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Kamjin 639

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Everything posted by Kamjin 639

  1. I didn't realise there were so many Macross fans around the Bay Area! If you guys are thinking about getting together before/after the concert at Yoshi's, let's get the discussion going here. There's the calm-minded IZAKAYA Lounge right around the corner at the Hotel Kabuki which is good for a drinkingly good time, so I'll put that as the first suggestion.
  2. Most of the "where to get" questions have been answered already, but if you're asking the same questions I asked when I first got into import gaming (on CD systems, heh heh) then maybe this can help. I know a lot of people who are into the flip-top stuff, but honestly, if you're considering playing import games, go for a modchip. It kinda sucks to ship your system out for a week or so and it makes some people jumpy to think that someone else might rip them off, but it's worth it to have the peace-of-mind to not have to have a fight with your system every time you want to play a non-local game. I had my PS2 modded a few years ago and not once have I had an issue with backup, import, local, or PS1 games of any kind. On the other hand, I've known a few guys who have wrecked their PS2 laser eyes swapping stuff.
  3. I've just got questions about taking a modern-day classic Japanese animation series and infusing it with a "feel" that was not there when it was originally made, thereby threatening how close the result will come in quality to the original.
  4. Wait...who gave them permission to make Wevangeliwon as lame as modern animé?
  5. What? Christopher Lambert isn't good enough anymore? I seriously sat-through that whole movie, going "There can be only one...Beowulf!"
  6. ありがとうぜ、マリ。 飯島真理とファイヤバンバーは一生にで歌いますか?その事は豪快だって! チケット売り切るは良くないぜ・・・  さ。 未来の時に、アメリカのマクロスのファンはコンサートを上げたいっス。 アニメエクスポ2008面白いっか? エディット: 日本青年館はシートを970回があって?まずいだろうー・・・ そして、マクロスのコンサートは大抵小さいっか?
  7. The added insinuation is that "would the importing company give the music the respect it deserves?"--and unfortunately, precedent doesn't stand well for affirming that idea. I still get shudders from Ishtar's English singing voice in Macross II, and Macross: Clash of the Bionoids pretty-much decided to cut-out half of the music instead. My opinion is that expecting this kind of treatment for a non-Japanese version of a Japanese production is flawed for two major reasons: 1) Japanese animation is exported and dubbed as a cheaper way for broadcasters (and now DVD sellers) to make money as an alternative to producing their own animated series. To expend more money than is necessary to get the job done is in direct conflict with this premise of "less work for the same money." 2) I might be just a purist on this one, but dubbing (in any form) removes the original soul of the series. Especially for something like Macross--where the music effectively is the soul of the series--to dub it out would not be acceptable even if it was good. For those reasons, were Macross or any other Japanese animation to have it's music dubbed-out--well, if it did happen, due to economic considerations--it wouldn't be the same. Did ADV redub the Macross opening and ending themes, as well as Lynn-Minmay's songs for their recently-released English dubbed versions?--I haven't seen it, nor do I know the answer, but I can take a wild guess and say 'no, they didn't,' and it's precisely for the reasons I listed above.
  8. I'm glad I can be a source of entertainment to one of the Administrators around here.
  9. Thank you for your advice. It's definitely a sound change from the ridicule people are enjoying effecting right now, and I appreciate it very much.
  10. That is correct. Freelance writing is a difficult field to work-in, especially for someone relatively new to the field. However, I do what I can. I'm doing my best not to be confused by the fact that, for some reason, you think I'm somehow bad because I'm not well-off financially. Why be so cruel?
  11. I didn't say it, man. It came from here... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22860 And he's totally right, too. :rolleyes:
  12. Didn't Max and Milia have a cake shaped like the Macross?--I'm not saying that it'd be used for a projectile or anything, but that would be really awesome if we could get something made like that. If I recall correctly, the main body, head, Dedalus and Prometheus, and the legs were actual cake whereas the arms were faux in the form of sticks or something.
  13. Indeed, you are correct that "a neutral face to face" would be a wonderful end to this whole incident. I'm very sorry if I offended you or made your job any harder with my comeback--I hope you can understand, I'm writing replies like every few minutes!--So know this for sure: If indeed I come to Macross World-Con and Tommy Yune (or another Harmony Gold-affiliated person) then be sure that I'm not going to do anything out of the ordinary. What happened at Anime Expo was not the start of some "war of physical aggression" against Harmony Gold; I would very much enjoy the opportunity to show that this is the truth.
