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Everything posted by Manji

  1. Awesome work (as expected)...good luck painting those tiny little Valks...looked nightmarish to me, but I am guessing you can pull it off
  2. hey wm cheng sent you a PM
  3. that is too cool...can't wait to get my hands on a recast (someday)...
  4. Add to your "customizing collection of tools" Bulldog Adhesion promoter...available in any auto parts store...works great on diecast...it will even allow you to get reliable results on chrome, so diecast (particularly roughed up with sanding as you described) will be a snap...I've used it on everything from resin to chrome and bare metals...it works great...
  5. My pick would be a VF-1D also...Oh well... As far as the choices go...DYRL Kakizake (c'mon give the guy some love...it would be pretty bad if Toynami could go on record as being the only company to produce a Kakizake <_< ) *edit - spelling*
  6. As with all your stuff...TOO COOL!
  7. THAT is funny...glad it makes ya smile
  8. Manji

    Yamato's Display Arm

    Wow that looks pretty cool...will mmake a nice addition to my Yammie display...
  9. Manji

    Rubber tires

    Yes, rubber tires are included...and I must say...BUY A 1/48...you won't be disappointed...trust me... B)
  10. Yup...that's my vote...spare my poor shelving...
  11. It's all about showin' off the potential between the legs to Misa... B) "Yeah, if I HAVE to I can whip out my gunpod..."
  12. Awesome pics...thanks for the "heads up" Yoshi...
  13. I'm surprised, with all the love I hear on this board for the Cannon Fodder it has received so few votes...expected it (them in this case) to have done better... *edit - spelling*
  14. Okay, my thinking is that with the release of the VT-1 and VE-1 Yamato is more or less finished with the 1/60 VF-1 line...so, lets look back...which of the above captured your heart the most...just curious... For me it would be the VF-1D. I never even really cared for this variant, but upon receiving it really grew a fondness for it...second to that would probably be the...oh wait...the rules are choose only one B) I had to group the two different releases of the VF-1S and the Cannon Fodder into one group to keep the choices at 10...sorry...and if I forgot any, sorry for that as well... If this has already been done and I somehow missed it - Mods feel free to delete this poll, torture, publicly humiliate me, or whatever...
  15. Manji

    Hello all....

    Welcome aboard!!! Watch yourself though it just goes downhill from here for your finances... B)
  16. Agreed...Yamato's boxes look very nice but do definately fall on the "flimsy" side...if they could just toughen them up a little bit they would be perfect. As far as size goes I think for the 1/48 line the size is appropriate...the Elintseeker and Super Ostrich boxes were rediculously big though - it made the Valk inside look really small with all kinds of space around it.
  17. Yeah, it is nice to see ya back...and that picture is pretty entertaining...MORE...MORE...
  18. Wow thats pretty cool, would love to have a larger version of that without the text as a desktop...
  19. Nice work man...I envy you folks with skills...I could never imagine that someone could pull that off with a 1/55...amazing
  20. Manji


    Fast packs for me
  21. Someone has WAY too much time on their hands... Pretty cool man...Thanks
  22. I agree with your concern on this, but at the same time I see recasting as a "last resort" due to availability issues...if Chris can't be contacted or is not producing this any longer I would say go for it (it would be very different he he was still activly recasting these)...if I was in his situation I do not think I would be upset that you would do this, but that's just me (I'm pretty laid back)... That said I as well as many other Macrossworlders would love to get my hands on a recast one so keep us informed...
  23. Already been posted here: www.macrossworld.com/mwf...
  24. Wow that is a nice custom job...granted its more or less just a bit of repainting, still it turned out very well...
  25. Manji

    It's official!!!

    Yup...same problem here... Had to part with a few spare 1/48s a little while back...my giant closet of MIB stuff is just too full... I am also in desperate need of more display shelves for my out of box stuff I don't think I can fit ANYTHING else on the display shelves I have in their current state... Not sure what to do...I can't bring myself to store them off site as I am not comfortable with not being able to regulate the environment that they are stored in (the MIB stuff that is), the loose stuff I wrote off as soon as I opened them for display as I am a smoker and plastic doesn't particularly like smokers (actually it seems most people anymore don't care much for smokers either)...
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