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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. Well Well Well........It looks like Ghost Recon got delayed: Gamespot article The reason? and I quote: "Ubisoft wants extra time to optimize the application of Xbox 360 technology." Let me translate: Ubisoft realizes that the game looks only a little better than current generation games and is scared by the PS3 killer graphics that are coming (like MGS4), so they are delaying it and will try to release a game that is truly a next generation title and not another Xbox1.5 game, of which all of the 360 launch titles appear to be. I tell you, the PS3 is the way to go baby!!!!!!!
  2. Absolutely. Before Roy gets fed up with your nonsense and you are banned. 335073[/snapback] Why, does the truth hurt? I am just telling it like it is.
  3. I think I remember Sega Saturn as being not that bad, personally I felt the Dreamcast was the system that was the final mark for Sega. Now you talk about Wireless from a third party source, I'm talking about a Wireless from a FIRST PARTY SOURCE you freak. Microsoft's wireless controlers are from MICROSOFT, not LOGITECH, or WAVEBIRD, M I C R O S O F T. Everything for the 360 that is wireless is provided by M I C R O S O F T, not Third party. I'm positive Wireless third parties will even emerge, but my point is the system is to go wireless, PS2 is NOT wireless, Gamecube IS NOT wireless. Let's also be honest, SONY has NOT announced a RELEASE for the PS3 in Spring. They are having a NEWS CONFERENCE IN SPRING POSSIBLY ABOUT THE RELEASE OF THE PS3 IN 2006 Which could also change to an early date. They have also announced that much of the total feel and appearance of the PS3 AFTER E3 were concept designs. Microsoft went thru nearly 6 prototype designs before they revealed the final shape of the Xbox360. I'm sure SONY with the PS3 has had many changes as well BUT they have said they're at concept still, they are not final on the entire design. I don't care if SONY is going to wait and blow the freaking world away, I want to see what Microsoft can do in competition, and they seem to feel pretty cofident on their line. Let's not also forget Microsoft is almost immortal, they're a multibillion dollar industry that's linked with millions of other companies just like SONY. To say Microsoft will fall like Sega is none sense. $l-lU+ Y4Z +R4p! 4/\/l> l<rI 0/\/ Y4Z /\/\4/\/\4z $l-l0U[l>R! DISCUSSION OVER! ____________________________________________________________________ Now then back to Ridge Racer, I thought the PSP's design of the game was brilliant comapred to that of the DS. The graphics were clean, sharp, visually pleasing, overal it was very enjoyable to play. My favorite thing about Ridge Racer was the race playback. I loved seeing how I was drivin thru the course at high speeds pulling off amazing drifts at turns and how some moments I would be drifting and just SCREAMED past my opponents. Ridge Racer is gonna be right up there for high performance play with Need for Speed I think. My only thing is that Ridge Racer is pure high roller import cars while Need for Speed deals with more affordable in a way of vehicle racing. But still, Ridge Racer is great, I got no complaints over the title. I hope the tracks will be very curvy, and very long, I hope for great success with this series^_^ 335054[/snapback] I see that you haved improved on your intellectual capacity to argue in a mature and productive manner, so I will do the same: Saturn lost and the Playstation won. Bottom line. The Wavebird IS a 1st party peripheral. It's made by NINTENDO. PS2 and GAmecube are not next gen, so why bring it up. Now, if PS3 and Revolution were coming out without wireless controllers, then I could see your point. I already told you that the Wavebird is the first wireless controller because it's made by NINTENDO. Regardles, NINTENDO holds the title of having the first wireless 1st party controller, so stop trying to change history and try to give the 360 a boost......even thought it will need it. If you agree that the PS3 console and PS3 controller are not final, then why mock them????!!!!!! When released, it will kick a$$. PERIOD!!! Sure, Bill Gates sold his soul to SATAN and is the richest motherf*%&$% in the world but even he is not a moron who will continue to let his gaming division burn his cash hand over fist, if he sees that it's just not profitable. It's all about the numbers in the end and nobody likes to be in the red. It's only a matter of time.
