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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Awesome work (as expected)...good luck painting those tiny little Valks...looked nightmarish to me, but I am guessing you can pull it off
  2. hey wm cheng sent you a PM
  3. that is too cool...can't wait to get my hands on a recast (someday)...
  4. Add to your "customizing collection of tools" Bulldog Adhesion promoter...available in any auto parts store...works great on diecast...it will even allow you to get reliable results on chrome, so diecast (particularly roughed up with sanding as you described) will be a snap...I've used it on everything from resin to chrome and bare metals...it works great...
  5. My pick would be a VF-1D also...Oh well... As far as the choices go...DYRL Kakizake (c'mon give the guy some love...it would be pretty bad if Toynami could go on record as being the only company to produce a Kakizake <_< ) *edit - spelling*
  6. As with all your stuff...TOO COOL!
  7. THAT is funny...glad it makes ya smile
  8. Manji

    Yamato's Display Arm

    Wow that looks pretty cool...will mmake a nice addition to my Yammie display...
  9. Manji

    Rubber tires

    Yes, rubber tires are included...and I must say...BUY A 1/48...you won't be disappointed...trust me... B)
  10. Yup...that's my vote...spare my poor shelving...
  11. It's all about showin' off the potential between the legs to Misa... B) "Yeah, if I HAVE to I can whip out my gunpod..."
  12. Awesome pics...thanks for the "heads up" Yoshi...
  13. I'm surprised, with all the love I hear on this board for the Cannon Fodder it has received so few votes...expected it (them in this case) to have done better... *edit - spelling*
  14. Okay, my thinking is that with the release of the VT-1 and VE-1 Yamato is more or less finished with the 1/60 VF-1 line...so, lets look back...which of the above captured your heart the most...just curious... For me it would be the VF-1D. I never even really cared for this variant, but upon receiving it really grew a fondness for it...second to that would probably be the...oh wait...the rules are choose only one B) I had to group the two different releases of the VF-1S and the Cannon Fodder into one group to keep the choices at 10...sorry...and if I forgot any, sorry for that as well... If this has already been done and I somehow missed it - Mods feel free to delete this poll, torture, publicly humiliate me, or whatever...
  15. Manji

    Hello all....

    Welcome aboard!!! Watch yourself though it just goes downhill from here for your finances... B)
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