  14. I was joking about the wedgie thing because Keith was joking about the wedgie thing. But seriously, I'm very happy to take you up on your invitation and am honoured by your generosity. Calling me an 'idiot' is over the line, but hey, if we're gonna go there, we can. I'd prefer not; there's no benefit in it. But if it's about "people here that just want to argue," then maybe the people who "just want to argue" should understand that they need to lay off for a while so I can get some sleep tonight? Only as long as it's a Jamming Birds backup-band guitar!
  15. Oh, I forgot. You guys are scared of pies. Now you're scared of wedgies, too. Man, you must've had some distressing events happen to you when you were younger. How about considering an appointment with a Realist? Yes, it is. And people are judged by their actions. Tommy Yune won't answer questions straight-forwardly, therefore he is either deceptive or unwilling to afford common respect to fans who look to him for insight or confirmation of the validity of loving the Robotech franchise into the future. Saying that something "is his choice" doesn't change the fact that he made the choice (over and over again) and is liable to be judged by it.
  16. Not a bad idea. Maybe at Macross World-Con?
  17. Like I've said NUMEROUS TIMES: I don't hate Tommy Yune. If he wanted to take a picture of the scene, I wasn't about to be a jerk and not allow him that indulgence. I got pictures, he got pictures. He looked to my camera, I looked to his camera. It was about mutual respect despite disagreement. I think that everyone fails to understand this premise or, alternatively, enjoys believing that there's some kind of blood-vengeance deal going-on between old-school Robotech fans and Tommy Yune. The guy might make some bad decisions, but he's still a human being and I'm still willing to be a gentleman about it. I pied him, sure, but I didn't slam it in his face with such fieroscity that it left a bruise or a scar; I also didn't use any other kind of "attack" which may have inflicted bodily harm. The entire purpose of the act was not to hurt Tommy Yune or his own conscience but to invoke self-reflection and hopefully give him something to finally realise that Robotech fans HAVE BEEN PUSHED to emotional extremes thanks to his and his partners' decisions on how to handle the franchise. I have also noted several times that it is his choice alone whether or not he wants to use this opportunity to do such a thing. There was no loss of conviction because there never was a desire to "whoop his ass." It was always about taking the next step from the dialogues which, to that point, had never been openly and believably respected. I did what I felt was right from beginning to end, achieved the goal I set-out to achieve, and let Steve Yun take the picture because, hell, if they want pictures to remember that it happened, it better helps the chances of their reflecting upon the incident and asking the intellectual question "What could have driven this to occur and why was I selected as the target?" Simple. EDIT ADDITION: *cough* Do you guys even read my posts?--I already addressed this question in my last post. Read it: Tommy Yune doesn't answer questions straight-forwardly, so the purpose of an interview is nullified by his own decisions. It's not a 'waste,' man. What is a waste is people repeating the questions already asked and answered because they're either a) too self-involved to consider what's already been said or b) too lazy to read.
  18. For the last time, Keith (because I've said it twice already): What irks the majority of non-Yune-aligned Robotech fans as well as myself is that they're unwilling to admit fault to anything. Barring outright 'bowing of heads to the ground many times over' after a big mess-up (and we've seen a few by now), they should at least be respectful enough toward the loyal fans to openly say that there's room for improvement ON THEIR END. In concession, I've heard Tommy Yune and company say a few times that they're willing to work on improving the next episode of Robotech, but c'mon, who doesn't say that?--It would be like Ford Motors coming-out and saying "Our previous car was awesome so on the next one we're really not gonna try to improve it." This kind of "faultlessness" flows through Tommy Yune and his posse's attitudes like a never-ending river of bravado. Again, were they willing to show that they know they themselves could improve, many fans would be less disinterested with their handling of Robotech. Unfortunately, everything points to the fact that they don't care what they do to Robotech as long as they have fun doing it. I would think that, given the chance to lead a new Macross series, any of the dedicated Macross fans here would think long and hard about how to make the series both worthy of the original series and new and exciting. Many of us don't get that from Mr. Yune; we tend to see his work as ecclectic as "Buster: The Amazing Bear" to "Speed Racer" and in turn, wonder if, without a willingness to say "I haven't quite got the right feel for Robotech yet," he's a good guy for the job. EDIT ADDITION: Actually, serious breaches in security resulted in my actions. It is if you're not a super-uptight security freak who feels that he needs guards and hired-help to protect him as he goes-through life. If you're afraid of pies, that's your phobia and you should probably see a psychiatrist so that you can safely walk through the bakery section of the supermarket without having a coma-inducing panic attack. However, if you're capable of looking at a pie and realising that, yeah, it's fluffy and it's soft like yo' momma's breasts, then you're still capable of laughing in "this day and age"--which is good, considering all the paranoid freaks out there who listen to the news and decide that it's not safe to step outside when it's sunny or drink diet cola or eat monosodium glutamate or vote using punch cards or walk on the street in the dark. It's funny. It's more funny now that you brought it up.
