I REALLY like the Masterpiece Prime (er...Convoy)
Have been debating preordering one but would like to see a painted specimen before I decide for sure...
The sculpt however is awesome
Ummm...let's see...
1/72 - 8
1/60 - 14
1/48 - 7 (heres hoping for a lot more releases)
I would like to thank Valk Exchange and Ebay for the above listed... B)
*edit - okay just read Graham's later post - as to how many I have bought...
1/72 - 10
1/60 - 15
1/48 - 9
edit complete*
I...I...(sorry, it's just so hard to...say)...I have no "buddies"...no friends...no family...not even a f***ing Penpal...what a miserable existance...whats wrong with me... B)
*edit - spelling - no wonder I'm a loser*
I've always wondered the same thing...perhaps only the "trainer" had this feature so they could tote the newbies back once they crashed their ride B)
...but I could also see how it could be useful on other VF variants...hmmm...
I've always thought this would be a cool feature for any valk release...often contemplated making a custom that would do that, just never got around to it...