  4. First dibs for wireless. Are you $tupid? Ever heard of the wavebird or 3rd party SONY and MS wireless controllers? Titles planned for the next 4 years? Are you $tupid? Try 5 years, which is a systems average life cycle. You must be $tupid. Solid release date? DUH!!!! No $hit Sherlock. Sony will do the same, when they are freaking ready, which should be a couple months away. The 360 might be days away but I rather wait a few more months and get a real next gen system with a BLue-Ray drive, instead of an Xbox 1.5 and subpar HD-DVD drive. Where is Sony? Are you $tupid? They are finishing the touches on the PS3 for it's release next spring. As for the controller, it's a conceptual model and not the final design........HELLO...you must be $tupid!!!!!!!. Plus, I would rather have that than the 360's big piece of plastic junk. MS is so mornic that they release a huge, heavy and ugly controller which everybody hates, that they need to redesign it.....talk about being on the crack pipe. NO OTHER CONSOLE HAS HAD TO FIX SOMETHING AS $TUPID AS THAT. You want to see something different. Sorry, no difference. Sony will be king in 2006, while 360 will be left in the dust, even with their slight lead..........can you say Sega Saturn????? I knew you could. Now STFU!!!!!
  5. At least it's not on the GayStation. Get it? GAYStation? Because, you know, it's gay. HAHAHAHA! 334935[/snapback] You dare mock the almighty name of "PLAYSTATION"!!!!!! Are you insane or just plain $tupid? Oh yeah, Xbox360..........WOW.........what a name. 334951[/snapback] It's better than GAY$tation. Yeah, GAY-DOLLAR-SIGN-TATION! That's an AWESOME name! 334960[/snapback] o.k. ....si, when you have no comeback, you get all weird and retarded huh???.......whatever dude.
  6. At least it's not on the GayStation. Get it? GAYStation? Because, you know, it's gay. HAHAHAHA! 334935[/snapback] You dare mock the almighty name of "PLAYSTATION"!!!!!! Are you insane or just plain $tupid? Oh yeah, Xbox360..........WOW.........what a name.
  7. It's on the 360 so it's going to suck........just like the 360!!!!!
  8. Say what you may, it is you (a secret Xbox fanboy) who is in fact, the stupid one. 1. It's the 21st, not the 22nd, you idiot. If you want to get technical, it's actually the 20th. Now, get with the program!!!! Don't believe me? See here and get your a$$ schooled: Start of spring 2. kutaragi can say all he wants. That don't mean a damn thing and rep's usually tend to "lie" here and there to throw off the competition. It's a common business strategy. 3. Microsoft has a lot of pressure when the PS3 launches, so many analysts have in fact stated that a Halo 3 launch would make perfect sense to try and side track the PS3's launch because Ms knows they will need all of the help they can get. 4. Sony has not officially said when it's launching, so your statement is just here say. They have only given hints like "spring 06" or next year...and those are tentative. 5. That's why they will have an announcement in early November, which would make consumers stop and think about it...and even cancel pre-orders. Then in mid-December, when people are getting ready to shop for Christmas, the hammer would fall. Can you say "returns". As for little Timmy, he will not be sad because he is willing to wait for a late christmas present because he is getting a next gen PS3 and not an Xbox 1.5.....i mean Xbox 360. I hope that this enlightens you, oh $tupid one. As for the analysts, they can sau what ever they want because they are just guessing as well. Sure, they are educated and "in the know" guesses, yet they are still guessing at best....abd when have they ever been 100% right? Thank you. Perfect dark what??......... Kameo???? Gears of war is the only killer app I see. As for PS3, don't even go there because the number of killer app that is coming is too numerous to count and you can't deny that. Btw, stop calling them movies because you know that the actual gameplay will be pretty damn close to that, which, if it turns out to be 50% of that, will still look better than the 360. As for snake, he may look old but the game is off the hook!!!!!....and you know that Kojimason is always throwing us off, so a young snake might still be in there. Regardless, I would rather have an old jeriatrics snake than a young snake on the Xbox who can't even handle the rain.