  19. Just because someone is "an overall good guy" and "doing his best" doesn't mean that I approve of what kind of "overall creative director" or "the things he's doing" is going-on. Let's respect diction a bit, shall we? Of course not. Anyone who's ever talked to Tommy Yune in-person with the potential to be recorded for posterity knows that he's a spin-master. I seem to recall how, at Anime Expo 2005, despite my direct insinuations, he shrugged-off the fan-debate over whether or not Marlene/Ariel's voice actress in the original series, Melanie MacQueen, would be reprising her role in The Shadow Chronicles. He turned a question by me this year from 'Would you please address the split that The Shadow Chronicles is causing in the fandom?' into 'Everyone loves Robotech' and 'There's always gonna be a split.' Anyone who's dealt with the guy knows that he never answers tough-questions straightforwardly. This interview, were it to be conducted as you suggest, would not have been any different, nor would it have revealed anything new. I hope that clears things-up. I realise it's hard--especially if one has never been to one of these things before--to envision what it's like to get the same answers all the time, but hell, it's true...almost a 'tradition' since Mr. Yune took the stage.
  20. I once "pied" a guy in my language class who said that pies weren't funny. We actually both had a great time, and when the school janitor showed-up (at the teacher's request) we told him to lay off and let us do the work. He thought it was actually quite admirable at how I would go through all the trouble to do such a thing, and we spent the clean-up time just jovially talking about how, sometimes, the simplest things work better than their more "advanced" counterparts. Really intelligent guy. It's funny how you brought that up, because I wonder where he is right now...
  21. Again, I realise the differences in this matter. What has happened, though, is that Harmony Gold effectively isn't just blocking-out Macross or Battletech, but blocking-out all chances for their own franchise, Robotech, to advance, save for an overly-cautious plan of "we're gonna make feature films and that's it." Doing it to others is commonplace in business (though not morally excusable) but c'mon, doing it to yourself? It has nothing to do with the quality of The Shadow Chronicles. It's all about being open and honest with the fans. Harmony Gold has refused to do this, despite numerous pleas from a devoted and heartfelt fandom. I may not like The Shadow Chronicles, personally, but I found enough decent material in it to make an alternate cut to the feature which I have openly offered to the public, so one can't logically believe that this entire event was motivated by some crazy fan over the basis of continuity conflict. It was about being human, humble, and willing to talk. Again, hopefully this can lead to something which all the talk of the past was never able to achieve.
  22. The irony is astounding, isn't it? Your reasoning is sound, and I am fully aware that the much-beleaguered Robotech franchise should be happy to gain a new series after so many years. The problem isn't that it happened, nor is it that The Shadow Chronicles was more-than-a-little bad, it is (and has been) in the methods of Harmony Gold as a whole with their handling of the Robotech franchise during the entire period in which The Shadow Chronicles was under production and to this date--that is to say, since around 2000. Macross fans have a long-standing dislike for Robotech and how Harmony Gold has repeatedly prevented Macross goods from reaching American (and other non-Japanese) soils, but supposedly, Harmony Gold protected this so as to advance the line of Robotech--their own original product. So while the feeling I am expressing may be 'duh, loser' to you, it's a relatively new thing to the Robotech community--namely, that Harmony Gold controls Robotech and effectively has chosen to neither advance Robotech nor Macross in a decent manner. Their "cleaning-up" of the admittedly convoluted Robotech chronology was admirable, but they effectively destroyed a whole lot of the franchise while replacing it with nothing. Their repeated delays for The Shadow Chronicles' release were always accompanied with stock phrases like 'quality assurance' and 'making it as good as possible' and when it was released and neither of those were apparent, they had no humility in admitting their shortcomings. Toys get announced but either never come-out or come-out and are overpriced as well as horribly made compared to the same toys/models released in Japan but restricted from being released here. Books get delayed without notice and without apology. Deals with companies--including distributors--are never inherent signs of progress. All of these things would be, I must say, forgivable as long as Harmony Gold would let their fans know what's going-on, but unfortunately, they never do, and it is this dishonesty and secrecy-for-the-sake-of-pride which brought me to this point several days ago, more than anything else. Every Robotech fan