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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. I WANT MY 1/48 ARMOR!!!!!!!!!! (wallet starts crying)
  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Now that is DEDICATION
  3. A bunch of guys talking about big, hairy and sweaty men rubbing and touching each other. Okay!!
  4. Nice try at a lame ass April fools there bud.
  5. It's the soundtrack story on the main page.
  6. The joke is out and it's lame: http://www.robotech.com Every year for the past 5 years, the jokes have gotten stupider and stupider. The best was the 2nd year Aprl fools joke when the site went pink and Steve got fired . Ever since, they have SUCKED!!!!!!!!!! These guys shuld stop the bullshit and instead concentrate on making the new Robotech series kickass!!!!!!! Are there even any April fools jokes here? I have never seen any during my 4 years lurking here (including my two year ban )
  7. Revealed as a sith?? NO!!!!!!!! He WILL BE THE MAIN SITH LORD!!!!!!!!!! He will school the green hunchback of notre Dagobah in ROTS, which is why he was so Fu$@ed up in the original trilogy Jar jar........who knew!!!!!!
  8. Wes. Why are you also so angry and so negative. Just let the love flow man.
  9. So there will be a lot of sucking in this movie huh? Speaking of which, George Lucas needs to finally let loose and let Natalie Portman show us some more of that fine southern skin of hers. Personally, I think he this will be the best of the new trilogy but not as good as any of the originals.
  10. Do you feel that George will make this latest episode a hit or will in be 3 so-so movies in a row?
  11. Personally, this movie looks to psychodelic for my taste. Except for Jessica Alba. She looks hot in any form.
  12. Playing games on my PSP.......$$40.00 Watching movies....................$15.00 Listening to music...................$free surfing the net on my PSP........Priceless
  13. Don't even bother modding the slim PS2. It's a pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. They look like Macross shoes (VF-1S) but I don't think that they "really" are.
  15. M2 did give us the VF-2SS design. Now, that is one sexy valk.
  16. Yes, kawamori was involved in M7 but he was on crack so he is excused, just like when he was "cracking" when he came up with Macross Zero, especially since he overdosed on the last episode. Oh my GOD!!!!!!
  17. and soon to be in Jail.
  18. hehehe........I am sorry but that costume is just too much. That person should be body slammed and have a daedalus maneuver performed on him. Good cosplay is weird but bad cosplay is just plain WRONG........unless hot and sexy females wear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. New to me. Sweet!!!!!!!!
  20. Now he must decide to either go to be good (Robotech) or go to the darkside (Macross)
  21. M2 was DOA because of one main factor. The producers were trying to milk the franchise to make a quick buck so they went over mikimoto and avoided kawamori. End result is poop droppings.
  22. No competition. M7 is Hands down the worst. Too much singing, weird enemies and did I mention the damn singing!!!!!!!!!! M2 may not be official but at least I did not force myself tho watch it.
  23. Suck it up and buy them both. Sacrificed must be made.
  24. I say redesign the whole damn thing. It's just plain UGLY!!!!!!!!!.........especially in battroid mode!!!!!! I KNOW KAWAMORI WAS SMOKING CRACK!!!!!!!!! I say they make it look more look the Mig I-2000 ( Tactical Stealth Fighter ).
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