Okay, my thinking is that with the release of the VT-1 and VE-1 Yamato is more or less finished with the 1/60 VF-1 line...so, lets look back...which of the above captured your heart the most...just curious...
For me it would be the VF-1D. I never even really cared for this variant, but upon receiving it really grew a fondness for it...second to that would probably be the...oh wait...the rules are choose only one B)
I had to group the two different releases of the VF-1S and the Cannon Fodder into one group to keep the choices at 10...sorry...and if I forgot any, sorry for that as well...
If this has already been done and I somehow missed it - Mods feel free to delete this poll, torture, publicly humiliate me, or whatever...