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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. I am angry at myself for even buying the ADV dub. It is beyond suck, The only saving grace is that Mari Iijima is in it, but every thing else is terrible. I swear the choice in words that ADV used is the worst possible. I could not believe that I heard the words metro-sexual and poindexter used in the same episode. The sound effects for the most part are pulled directly from GI JOE. I could go on and on.
  2. Some images from the site.
  3. valk1j

    Graham's Sig

    Picture to show how it collapses.
  4. The reviews are getting better. It is now certified fresh on rottentomatoes.com with a 77% rating.
  5. These pics really show how good the Bandai Macross 7 series valks could have been with just a few more tweaks to the toy. The Bandai VF-19 doesn't look half bad in battroid mode compared to the Yamato, the fighter mode is terrible and shouldn't be placed so close to the Yamato for fear that its ugliness might rub off.
  6. Nice work. I like the VA that you have for Minmay, she really fits the role well. I can't wait to see this complete.
  7. The reviews so far have been fairly positive. Click Me
  8. I've GM'ed 2 Macross RPG's. The first one took place around 2020, and included VF-1, VF-4, and VF-5000. It was based around a Megaroad colony ship looking for a world to settle. The characters ran into an enemy during this journey and had to use diplomacy, fighting and a little bit of singing to get through it. There was a love triangle too. It ran for about a year of about once a week meetings. The second RPG is on hiatus, and takes place around 2045 on a colony planet. The characters had been dealing with a pirate group who were well armed. That has come to a conclusion and I don't want to say to much about the rest of my plans, as a member here is part of the game. The characters started out in VF-1X's, then to VF-4's, then went into a special ops squad flying VF-11's. I use the d20 system. Pulling ideas from d20 Star Wars, d20 mecha, and d20 modern. I then came up with some of my own rules to fix some of the problems we ran into during combat. I do have some ideas to start a Macross Zero based game after this one is over.
  9. The ghost from episode 3 I believe.
  10. I wonder how this will effect Harmony Gold. Read Me
  11. UMM-7 cutaway.
  12. Nice, you may not like the YF-19 very much but I like it a lot. Great to see this thing with the gunpod. I look forward to seeing color pics in the future and of different modes
  13. Hard to say if it is or isn't. I have never seen lineart of the 5000B with a gunpod.
  14. Found a pic, but its small.
  15. Love the work on the 5000, but I wonder how it would look with the 5000G gunpod.
  16. There is lineart out there for the B-19A pallets, if I remember correctly they hold 4 missiles in each pallet (leg). If someone has it, I would greatly appreciate seeing this lineart again, as I have seemed to lost the pic from my harddrive.
  17. the White Drew Carey's artwork: Link
  18. This one?
  19. I put Nanashi's logo back in. I will remove the image in a few days.
  20. That worked better. Did a little bit of clean up to the image.
  21. I had it saved as an .mht file. So I had to re-save it as an .html. The image showed up as a .tmp file which i then opened with paint and re-saved it as a .jpg. It lost a little resolution though.
  22. I'll see if I can clean it up a little. But here it is. Edit: Cleaned up a little.
  23. I have it, but I can not pull the image from the page that I saved. Nanashi had a thing about saving images from his site.
  24. The Best Buy near me is no longer carrying Macross. They only got one of Vol. 4 and a friend of mine picked it up. I called to see if they were getting more in and was told it was discontinued. I went there to see if Vol. 5 was in and nothing on the shelf, so I ordered it someplace else. Looks like Best Buy is only selling it online.
  25. I've been hearing November.
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