attacked him after they heard the news that GTA "5" was cancelled due to overwhelming preasure by his agenda against violence in video games. He was beaten with baseball bats and taken to south central where he had "sex mini-games" performed on him right before they said to him "game over dude". The group said they were on an alll night GTA :SA marathon when they suddenly got the urge to "give it to the man"". This is not news to me since there are extremists in everything......and the hardcore gamer is indeed a troublesome breed, especially when they say that videogames are their life.....
  6. Just when you thought that the Hot Coffee had stopped brewing: Gamespot article......
  7. Well, It looks like death threats have entered the spotlight: Gamespot Link
  8. I sure hope that you don't have any, then.
  9. Effective???????? I think not. Everybody knows that the sole reason for the ESRB is for the government to get off the gaming industries back. Sure it's self regulating but they have no real power or control. The ESRB is just a vail....and from the looks of it, the vail is becoming more transparent....and obsolete.
  10. The ESRB ratings system is a joke!!!!!!! For parents, who are suppose to use them when buying games for their kids. As a system to keep the content properly rated. A..... J O K E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Come on dude, that is just plain retarded. Should Playboy magazine be editted by the government because "Kids will find a way", should rated R movies be banned from theatres because "Kids will find a way", Should all forms of motorized travel be banned because "kids will find a way". Parental ignorance and personal responsibility are key here man, we live in America and while it seems to be "In fashion" right now to flaunt fake moral values and hipocritical religious retoric, the god damn fact of the matter is that we are all responsible for our own actions, as parents people have an obligation to their damn kids to do a good job raising them. Letting the TV and the Playstation be their source of inspiration and moral guidance is flaming foolish. Than to have the gall to blame the ills of society on entertainment, it just stinks of a total lack of any sense of responsibility. It is a combination of weakness and reprehensible self righteousness driving us in high gear towards facism. 317715[/snapback] Playboy, R rated movies and motorized transportation are harder to get a hold of than games, although not impossible. Sure some clerks will sell mags to minors, sure kids can "borrow" dad's car and sure kids can sneak into theatres if they really want to but there are safeguards to make it "easy" to do. DMV says no, most clerks will say no and movie theatres will ask for i.d's. When buying a game, those $tupid employees ANYWHERE will not gove a flying f(*#. You go there and they sell you the game. No questions asked. AND THAT'S THE TRUTH. Sure parents should be responsible for their kids but compaines like Rockstar sure make it harder to keep "unsuitable" subject matter away from kids. It's all about the almighty dollar bill and f($# everything else.
  12. You are all missing a very important point. KIDS WILL FIND A WAY TO PLAY GAMES THAT WERE NOT INTENDED FOR THEM. THAT'S JUST A FACT!!!!!! I was at Gamestop around the time that GTA: SA came out and saw this 7-9 year old kid walk in with his parents, so that he could buy GTA:SA. Did the employee say anything to the parents when it was clear that the games was for the boy? NO. Did the parents even bother to look at the rating? NO. It was just complete ignorance on the parents who were probably so clueless of the games content and rating that they probalby still think of gaming as Pac-Man and Mario Bros. This is just one scenario but kids WILL find ways to play games, so please stop blaming the parents. I still say that the publisher's and developer's should be more responsible and concient of the contenet that they release.
  13. Well it looks like Rockstar's new game "Bully" has people up in arms.......and it's not even out yet!!!!!!!! Is this the beginning of the end for Rockstar? It looks like they shot themselves on both feet with their GTA: SA fiasco. Short term, they made a ton of cash on the controversy but in long term, did they ambush themselves. It looks like they are REALLY on the spotlight now but in a negative light, which this story clearly shows. Gamespot news link
  14. EXO- You just need to go and climb back into the primordial hole you crawled out of. This thread was just fine until you came along and brought your stupid, idiotic and childish comments but then again, that is your M.O., isn't it. You should really go and instead play with Agent one's ass instead of poking your nose in matters that are beyond your intellectual level. Btw, AgentOne, your mom says hi!!!!!!
