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Everything posted by Manji

  1. Too cool...MegaMan rocks...or is it...Rockman megas...I'm confused (and always have been)...
  2. Man that looks good...Repainting my Unicron is on my project list (problem is I have a really big project list). You have however moved it up the list a bit with this post...Great work!
  3. That looks GREAT! I like that color scheme (or perhaps lack-of-color scheme) a lot. May have to build a second one like that - too cool! Great idea...
  4. If you go to the ToyboxDX link Drifand provided a few posts up and scroll down the page you will see a large assortment of vinyl figures a bunch (if not all) of the Macross ones are among them - check it out...
  5. Welll, Macross related would probably be my Toynami MPC VF-1J (just kidding)...My Low Vis 1/48 is really at the top of my list here lately, but all in all I love my Myersjessee recast GBP 1/55 armor sitting atop my reissue VF-1J...that thing is just beautiful...couldn't justify spending the cash on what a real one costs but after some paint and decal work...wouldn't trade my recast for the original... Non-Macross...hmmm...well...probably my 2 Megahouse Manji figures (I mean look at my name here, what did you expect)...
  6. Mac Zero for me...we know that Yamato will eventually do 'em...but I'm thinkin I want 1/48 scale... B)
  7. Manji

    Mao Nome

    What worries me is she is still wearing the same clothes...for God's sake have the "island seamtress" work something new out for ya...pay her with nuts and berries or something...but, then again, if the dress can accomadate that range of growth...well...perhaps it's a "keeper"...spandex maybe? (i dunno)
  8. Wow...the Elint one is really cool...
  9. I don't know man...it was pretty bad
  10. GBP please...
  11. I'd be down for recasts of fighter and battroid
  12. I'm just happy to hear thet the 1/60 Monster hasn't been forgotten...
  13. Great pics man!!! Thanks! Wish I could pull off photos like those...
  14. The prototype Elint looked a LOT better as far as where the dish sat above the head...looks like they changed the design of the dish attachment or something...oh well still pretty excited about these releases...
  15. Man...Thanks for the pictures and quick write up - TOO COOL!
  16. AMEN Sorry for ya Vostok...but all in all it coulda been a lot worse...good luck w/ the repairs...
  17. Manji

    I got them today....

    Thanks for the pics...
  18. Manji

    I got them today....

    unfortunately it cannot be converted to a normal valk due to the non-removable radar attachment Man...that is just so incredibly lame...oh well, I guess I should have suspected some sort of "issues" with it...
  19. Man, that turned out really cool...I'm keeping the splotches on mine but it does look much better without them
  20. Manji

    I got them today....

    I've been waiting for these releases for a long time now (yeah, I know I'm not the only one)...glad they are finally out... Now the wait for them to show up at my door...
  21. Actually, the first time I ever saw that eva weapon, my first thought was Karasawa! Yup...me too (the two do have very similar styling)...
  22. Drifand...welcome to the "Wonderful Clear Canopy World" that is Future floor polish...just be warned, it is great for model canopies but don't ever try it on your floors (oddly it's intended purpose)...
  23. What the hell? I wanted some "witty" follow-up to that statement...but...I'm just appalled that actually got released... Masterpiece Prime is lookin' better and better...
  24. Okay...as promised stopped on my way home and grabbed a copy of "Silent Line"...hauled my mechs from AC3 into it and...10 missions later (so far) TOO COOL...question - if you didn't import data from the last game are the Karasawa and Moonlight available at some point? I imported my AC3 game (in which I already had 'em) so I dunno but am curious...It wouldn't be Armored Core without them... *edit - spelling and added stuff* - Manji
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