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Everything posted by MGREXX

  1. I just saw the latest trailer and T.V. spots and I must say that I am a bit more optimistic about the "force" in ROTS. hmm......maybe George is doing something about our rants and pleads afterall.
  2. I wonder...........Does George make the storyline so that little kids can understand it or does it just come out that way. The FX's are top notch. The vehicles and weapons are also kicka$$. The acting is O.K. The costumes are original. The overall SW universe is cool but why such a watered down plot in EVERY single movie. He must be aware or maybe just wants to "do it his way".
  3. Do you have an A.S., a B.S. and a Masters degree?............thought so. Now listen up and I will teach you something. LCD screens have been decreasing in price over the years do to efficient manufacturing techniques and an increase in sales over the last 3 years. They are getting cheaper and will continue to decrease in price. LCD monitors have for the first time this year, outsold CRT monitor and T.V. sales due to their convenience and size. An LCD's viewing angle is a problem WITH OLDER flat panel technology. Newer and decent LCD screens have a sharper image and WAY LESS of the viewing angle is lost. You get what you pay for. Sure DLP and DLP 2 are the new thing in rear projection T.V.s but they also have their negative aspects, namely their massive size and "rainbow effect" on some consumers. LCD monitor's have neither. The size of LCD screens vary from 2" displays up to 55". This seems like every size is covered.....unless you want to go "jumbotron" style, which is very uncommon. It is estimated that LCD screens will continue to outsell and outperforme all CRT, plasma, and DLT (2) screens in the next few years, making them the number 1 choice for both home and business use. You can take that to the bank Biotch!!!!! stil don't buy my 5 cents? Then let me prove my unbiased opinion and read this article: http://www.projectorcentral.com/lcd_dlp_update.htm (ring ring)..............School is over, so you may go home litle lady.....and remember to look into night classes to get ahead and loose your ignorance because there are more options that just having a H.S. diploma. I hope this was of some help Ladic.
  4. Get the Alphas. You can't get them anywhere else.
  5. And you are a dipshit who is ignorant of consumer electronic trends and the concept of supply and demand. Why not stop bashing me and go get your G.E.D. instead. A brain........it does a body good. Back to the topic, projections are no good. They are big, bulky and still have a sweet spot. I like watching my T.V. from any anwhere instead of being forced to watch it directly.
  6. MrDisco, Don't let some of the psychotic, disturbed and intellectually challenged members (not all) of MW piss you off. Some of them have issues and they know it. Instead of resorting to point and counter point discussions, they resort to primordial insults and name calling. If they confront you, just shooo them away, when you see them running around these boards and they will crawl back into their holes. You and I know that Robotech rules and that is a fact. They are just mad because Macross 7 sucked and Macross Zero went down in a ball of fire, yet the new Robotech series looks very promissing indeed. Now, at this point you MW purists (you know who you are) are probably steamming and will start accusing me of instigating $hit and starting trouble but it's not the case. I am simply stating my opinion without acting immature. I challenge you neanderthals to do the same. I guarantee you that I will win the bet because you can't control yourselves. Good day.
  7. This topic was not created to lurk for trouble. I just simply wanted to know what you MW guys would do if you had no more Macross. p.s. Exo, get a life. I am tired of you following me around everywhere I go and egging me, just wanting to piss me off. Thanks for showing how immature and vulgure you are, you idiot.
  8. What if you all stopped bitching and crying like little girls and let the love flow. Now that would be an awsome site indeed. Don't be so hateful because Robotech is on the up and Macross is dead. Every dog has his day.....and you should learn to accept things as they are. You say I bash but I say you do nothing but bitch. I accept Macross for what it is and you should accept Robotech for what it is or just STFU. This whole Macross vs Robotech thing has gotten so stupid and idiotic. Mod's, please close this thread. Thank you.
  9. What is Kawamori held a news conference tomorrow and declared that Macross and all of it's spin-offs was now the property of HG and that he was now a HG board member. The series would be swallowed into the Robotech universe and renamed. Robotech Robotech 2 Robotech plus Robotech 7 What would you do and where would you go instead of MacrossWorld?
  10. Would anybody consider "doing" a female chewbaca? "AWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"
  11. Yes. I must agree this is the stupidest thing H.G. has ever done. The U.N. is an evil organization full of crooks and self endulged corrupted poiltitians. Sure it's the same here in America but at least we don't screw with the world..........that much. They were created with good intentions in nind but have been worthless since the 70's. America is where the solutions are. Death to the U.N.!!!!!!!!!
  12. I say get a nice 45" HDTV LCD t.v. when they get cheap enough (within two years). They are big, yet flat as to not take up room. They are light as a feather compared to the other dead weight T.V.'s.
  13. I really needed to see that.
  14. I hope it's more like Armageddon and less like Pearl Harbor........what a slurm!!!!!
  15. It will most likely suck but it just might rock.......but it will most likely be a decent popcorn flick. Now as for a Robotech movie......now that is priceless
  16. So, the concensus is that most of you feel that episode 3 will be the best of the new trilogy? Intresting. How about the rumors that George is MAYBE considering another movie set after ROTJ....to wrap things up. He said that Episode 3 would be his last but we all know things change. One more movie (Episode 7)?????? I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I vote for Robotech....for the new millenia. Robotech: Shadow chronicles will once again bring Rootech into the lead.
  18. I am all for a second series, but Kawamori needs to stay away from the bong this time around.
  19. so...........since this is not officially Macross. Can it like be moved now?
  20. probably more like $30 nowadays.
  21. Now that is nice. Two books on my list for Comic Con. This one and mikimotos.
  22. looks good to me except for the engine compartment. IT should be longer.
  23. How about a swimsuit edition
  24. maybe the valk is "excited"
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