  15. so you admit its totally unfinished looking... Then what are you stroking your pole over? 316984[/snapback] That's just it. it's work in progress, yet it already looks great!!!!!! 316988[/snapback] Yeah, not so much. It looks fine, just nothing special. Way behind MZero or Stand Alone Complex. 316989[/snapback] There you go comparing it again like it's finished. IT'S NOT FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What part of post production is so hard to understand????
  16. so you admit its totally unfinished looking... Then what are you stroking your pole over? 316984[/snapback] That's just it. it's work in progress, yet it already looks great!!!!!! Yet, you and some others are treating it like it's finished.
  17. oh and btw, I find it amusing that some of you are knocking the quality of the animation and comparing it to other anime when it just went into it's post production phase and is still 4 months away. Remember that the real magic happens in post production and is so far looking great!!!!! You purists and Robotech haters are just too much.
  18. That's me too... I'll probably wait til its on Netflix if it's not on cartoon network... it's suppose to be on some anime network right? I don't think I get that. You know what I want to see is a scene where a bunch of cyclones are jumping all over the place. In the NG you only see a couple at a time at the most. Even at the end there wasn't a mass of them. The scene of all the Leggios/Tlead in the beginning of the original Mospeada was awesome. 316948[/snapback] I live in Canada... so probadly I will not see it on Canadian cable/satellite either. (... wait for BT, i guess) The quality of RT:SC is determined by $$$... I wonder how much HG is paying for it? Is HG rich enough to pull it off? 316899[/snapback] umm.........yeah.......right.........like I said already.....it's suppose to be released on DVD first. I don't know how much clearer I can make it than that.
  19. As for the release date, I keep hearing early December. It's suppose to be released in DVD right after the "prelude to the Shadow Chronicles" 5 issue comic mini series from DC comics/Wildstorm ends. The a$$holes at the panel would not give us more concrete answers, even though they said they would tell us at Comic Con during the Q&A in Anime Expo. I also hear that the Cyclones are finally coming out, which will tie in with the new series, along with the new line of Shadow Chronicles toys. Can you say armored Alpha/Beta with Synchro Canon?????
  20. If you have not sen the trailer, just click on my signature. H.G. is really treating this sequel with some TLC. I was worried when I saw the U.N. trailer, but this official trailer makes things better... A WHOLE LOT BETTER!!!! I can't wait until this fall. Yeah BABY!!!!!!!!
  21. oh wait.................Is Rockstar getting bullied......again??????? Gamespot brews some more Hot Coffee related news!!!!!!!!!! The fun just never stops at Rockstar.......and they have been deserving this for a LONG time now. Ain't life a biotch.
  22. Fact #1: The Space Shuttle was designed to get payload into space, build a new space station and conduct experiements until it's estimated decommission around 2010. Fact #2: The shuttle program was originally conceived to be able to launch 1 space shuttle every two monts. With the maximum of 4 shuttles in service, there were suppose to be 24 shuttle launches per year. Instead, we have gotten an average of only 4-5 space shuttle launches a year......that is when they are not blowing up. I say we let this overpriced and flawed program die and go with newer and more reliable ways (vertical launches are extremely inefficient and so 80's!!). Oh wait, there are still 3 shuttles left (they could also lease the Buron from Russia ). If things keep going the way they have, then we will run out of shuttles in a few years anyway and NASA won't have any choice but to get their heads out of their a$$e$ and do the right thing. The X-33 had my vote but a few problems and those wimps at NASA scrapeed it to get money for other "projects". Maybe the X-34 will come thru and save our space program. X-34 program
  23. HEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say lawsuit. Things are getting good now!!!!!!! Gamespot Link
  24. 314544[/snapback] Very funny
  25. You see, comments like that are the reason why you are on a LOT of people's ignore list and the reason they just might not see the content of your post. Stop acting like such an ass and maybe that might change but I doubt you have it in you. 314389[/snapback] Well, it's kind of stupid to go into one of MY POSTS and ignore my topic. DUH!!
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