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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Higher resolution pics on the link below. Found it on the blog portion of the Evolution toys main site. http://s.ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12054929644.html Edit: not blog but Twitter section of the main site.
  2. I feel as if these images were digitally colored by Amiami seeing as they don't appear on the product images for HLJ and CDJapan. Besides the 2 new angles, the 3 other pics are just colored versions of the prototype pics shown in the introduction. Hopefully new product images pop up for the other retailers. Edit: Scratch that. AE just went up with those same poorly rendered images.
  3. Got the last one. It went out of stock after my order. I was one of the cancellations from that secure link bug. And oddly I just paid my Amiami 24840 about half an hour ago. Oh well.
  4. My order from the secure link got canned by HLJ this morning. Here goes my second attempt to grab the 19 now from Amiami. Fingers crossed it goes through. Thanks all!
  5. I got one using the link. Thanks!
  6. Advanced = latest version. I'm cool with that. At the very least it provides enough differences between the two figures to justify another purchase. I feel as if Bandai had it easier than Arcadia in this respect since they didn't have to be slavish to any line art. This particular fighter showed up for a couple seconds with fast packs and no other mode. Bandai could take whatever liberties in the design as long as it doesn't conflict with what we saw on screen (all 2 seconds of it).
  7. Go it. Prototype vs production. But the rear thrust vents on the VF-19F/P/S & Kai all match the YF's angle.
  8. Hey guys! I'm new at posting here. Not sure if this was mentioned already but I noticed the angles on the upper part of the shoulders are less prominent on the DX than on Arcadia's. The thrust vents on the back are also at a different angle. Still very excited to get my favorite Valk from two engineering standpoints.
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