and his children know that Harmony Gold doesn't speak openly. Too many have politely asked, in the past, for them to change their ways and just tell the truth. (It's freakin' true. Robotech fans love their franchise so much that, even if it's a bad thing, we're not gonna go away. We love it; we have for years; people buy their crap even when all of the above is common knowledge.) I don't hold anything against Tommy Yune or his staff for the direction which they have chosen to take the Robotech continuity, as Robotech already has a million-and-a-half chronological conflicts; what I and many others resent is that, despite open criticism, they've never been willing to say "Okay. It wasn't perfect, or even near perfect, but we'll try to make it better in the next one." That I could accept and use it as a marking-point off of which to maintain the faith that the people now at Harmony Gold care more about making a good Robotech series than indulging themselves upon a power-driven joyride at the expense of my favourite science fiction series. Because they never listened to words, I decided to try something different. 'Extreme'?--Sure, I won't deny it. But at least it was different, and instead of beating a dead horse ("Talking it over like civilised men," when in fact, it has long been the people at Harmony Gold--save perhaps Tom Bateman--who made no pretenses of listening) I figured it was worth a shot. We'll see what happens next. Sincerely yours, Kamjin 639
  23. You guys and your agreements with these wussy interpretations of assault are funny as hell. Regardless of what my detractors might want to pretend, I'm not some monster who walks around, using my super x-ray heat-sensor lock-on technology to pie people in the face every 5.6 seconds. I'm certainly a civilised fan in how I conduct myself amongst others and this Tommy Yune incident should, of course, be looked-upon as an 'extreme' rather than a 'norm.' Doing a bit of investigation might help; anyone who's ever met me at a Robotech-related event could testify that I simply like to get-down into in-depth conversations and enjoy the atmosphere which can only be fully cultivated within a room full of people who love the same things, and so, I'd love to come. My ability to travel, however, is limited. While I would love to come to this year's Macross World-Con, the effort required for me to make it happen demands that there be a very specific reason to go. As I noted in my previous post, if Tommy Yune is going to be there and we can effectively use the convention as a mutual place of interest where we may settle our differences and openly discuss the topics-at-hand, then I would make every effort to see it happen. If Mr. Yune is unable, unwilling, or otherwise not going to attend, then I unfortunately cannot justify the interruption of my normal work/education routine, if you would please understand. I don't know if Mr. Yune is aware of what is going-on in this thread. If one of the organisers of Macross World-Con is able to reach him, then I humbly ask that you let him know how I feel about this potential for future engagement. I would be very much interested to see it happen. Sincerely yours, Khyron_Prime/Kamjin 639
  24. Again, I find it humourous that people will batty and moan about things all day long (and this is, according to your position, alright) and yet actually doing something to express it beyond the realm of words is not. I'm not trying to be mean, but seriously, anyone who thinks like that needs a serious ideal-check; bastardising action in this day and age--hell, ANY day and age--is bastardising the chance for advancement. I lay no claim to having accomplished anything, but at least I was willing to try something different. Many people just do the same things over and over again and frankly it's boring as hell. Let's get this straight: I didn't 'assault' Tommy Yune. I threw a pie in his face. If you believe that to be 'assault,' then you haven't been in too many fights in your lifetime, and need to seriously reconsider where the line between 'harmless' and 'damaging' is drawn. Harmony Gold might be good at covering things up, but I think that if Tommy Yune were rushed to the hospital, we'd have heard of it by now. I'm well aware of this fact by now, and in future interactions, I'll make sure not to hurt any of your delicate skins by inflicting major damage with pie-throwing. I may be tempted, however, to bring baby bottles to introduce to your mouths, just to ensure that you get your nutrition for the day. Sound advice. I believe I heard that Tommy Yune may be helping-out with Macross World-Con in some way, and I am willing to make the journey out to your guys' convention in order to have a public meeting with the man, should he be there. I've long wanted to indulge my 'other half' by visiting the Macross fandom, and this would be an opportune chance. If anyone knows what the deal between Mr. Yune and Macross World-Con is, then please let me know so we may be able to set something up. Sincerely yours, Khyron_Prime/Kamjin 639
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