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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. Pictures of the AF-03C Conbat from Mospeada.
  2. Please read this
  3. ADV has a trailer up for Macross, along with some reviews. the trailer can be found on this page
  4. Macross dub reviews are in. Go Here And here
  5. The extras on the ADV Macross dub Here Interesting, it looks like we will hear the original HG attempt to dub Macross for the first episode included in this release.
  6. The Episode 1 clips are Here
  7. I was going to get this, but I am not impressed at all. Maybe the RT voice actors aren't that bad, at least compared to this I will wait to hear more before I make a firm decision.
  8. Interesting news about HG Link "Corriere della Sera reported on Thursday that prosecutors had this week frozen some 100 million euros in Swiss accounts of one of the accused, producer Farouk Agama, in the largest international seizure to date by Italian authorities". According to the main media outlets in Italy that have been covering this high profile case since early this year, this Farouk Agrama is also known as "Frank" Agrama, head of Harmony Gold, mentioned by the Corriere newsaper as "produttore cinematografico californiano di origine egiziana Farouk 'Frank' Agrama" ("Californian movie producer of egyptian origin Farouk 'Frank' Agrama"). Agrama is also referred to by this daily as "'socio occulto' di Silvio Berlusconi" ("Berlusconi's 'hidden partner'").
  9. I believe they've said 6 eps a disk is the target. Not sure, though. 347286[/snapback] I heard somewhere that it is going to be a 7 disc set. The first disc having 6 episodes, then the other 6 having 5 eps per disc. I'm worried at ADV problems with these. My RT discs played fine for a long time, I recently played a couple of them and they aren't playing properly anymore. Still I will pick up the first disc to make a judgement if I will continue to buy anymore.
  10. The ones JBO is showing have the extra discs, so you will pay a little more for these. The discs are the same as the ones I pointed out, just they have the bonus disc per pack.
  11. The 3 sets here. The ones at the top of the page. They are exactly like the TV episodes from 1985. They haven't been remastered, but have all the original sounds.
  12. The new Robotech DVD's are garbage. They changed a lot of the sound effects from the original series. The ADV sets for Mospeada and SDC Southern Cross are not bad, but I can't recommend the RT remastered stuff they are selling. As for Macross if you can wait, I would look into the new set coming out in January from ADV.
  13. Here is a good one, and this site
  14. How about this - I think I have all the Zero lineart.
  15. I want this Its a 1J, but it is a credit card exclusive.
  16. I have "Plundering Fleet" on pdf, I don't see any pics in it though.
  17. Love, Live, Alive was available on imacrossvii if I remember correctly, but I can't get into the site anymore. Glad I got it when I did. MOSPEADA is awesome, I liked New Gen., but MOSPEADA blows it away. I hated Dusty Ayres in RT, but Rainy Boy is much better done, that whole episode is screwed in RT.
  18. Maistroff is a high ranking officer aboard the Macross. Robotech refers to him as a Colonel, I don't remember if his rank is ever given in SDF Macross.
  19. Animation error, they are not supposed to be in that shot in space pre-fold. Daedalus and Prometheus are caught in the fold on Earth and linked up with the Macross near Pluto. I Believe they link up in Episode 4.
  20. Yes it is - Richard Epcar who will be voicing Vince Grant in RT-Shadow Chronicles. That is Greg Snegoff - he also did Scott Bernard in Robotech.
  21. Double Post, see next.
  22. I can't believe they kept these designs for the around. This does not look good for the DVD. If the sentinels are in it, it won't sell. They look comical, who thinks they were a good idea. HG just has to use everything no matter how stupid. There isn't any creativity at all with anything they do. I can guarantee there will be no new mecha in the DVD, just rehashes of everything from before.
  23. 2 of the really great aliens from the sentinels
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