  9. I fear that Nintendo will always remain the red-headed step child of video game consoles until they really want to compete with the big boys. They even said it themselves "we are not competing with MS or SONY". Wimps!!!!! They will keep making awsome 1st party titles and 3rd party developers will continue to shun them......unless they can figure out that freaky dicky controller which does have potential to be revolutionary......maybe.
  10. Go ahead and continue to bash ROBOTECH. You KNOW secretly love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. It's not quite that easy or simple. Sure MS can continue to loose money on the gaming sector because lord knows that Bill has DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP pockets but even the most stubborn person knows when enough is enough and just gives up...and Bill has given up on quite a few markets he tried to dominate. As for the Xbox console being the most powerful? Sure, that is unmistakable BUT Sony had the games and THAT is what really matters. Unless the Xbox360 gets some more killer app games instead of relying on HALO and a few other other titles, it has no hopes of ever beating SONY.....and from what I hear, Sony's PS3 will be more powerful than the 360. SONY PS3: Most advanced machine + killer app games = next gen domination. Another thing is the Japanese market. MS needs to penetrate that territory and pop their cherry because that's a KEY battlefield. Just look at the Dreamcast. It sold VERY well here but did poorly in Japan. What happened? nuff said.
  12. Here is my take on the whole PS3 vs XBOX360 next gen wars: 1. Microsoft launches on November 21st with the 360 for $299.00 and $399.00 2. Sony comes in out of the blue in early November and states that the PS3 will launch in spring 2006 with a single sku "deluxe" package for $299.00 causing 360 sales to go down on launch day. 3. Microsoft lights a fire under Bungies a$$ and tells them to finish HALO 3 before the PS3 launches in spring 2006. 4. SONY releases another statement around the middle of December 2006 officially announcing the PS3's launch date of March 21st 2006, which is the start of spring. This causes the 360 to have a bad Christmas and destroys Bungies chances of releasing HALO 3 in time to affect the PS3's launch date. Think I am crazy?? Just watch. p.s. Summer 2007, Microsoft officially cans the 360, get's out of the Hardware business and goes back to releasing crappy Windows operating systems.
  13. Here is the sccop on the truth behind that biased article that was spouted by Microsoft and Intel: Gamespot article Here a couple of articles showing that I am unbiased: Gamespot article CNN article Endgadget article Having said that, here is some schooling for those who can't see that Blue-Ray is the future of gaming and video entertainment in general. Blueray 101
  14. Answer: they use single layer discs. A next-gen game that hits 15MB would be impressive. 25GB will work nicely. In fact, it's highly unlikely that that the PS3 would ever use a dual layer 50GB BD-ROM. And by biased, I'm sure you mean contradictory to your rabid Sony fanboy-ism. 333746[/snapback] Damn straight..........except for the fanboy remark.
  15. more news on HD DVD and BD from slashdot "QT writes "Ars Technica has been following this week's next-gen DVD dramas closely. First, there's extensive coverage of the reasons why Microsoft backed HD-DVD, which was primarily inspired by mandatory support for copying discs to computers. The BDA, however, countered with an attack on Microsoft's reasons, and Microsoft returned fire. Richard E. Doherty, Microsoft's head of the media entertainment technology convergence group, said that 50GB Blu-ray disc are in fact many years away. Is MS playing games, or is Sony misrepresenting just how far along BD-ROM really is?" From the article: "HD DVD is proven to deliver 30GB capacity today, with the potential to deliver even greater capacity. The 50GB claim for BD-ROM discs is unproven and will not be available for many years to come, based on discussions with major Japanese and US replicators. Replicators not only do not have test lines running, they cannot even pre-order the equipment to begin evaluating this disc. They cannot judge the cost of these discs, or even whether they can be manufactured at all. Major replicators can mass manufacture 30GB HD DVD discs today and it's well understood that these discs will cost significantly less to manufacture than the lower-capacity 25GB BD discs." We previously discussed this topic when the announcement came out. " Question; if blue ray is not ready by spring 2006, how does Sony release the Ps3 in Japan? 333607[/snapback] That article is biased bull$hit. I read that those comments are not true and that BlueRay 50GB discs are in fact ready. I will find it soon. As for PS3 not being ready by spring? Makes no sense. The system, drive and single layere discs are ready, since it's just the dual layer discs that are being finalyzed. PS3 games come in single layer in the spring, then jump to dula layer in the summer (if needed). Easy as pie.
