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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. these prices are high but not THAT outrageous given how old some of those collectables are.
  2. Hey wait a minute. This custom bites massive chunks!!!!!!!! Hehehe............nice work man. Where do you get the time to build it. You are always glued to the T.V. playing Socom 2. ............. This fall, SOCOM 3 will see my return!!!!! How about you custom build a VE-1 next time because man, you need to stay away from the color Orange!!!!!!
  3. What? HG to grant BW and Yamato the rights to take the Macross universe and leave the shores of the land of the rising sun?!! NEVER!!!!!!! H.G. WILL FOREVER SUPRESS ALL INFIDELS AND INSTEAD CONTINUE TO MAKE THE VERY BEST IN TOYS AND OTHER RELATED MERCHANDISE. HG AND TOYNAMI ARE A FORCE NOT TO BE RECKONED WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I was referring to the two previously released bookends of course the new wbookend prices will vary and OBVIOUSLY be not as pricey as the others due to it's increased vloume run.
  5. I am completely speachless........
  6. screw this expensive, damaged and small piece of plastic. Wait until this fall and you can have a 1/55 scale Beta/Thread MPC for about $200.00 from the not so fine folks at Toynami. We know that the box will at least be cool. . Seriously, if they keep up the quality of the Alpha MPC's, then the Beta might be worth the hefty price tag. Hell, it will even connect to the Alpha/Legioss!!!!! ........hmmmm, I wonder how many Alha/Beta (Legioss/thread) "connecting" jokes there are out there.
  7. WHAT? You hate the boxes??!?!!!!?!!?!????????? The boxes ARE what the MPC collection is all about man!!!!!! ...not the content inside I always said that it's a $60.00 box with a $19.99 toy inside. Especially for the VF series. YIKES!!!!!!
  8. They will defenetly not drop in price but INCREASE in value due to their limited avalability. Just look at the other two previously released bookends. They sold for $150.00 a pop and are now going for at least $400.00. As for me being a Robotechie???????........Damn straight!!!!!!
  9. ROBOTECH - The New Generation Masterpiece Collection Bookend Set coming soon. Take a look and then decide whether or not you want to spend a pretty penny to pick up this finely detailed cold-cast porcelain sculpture from the fine floks at Robotech.com and Toynami. http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproductpreord.php?id=223
  10. yukikaze sucks.........yeah whatever And I suppose Macross Zero was awsome huh?
  11. WOW. yet another delay!!!! It was suppose to originally be concluded in December with volume 5. Then got deleyed until Feb, then March........and now yet another delay. I guess those boys over in the R.O.K. are buisy with the new Robotech series or something. Thanks Panon.
  12. I thought that the last chapter (#5) of the series was suppose to be released by now. I am referring to the japanese release, not the U.S. bandai release since that one is still on the first two episodes. Anybody have any updates???........did it get pushed back again???? If it was pushed back, then I hope it is worth it because I know of this Macross zero series that should have been deleyed and delayed, instead of giving us this rushed and poorly developed storyline. I am still trying to get over episode #5 where drugs had to have been involved. ANYWAYS, getting back on topic......anybody know anything?
  13. I personally hate the design ESPECIALLY in Battroid mode. It lloks like it's being held up with sticks. Just look at the waist. One .50cal bullet would rip it apart. Now, I am not bashing it (well kind of ......but with no ill-will intended) but I am more astonished as to why so many Macross fans just love the design and actually want it made into a transformable toy. Personally, i think it's the worse desing of a Macross mech ever. IMO, Kawamori was high when he designed this one, baby. Inquiring minds want to know.........NO REALLY!!!!!!!!
  14. Intresting. Since all of the sites I went to erased it from their pre-order or coming soon list, I thought it had been Axed, since the Konig came out of no whre soon after. Let's hope it still comes out. I want my Mac 2 monster (oops!!!! )
  15. In a post a few weeks ago, I asked what happened to the 1/60 scale Mk2 monster (from the Macross TV series) that Yamato was going to release last year. The general concensus was that Yamato scrapped the idea. Now I ask this........is there a conspiracy? Was the 1/60 MK2 monster scrapped in favor of the 1/100 scale VB-6 Konig? Did Yamato realize that the 1/60 scale Mk2 monster was just to big and too expensive of a toy to manufacture and did not relese it. I know a prototype existed because I saw pics here on MW.......and it was SWEEEEEEEEET!!!!! Anyhow, back to the conspiracy. Did Yamato kill the bulkier, bigger, non-transformable and more expensive (estimated +- $300.00) 1/60 scale Mk2 monster for the sleeker, smaller, transformable and less expensive ($150.00) 1/100 scale VB-6 Konig Monster? I lieu of the sudden dissapearance of the former, I believe that a conspiracy of Monstrous scale has transpired. I sure would have loved to have bought that big bad Mk2 monster. thoughts? .......hey, maybe Graham can give us some details since he is on a Yamato vengance crusade.
  16. Come on MW people. I am polishing my clubs, as we speak.
  17. Not sure where this goes but here is the deal........... The national directory of cell phone numbers is about to be published. Once this happens telemarketers will have access to your cell phone number! This will be even more annoying than the calls to your "regular" phone because in addition to being a disruption, these calls will also use your cellular minutes. If you wish to avoid this, register your cell number on the National Do Not Call list as soon as possible. You can do this by going on-line to http://www.donotcall.gov or by calling 888-382-1222 from the phone you wish to register.
  18. Exo, ALWAYS the pesimistic one.
  19. MGREXX

    Mac 2 monster

    sure..........EVERYBODY marks stuff up....BUT at least at franks, you get a decent price for your purchase.......ESPECIALLY if you wait for their ground (or should I say sea ) shipping freight to come in. The Ait freight shipments can get a bit pricey!!!!!!
  20. MGREXX

    Mac 2 monster

    Solution for high S/H on the 1/60 scale monster. Buy it from a store or a warehouse if you can. I am getting mine from Frank N sons.........if it ever comes out.
  21. MGREXX

    Mac 2 monster

    From What I recall: It was suppose to be 90% plastic and 10% metal. The cost was going o be around $250.00 I had a picture of it but it was an unpainted prototype. It was a big mother. I will look for it. btw, is the Yamato VF-0 suffering from the delay gremliin as well? It's well past summer.
  22. MGREXX

    Mac 2 monster

    Yes. I am referring to the original badasss Monster. The HWR-00-Mk II MONSTER. There was a 1/60 scale version due sometime this year. Here is sto hoping for a surprise spring surprise from Yamato..........
  23. MGREXX

    Mac 2 monster

    Does anybody know what ever happened to the 1/100 scale Mac 2 monster by Yamato? It was suppose to be out this year, no????? Was it cancelled in favor of the new 1/100 VB-6 Koenig or is it in stealth mode along with the YF-19FP.
  24. WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT? It's been out. I saw it last night w/subs. Should I spoil the ending??????????????.........hmmm.........naa!!!! SHIN DIES..............Just kidding!!!
  25. MODS, keep this one. I messed up the other ones. Move it if it does not belong here.
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