  16. He let them go because he saw (on the video) what the Alliance did to that planet and it's byproduect which resulted in the creation of the reavers. duh!! Not bad for a troll, huh? p.s. I think that you have been hanging aroung Exoidiot and Agent dumb to much.
  17. I see we are talking about disc size. I thought size didn't matter???? Bottom line is that Blue-ray is the best bet. As for the 360, I have been seeing reports from Japan that most people over there are still giving it the finger. Let's face it, the only reason the Xbox survived the last console war was due to ONLY one game: HALO. If the 360 hopes to survivethis time, i feel that it will need more than HALO 3. It wil need to embrase the Japanese marketplace and convince them that the 360 is an international gaming machine and not a US gaming machine. which is what the xbox was. As for the revolution, I stake it's future on it's "revolutionary" controller. I laughed at it and first after I recovered from my "what the f#(% is that phase) but now I see it's potential for gaming and it's up to NINTENDO to make it or break it, on this, it's seemingly last gasp of breath to stay in the hardware market.
  18. You all hate and bash Robotech because you secretly love the series. It's just like when little girls hit little boys when they like them. Get over it and admit it. Robotech brought Macross into most of your lives and that's a fact!!!! Now, just sit back, shut up and let the love flow already, dammit!!!!
  19. Everybody in the series/movie is replacable. EVERYBODY, with the exception of Mal. And that's the bottom line.
  20. Vera... I don't remember if it was in the movie, gotta see it again. 333453[/snapback] Not the Vera of the TV series no... 333486[/snapback] Vera was not mentioned in the movie nor was it used. Jayne had a thing for grenades in the movie, instead.
  21. Well, Serenity has so far raked in $10 million cool ones. Not bad far a somewhat limted release and a no name stars/decent budget film. It still needs to get to $70 million for the second film to get the green light? Will it make it. only time will tell. Serenity Box Office results
  22. Don't be such an a$$.
  23. Exo, Exo, as clueless as ever......tsk tsk. The next movie (if this ones brings in the money) will be a prequel that will showcase the whole staff. It will cover more of the war and develop the characters of Wash, Zoe, Kayless, book and Mal. Book's secrets will be revealed and we will se more of how the crew all came together after the war leading up to when River and Simon. In movies, nobody really dies when it comes to the almighty dollar. The one that I am waiting for is part 3 (if and 2 fly). Now that one will be a spectacle. Can you say reever home world and alliance vs rebel war part deux..... Just another reminder Exo, Texas is NOT in Canada, o.k.?................HEY!!! dumbass
  24. Dumbass???? You are the dumbass, you idiot. I did answer his question as best that I could. I noticed how you changed the topic after I made you look $tupid when you tried to get me with Summer Glau's home town. Now, don't you have a geography class to attend......or do you still think that Texas is in Canada? You Moron!!!! "High school, it's good to finish it people" 332596[/snapback] I didn't change anything dumbass... I added the quote... the best you could is never good enough! lol 332602[/snapback] Keep avoiding the issue, I understand. You are sorry and pathetic. 332613[/snapback] talking to yourself now? lol 332625[/snapback] That's right, keep hiding behind your $tupidity.
  25. Dumbass???? You are the dumbass, you idiot. I did answer his question as best that I could. I noticed how you changed the topic after I made you look $tupid when you tried to get me with Summer Glau's home town. Now, don't you have a geography class to attend......or do you still think that Texas is in Canada? You Moron!!!! "High school, it's good to finish it people" 332596[/snapback] I didn't change anything dumbass... I added the quote... the best you could is never good enough! lol 332602[/snapback] Keep avoiding the issue, I understand. You are sorry and pathetic.
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